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1、 !#$%&()*&+,-./0123&456789Research on green power consumption certification mechanism and virtual power plant based on energy flexible buildings !#$%&()*+,-./0!#$%&()*+,-./01 123232 22 2 44 5353 661 1Shenzhen Institute of Building Research co.,Ltd October,2022 1 !在碳中和、碳达峰的背景下,建筑领域和电力领域都面临着转型的压力。在建筑领


3、透会到来灵活性资源的紧缺,建筑中的空调、热水、充电桩等可调节负荷是未来可挖掘的用户侧灵活性资源。柔性用电可以促进建筑和电网的携手低碳发展。本项目围绕着通过柔性用电促进建筑和电网携手低碳发展的主题,结合虚拟电厂的发展现状,对基于柔性用电的虚拟电厂模式和绿电消费认证机制开展研究,分析了虚拟电厂在实现建筑与电网互动中的作用,比较了建筑柔性负荷的优劣势,指出了建筑虚拟电厂脱“虚”向“实”的发展方向,开展了建筑负荷调节能力的测试分析,提出了绿电消费认证机制的建议。本项目于 2021 年 11 月在能源基金会立项,执行期 1 年,于 2022 年 10 月结题。项目研究工作得到了深圳供电局有限公司、中国建

4、筑节能协会等合作机构的支持,得到了来自建筑和电力两个行业的专家学者的鼓励和帮助。项目研究成果支撑了直流联盟年度报告 携手零碳建筑节能与新型电力系统 的出版、深圳市零碳建筑评价标准的立项、南方电网科技项目面向大规模可再生能源消纳的城市建筑与电网互动关键技术研究与应用和电网友好型零碳建筑关键技术研究和集成应用的开展。2#$%&#$%&n 建筑和电网如何携手低碳发展?建筑和电网如何携手低碳发展?-建筑建筑需要在节能的基础上进一步减碳需要在节能的基础上进一步减碳。建筑领域正在从能耗“双控”向碳排放总量和强度“双控”转变,低碳发展成为新的发展方向。电力是建筑能源消耗的主要形式,其在建筑终端用能中的占比已

5、经接近 50%。为了实现建筑运行的低碳化,需要提高绿电消费比例,降低建筑电力碳排放。然而,城市高容积率、高负荷密度特征决定了城市建筑周边的可再生能源非常有限,再叠加城市经济快速发展导致的用能需求增长势头,大多数城市建筑无法依靠自身节能和屋顶光伏实现碳平衡。在节能基础上,建筑如何进一步减碳是城市低碳发展面临的问题。-风光并网趋势下风光并网趋势下电网电网调峰需求日益增长调峰需求日益增长。当前,电网面临 100 小时的负荷尖峰问题。2021 年夏季,全国多地经历了持续高温天气,空调使用需求激增,叠加疫情后工业生产复苏,多地用电负荷也创下了历史新高,很多地区都出现了电力供需偏紧的现象,不得不通过有序用

6、电来保障电力供给平衡,甚至拉闸限电的极端措施也时有发生,对工业生产、居民生活都带来了困扰。未来,电网调峰需求进一步增长。随着风光电并网规模的增加,电力紧张和电力盈余往往会以天为周期甚至更短时间为周期反复出现。电力系统的调峰需求不再局限于 100 小时的负荷尖峰,而可能随机广泛分布在全年 8760 小时。电力系统需要大量调峰和储能设施,能够在风光出力偏小的时候填补电力缺口,在风光出力偏大的时候储存过剩电力。电网调峰需求的增长为灵活性资源的发展创造了机会。-柔性用电柔性用电成为成为建筑和电网建筑和电网携手低碳携手低碳的契合点的契合点。从建筑角度看,如果局限在红线内对建筑能源系统做优化,有限的资源和

7、高昂的储能成本使得碳中和目标难以实现。利用电网连接丰富零碳电力资源、获取更可靠的电力供应保障,建筑领域能够以更低成本的方式减碳。从电网角度看,建筑中的空调、热水、充电桩等可调节负荷是潜力巨大的灵活性资源。挖掘建筑中的灵活性资源有助于解决日益增长的调峰需求,促进风光等波动性可再生电源的发展。建筑基于柔性用电为电网提供大量低成本的调3 节资源,以帮助电网解决调峰问题;相应地,电网给建筑提供更高比例的绿色电力,以帮助建筑实现电气化和低碳化。以柔性用电为契合点,建筑领域和电力领域可以携手低碳发展。-建筑建筑节能的思维转变:节能的思维转变:能效和灵活性的双提升。能效和灵活性的双提升。基于柔性用电的建筑和

8、电网携手低碳的模式改变了建筑节能的传统思维。以前,建筑节能关注总电量的减少,不同时间节电没有区别;未来,电力市场和绿电交易市场将帮助人们发现不同时间用电的经济成本差异和绿电占比差异,即使同样节省一度电,但是因为发生时间不同而产生不同的经济效益和减碳效益。在峰谷电价差 4 倍以上的地区,节约高峰时期一度电的效益比节约低谷时期四度电的效益还多。能源效率将不再是唯一的节能指标,可调节能力也将得到重视。图 I 基于柔性用电的建筑与电网携手低碳模式 n 虚拟电厂实现建筑与电网的柔性互动虚拟电厂实现建筑与电网的柔性互动-建筑负荷应该先聚集,再与电网进行交互。建筑负荷应该先聚集,再与电网进行交互。首先,由于

9、管理需要,电力系统发布的调节产品类型,无论是需求响应、可中断负荷、一次调频、二次调频、还是调峰等,都有最低容量要求和调节性能要求。建筑可调节负荷的体量小且不确定性大,需要通过负荷聚集满足准入条件。其次,建筑用户在电力交易方面的专业能力不足,需要中介为其提供能力评估、接入方案、改造建议、调控策略等专业性的咨询服务和技术支持。中介与电力用户之间可以签署简单的零售合同,使建筑用户不用直接面对各4 类复杂的电力市场交易规则。-用虚拟电厂实现用虚拟电厂实现灵活灵活资源聚合。资源聚合。虚拟电厂是一种能源电力的创新商业模式,可以实现分布式发电、储能和可调节负荷等电力灵活资源的聚合与调度,为了电网调峰开辟了新



12、储能设备,其施工成本、并网成本、运输成本、管理成本都比在城市中规划建设调峰电站和储能电站更具优势。-建筑柔性负荷参与电力市场的问题建筑柔性负荷参与电力市场的问题。第一,建筑负荷主要适合解决日内的调峰问题,建筑负荷基本没有跨周的和季节性的储能能力。第二,建筑负荷的调节能力和调节成本不清晰。建筑设备种类繁多、运行规律多样、人行为复杂。建筑用户和负荷聚集商对建筑柔性负荷的调节能力和5 调节成本缺少定量评价,导致建筑柔性负荷参与电力调节的经济性无法判断。第三,用户对新技术不理解。建筑是按照为人服务的原则设计的,没有人想到建筑负荷未来还要服务于电力系统调节。由于缺乏技术示范和经验积累,用户对于柔性用电技

13、术不了解,对“源随荷动”到“荷随源动”的模式转变有担忧,影响了用户的参与意愿。图 II 建筑负荷聚合参与电网调节的虚拟电厂模式 n 虚拟电厂脱“虚”向“实”虚拟电厂脱“虚”向“实”-调节能力定量化。调节能力定量化。建筑负荷调节能力需要从多维度进行评价,包括调节容量、启动时间、调节速度、调节精度、持续时间等指标。不同用电设备有不同的调节能力,可以提供不同的调节服务。相应的,电力系统也会根据不同类型的调节需求提出调节能力要求,例如需求响应一般对调节容量和持续时间有要求、对功率偏差有考核,辅助服务对调节精度、响应时间、调节速度有较高要求。只有掌握了建筑负荷的调节能力,虚拟电厂才能为电网调节需求匹配合

14、适的灵活资源,才能为用户制定更优的聚合调控方案。本项目通过实验测试,给出了主要建筑负荷调节能力的调节能力,并且基于建筑用电负荷曲线和电网负荷曲线设计调峰方案并且评估调峰效果。在现状情景,只有空调负荷和其他负荷参与电网调峰,电网峰谷差减少幅度 18%。未来,增加了储能和充电桩,在光电大6 发情景和风电大发情景下电网峰谷差分别减少幅度 62%和 85%。-调节成本调节成本明朗化明朗化。建筑负荷调节成本需要考虑建设成本、运行成本和聚合成本。建设成本是针对专门为柔性调节而增加的设备投资和功能投资,包括储能设施投资和实现充电桩放电功能的额外投资等;运行成本是指负荷调节造成的损失,包括对室内舒适度的影响、


16、筑负荷的可行性缺乏实践验证。在目前条件下全面推广也许面临较大障碍,建议先从示范工程做起,先把 100万平米的建筑负荷聚集起来,把调节能力和调节成本研究清楚,把虚拟电厂模式、聚合算法、交易模式优化验证,进而为将来全面推广积累经验、奠定基础。图 III 建筑柔性负荷的调节能力和调节成本 n 绿电消费认证先立后破绿电消费认证先立后破-建建筑负荷调节行为的绿筑负荷调节行为的绿色色贡献贡献得不到充分体现。得不到充分体现。绿色电力证书、绿电消费凭证、建筑电力碳排放量都无法充分体现建筑负荷调节行为的绿电消7 费贡献,阻碍了柔性用电技术的应用和推广。可再生能源电力交易和电力市场、辅助服务、需求响应是完全不同的



19、摸清建筑负荷调节能力,可为下一步电力市场和辅助服务市场的机制调整积累数据。-长期看电力市场和碳市场,利益再分配。长期看电力市场和碳市场,利益再分配。随着越来越多的可再生电力接入电网,负荷灵活调节的价值逐渐显现;与此同时,“帽子”的宣传价值也随着技术示范推广而减弱。长期看,负荷调节市场需要通过电力市场、辅助服务市场、碳市场等激活。负荷调节行为对电力系统安全稳定运行的支持作用可以通过电力市场和辅助服务市场获得收益,对绿电的消纳作用可以帮助用户完成减碳指标,超额完成指标甚至可以通过碳市场出8 售获得收益。图 IV 柔性用电激励机制的实施路径 9 Executive Summary n How do

20、buildings and power grids cooperate to achieve low-carbon development?-Buildings need to further reduce carbon emissions on the basis of energy conservation.The construction field is changing from combined control of energy supply and energy consumption to combined control of total carbon emissions

21、and emission intensity,and low-carbon development has become a new development direction.Electricity is the main form of building energy consumption,and it accounts for nearly 50%of energy consumption by building terminals.In order to achieve low-carbon operations of buildings,it is necessary to inc

22、rease the proportion of green electricity consumption and reduce carbon emissions of building electricity.However,the characteristics of high floor area ratio and high load density of cities determine that the renewable energy around urban buildings is limited.In addition,energy demand growth caused

23、 by the rapid development of urban economy makes it impossible for buildings in most cities to achieve carbon balance by relying on energy conservation and rooftop photovoltaics(PV).On the basis of energy conservation,how to further reduce carbon emissions in buildings is a problem faced by urban lo

24、w-carbon development.-Under the trend of wind power and PV integration,the demand for power grid peak regulation is ever increasing.Currently,power grids are challenged by load peak of 100 hours.In the summer of 2021,many cities all over China suffered continuous high temperature,leading to sharp in

25、crease in the demand for air conditioners.During industrial production after recovery of the epidemic,the electricity load in many cities reached historical peak.Insufficient power supply occurred in many regions and the balance of supply and demand can only be achieved by orderly electricity consum

26、ption.Many cities took extreme measures of power rationing from time to time,which causes difficulties in industrial production and livelihood of residents.In the future,the demand for power grid peak regulation will further increase.With the increase in the scale of wind power,PV,and electricity in

27、tegration,power shortage and power surplus occur repeatedly on a daily basis or even a shorter cycle.The peak regulation demand of the power system is no longer limited to load peak of 100 hours,but may be randomly distributed over 8760 hours throughout the year.The power system needs a large number

28、 of peak regulation and energy storage facilities,which can fill in the power gap in case of small wind power and PV and store excess power in case of large wind power and PV.Growing demand for power grid peak regulation creates opportunities for flexible resource development.-Flexible electricity c

29、onsumption becomes a breakthrough point for buildings and power grids to join hands for low-carbon development.From the perspective of the building,if the building energy system is optimized within the red lines,it is difficult to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality with limited resources and high

30、 energy storage costs.By connecting rich zero-carbon power resources through power grids to obtain more reliable power supply guarantees,the construction field can realize carbon reduction with lower costs.From the perspective of the power grid,adjustable loads such as air conditioners,water heaters

31、,and charging piles in buildings are flexible resources with great potential.Exploiting flexible resources in buildings can help solve the growing demand for peak regulation and promote the development of variable renewable power sources such as wind power and PV.With flexible electricity consumptio

32、n,buildings provide a large number of low-cost adjustable resources for power grids to help power grids conduct peak regulation.Accordingly,power grids provide buildings with a higher proportion of green power to help the buildings achieve electrification and low carbonization.Using flexible electri

33、city consumption as a breakthrough point,buildings and power grids can work together to achieve low-carbon development.-Ideas of building energy conservation change to improvement in both energy efficiency and flexibility.The model of low carbon development achieved by joint work 10 of buildings and

34、 power grids based on flexible electricity consumption changes the traditional ideas of building energy conservation.In the past,building energy conservation focused on the reduction of total electricity consumption,without identifying the differences in electricity saving time periods.In the future

35、,the electric power market and green electricity trading market will help people find the differences in the economic cost and proportion of green electricity of electricity consumption in different time periods.Different economic and carbon reduction benefits will be achieved if each kilowatt-hour

36、of electricity is saved in different time periods.In areas where the electricity price during peak hours is more than four times that of valley hours,saving each kilowatt-hour of electricity during the peak hours will achieve more than four times the benefits of that during valley hours.Energy effic

37、iency will no longer be the only indicator of energy saving,and adjusting ability will also be valued.Figure I Low-carbon model achieved by joint work of buildings and power grids based on flexible electricity consumption n Virtual power plant(VPP)realizes flexible interaction between building and p

38、ower grid.-Building load aggregation before exchanged with power grid:First,due to management needs,various types of regulation products released by the power system,such as demand response(DR),interruptible load,primary frequency control,secondary frequency control,and peak regulation,have requirem

39、ents on minimum capacity and regulation performance.Adjustable loads of the buildings feature small volume and large uncertainty,and they must be aggregated to be accessible.Second,building users do not possess sufficient professional skills in electricity trading,and agencies are required to provid

40、e them with professional consulting services and technical support such as ability assessment,access plans,reconstruction suggestions,and regulation policies.Agencies and power users can sign a simple retail contract,so that the building users do not have to directly deal with various complicated tr

41、ansaction rules in the power market.-VPP used to implement flexible resource aggregation:VPP is an innovative business mode of energy power,which can realize flexible resource aggregation and dispatch of power resources,such as distributed power generation,energy storage,and adjustable loads,creatin

42、g a new way for power grid peak regulation.A series of policies and implementation rules have been issued by relevant national supervision departments and power grid companies to encourage exploring and developing new VPP models.Outside China,VPP has become a mature business mode.In China,VPP is in

43、the initial promotion stage,mainly in the form of pilot demonstrations,without complete policies and mechanisms.Pilot demonstrations of VPP are scattered in many cities and regions of 11 China,such as Shanghai,Guangdong,Shandong,and northern Hebei.Power dispatch agencies issue invitation-based DR,an

44、d the regulation ability is provided by aggregation of urban industrial and commercial building loads,residential building loads,and charging stations.Figure II VPP mode allowing aggregated building loads to participate in power grid regulation-VPP based on flexible building loads:When flexible buil

45、ding loads participate in power regulation,the power grid is the originator that issues a power dispatch demand,the flexible building provides flexible resources,and the VPP is located between them.The VPP mines the flexible building loads and connects them to the aggregation platform as a resource

46、pool.Then,the VPP selects appropriate resources for coordinated control according to the dispatch demand of the power grid.Finally,the VPP shares the obtained benefits with users.VPP based on flexible building loads is a new business mode,which will drive the development of a series of supporting te

47、chnologies,including load flexibility transformation,construction energy management,and load aggregation.-Advantages of power regulation with flexible building load engaged:First,flexible building loads have a large volume.Building electricity consumption accounts for a quarter of electricity consum

48、ption of the whole society,with a higher proportion of peak loads.If the building loads can be aggregated,there will be huge regulation potential.Second,flexible building loads have low costs.The building electricity consumption devices have been installed,and an energy management system is required

49、 to enable communication and coordinated control during load regulation of these building electricity consumption devices.Third,buildings are equipped with comprehensive facilities.Building structure,power distribution facilities,transportation facilities,and property operation and maintenance syste

50、ms have been implemented.In the future,deploying distributed energy storage devices in buildings will be more competitive than planning and building peak regulation power stations and energy storage power stations in cities,as far as the construction cost,grid integration cost,transportation cost,an

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