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3、效力。5.3本合同未尽事宜,双方可另行协商处理。甲方(盖章):_签署日期:_乙方(盖章):_签署日期:_商标使用许可合同(一)English:Party A: _ CompanyAddress: _Legal Representative: _Phone Number: _Party B: _ CompanyAddress: _Legal Representative: _Phone Number: _Whereas Party A is a company legally holding the trademark rights, in order to better utilize the

4、 trademark resources, Party A and Party B have reached the following contract through friendly negotiation:Article 1 Contract Content1.1 Party A agrees to grant Party B the right to use the trademark it holds (Trademark Name: _) in its production and sales business.1.2 The trademark usage period is

5、_ years, from _ to _.1.3 The scope of authorized use of the trademark includes but is not limited to: marking the trademark on products, advertising promotion, packaging design, etc.1.4 Party B shall ensure that the product quality meets the relevant standards and maintains the reputation of the tra

6、demark during the trademark usage period.1.5 Party B shall pay the authorization fee for the right to use the trademark to Party A, and the fee standard is _.Article 2 Ownership of Trademark Rights2.1 The registration rights of the trademark still belong to Party A, and Party B only obtains the righ

7、t to use the trademark.2.2 Without the permission of Party A, Party B shall not authorize the trademark to be used by a third party.Article 3 Protection of Intellectual Property Rights3.1 If either Party finds that the other Party infringes its intellectual property rights during the performance of

8、this contract, it shall immediately notify the other Party and negotiate to resolve it.3.2 Without the consent of the other Party, neither Party shall disclose intellectual property information related to this contract to a third party.Article 4 Breach of Contract Liability4.1 The Party violating an

9、y terms of this contract shall bear the corresponding breach of contract liability and compensate the other Party for the losses caused thereby.4.2 If either Party fails to pay the trademark usage authorization fee on time, a penalty of 20% of the overdue unpaid amount shall be paid.Article 5 Other

10、Agreements5.1 This contract shall take effect from the date of signature by both Parties until the expiration of the contract period.5.2 This contract is made in duplicate, with each Party holding one copy, and has the same legal effect.5.3 Matters not covered by this contract shall be negotiated by

11、 both Parties separately.Party A (Seal): _Date of Signature: _Party B (Seal): _Date of Signature: _商标使用许可合同范本(二)中文:甲方:_公司地址:_法定代表人:_电话:_乙方:_公司地址:_法定代表人:_电话:_鉴于甲方拥有商标(商标名称:_)的合法权益,甲、乙双方经协商一致,达成以下商标使用许可合同:第一条授权内容1.1甲方同意将其持有的商标授权给乙方,在其生产、销售业务中合法使用。1.2商标的使用期限为_年,自_年_月_日起至_年_月_日止。1.3商标使用范围包括但不限于:商标在产品上的标


13、。第五条其他约定5.1本合同自双方签章生效,至合同期满终止。5.2本合同一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,具有同等效力。5.3本合同未尽事宜,双方可重新协商处理。甲方(盖章):_签署日期:_乙方(盖章):_签署日期:_商标使用许可合同(二)English:Party A: _ CompanyAddress: _Legal Representative: _Phone Number: _Party B: _ CompanyAddress: _Legal Representative: _Phone Number: _Whereas Party A owns the legal rights to t

14、he trademark (Trademark Name: _), Party A and Party B have reached the following trademark usage license agreement through negotiation:Article 1 Authorization Content1.1 Party A agrees to authorize Party B to lawfully use the trademark it holds in its production and sales business.1.2 The trademark

15、usage period is _ years, from _ to _.1.3 The scope of trademark usage includes but is not limited to: marking the trademark on products, advertising promotion, product packaging, etc.1.4 Party B shall ensure that the product quality meets the standards, maintain the reputation of the trademark, and

16、ensure that the trademark is not damaged.1.5 Party B shall pay the trademark authorization fee as agreed, and the fee standard is _.Article 2 Ownership of Trademark Rights2.1 The registration rights of the trademark still belong to Party A, and Party B only obtains the right to use the trademark.2.2

17、 Without written consent from Party A, Party B shall not transfer the right to use the trademark to a third party.Article 3 Protection of Intellectual Property Rights3.1 If either Party finds that the other Party infringes its intellectual property rights during the performance of the contract, it s

18、hall promptly notify the other Party and negotiate for a resolution.3.2 Without the consent of the other Party, either Party shall not disclose intellectual property information related to this contract to a third party.Article 4 Breach of Contract Liability4.1 Either Party in violation of the contr

19、act terms shall be liable for the corresponding breach of contract and compensate the other Party for the losses.4.2 If the trademark authorization fee is not paid on time, a penalty of 20% of the outstanding amount shall be paid.Article 5 Other Agreements5.1 This contract shall take effect from the

20、 date of dual seal signatures until the expiration of the contract period.5.2 This contract is made in duplicate, with each Party holding one copy, and has equal legal effect.5.3 Matters not addressed in this contract may be renegotiated by both Parties.Party A (Seal): _Date of Signature: _Party B (

21、Seal): _Date of Signature: _商标使用许可合同范本(三)中文:甲方:_公司地址:_法定代表人:_联系电话:_乙方:_公司地址:_法定代表人:_联系电话:_甲、乙双方就商标使用许可事宜达成如下协议:第一条合同目的1.1甲方同意将其持有的商标(商标名称:_)授权给乙方,在其销售业务中使用。1.2商标使用期限为_年,自_年_月_日始至_年_月_日止。第二条使用范围2.1商标授权使用范围包括:在产品上的标识、广告、促销、包装等使用。2.2乙方应当保证商标的质量、声誉在授权期间得以维护,如产品存在质量问题,应立即停止使用商标并通知甲方。第三条使用费用3.1乙方应向甲方支付商标使


23、rty A: _ CompanyAddress: _Legal Representative: _Contact Number: _Party B: _ CompanyAddress: _Legal Representative: _Contact Number: _Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement regarding trademark usage license:Article 1 Contract Purpose1.1 Party A agrees to authorize Party B to use th

24、e trademark it holds (Trademark Name: _) in its sales business.1.2 The trademark usage period is _ years, starting from _ to _.Article 2 Scope of Usage2.1 The scope of authorized use of the trademark includes: marking on products, advertising, promotion, packaging, etc.2.2 Party B shall ensure that

25、the quality and reputation of the trademark are maintained during the authorization period. If there are quality issues with the products, Party B shall immediately stop using the trademark and notify Party A.Article 3 Usage Fee3.1 Party B shall pay the trademark usage authorization fee to Party A,

26、and the fee standard is _.3.2 The trademark usage fee shall be paid to the designated account before the _ of each year.Article 4 Protection of Intellectual Property Rights4.1 If either Party finds that the other Party infringes its intellectual property rights during the contract period, it shall p

27、romptly notify and negotiate for a solution.4.2 Without the consent of the other Party, either Party shall not disclose intellectual property information related to this contract to a third party.Article 5 Breach of Contract Liability5.1 Either Party violating this contract shall bear breach of cont

28、ract liability and compensate for the losses caused to the other Party.5.2 If the trademark usage fee is not paid on time, a penalty of 20% of the outstanding amount shall be paid.Article 6 Other Matters6.1 Matters not addressed in this contract shall be resolved through negotiation between Party A and Party B.6.2 This contract shall take effect from the date of dual seal signatures until the expiration of the contract period.Party A (Seal): _Date of Signature: _Party B (Seal):

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