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1、英汉翻译原理第四讲英汉翻译原理第四讲怎样表达译文?Warm-upDawn breaking over the islands,very beautiful in a soft grey light with many clouds.There is a transparency about the light here which cannot be described or painted.拂晓已降临岛上,灰色的柔光,许多云彩,景色美极了。这里有透明的光线,它是不能描写也不能画出来的。曙色中的海岛美极了,晨光熹微,彩云片片,澄彻的光影无法形容,无法描画。曙色中的海岛美极了,晨光熹微,彩云片片

2、,澄彻的光影难以形容,无法描画。Constant technological advances in soil conservation and livestock production will be required to keep pace with this ever-growing need.将需要水土保持与畜牧业生产不断的技术进步以适应这种日益增长的需求。为了适应这种日益增长的需求,水土保持与畜牧生产的技术需要不断进步。At Cisco,our customers are our passion and priority.在思科,我们的顾客是我们的激情与首选。客户是思科一切努力的核

3、心,对于思科有着无上的重要性。I would like to personally invite I would like to personally invite you to join us at the Executive you to join us at the Executive BriefingBriefing Center for a Center for a collaborative discussion of how collaborative discussion of how technology can technology can positionposition

4、 your your company for future pany for future success.我诚邀阁下莅临我们的思科客户访问我诚邀阁下莅临我们的思科客户访问中心,一同探讨如何有效地应用技术,中心,一同探讨如何有效地应用技术,共同打造一个辉煌的明天。共同打造一个辉煌的明天。一、要摆脱原文语句结构的影响Distance from the event should make the memories less painful.事件的久远自然会减少回忆的痛苦。时过境迁,痛苦的往事自然在记忆中淡漠。It was an elderly woman,tall and shapely stil

5、l,though withered by time,on whom his eyes fell when he stopped and turned.他站住,转过身来,定睛一看,是个年迈妇女,个子很高,依然一副好身材,虽然受岁月折磨而显得憔悴。思科客户访问中心为我们提供了一个思科客户访问中心为我们提供了一个绝佳的场所,在这里我们可以开诚布绝佳的场所,在这里我们可以开诚布公地讨论在当前瞬息万变的全球商业公地讨论在当前瞬息万变的全球商业环境中,网络将如何能够真正帮助您环境中,网络将如何能够真正帮助您进行业务转型,并为取得成功做好全进行业务转型,并为取得成功做好全面准备。面准备。二、要避免照搬英汉词

6、典中的释义His irritation could not withstand the silent beauty of the night.他的烦恼经不起安静的良宵美景的感染力。更深夜静,美景宜人,他的烦恼不禁烟消云散。Like my friend,I now have an alternative to complaining.When Im bored with my life,I take my pencils out in the back yard and doodle for an hour,trying to sketch trees that look like trees.

7、就像我的朋友一样,我现在有了一种代替抱怨的东西。当我对生活感到厌倦时,我就拿出铅笔到后院去心不在焉地乱涂一个小时,试图画出看上去像树的树木速写。同有位朋友一样,我现在不再抱怨,而是去做一些别的事情。在生活中感到厌倦时,我就拿起铅笔,到后院里随便涂鸦个把小时,画画树林的速写,尽量画得看上去像是树林。I would like to personally invite I would like to personally invite you to join us at the Executive you to join us at the Executive BriefingBriefing Ce

8、nter for a Center for a collaborative discussion of how collaborative discussion of how technology can technology can positionposition your your company for future pany for future success.我诚邀阁下莅临我们的思科客户访问我诚邀阁下莅临我们的思科客户访问中心,一同探讨如何有效地应用技术,中心,一同探讨如何有效地应用技术,共同打造一个辉煌的明天。共同打造一个辉煌的明天。课堂练习She showered us wi

9、th telegrams.Civility is not a sign of weakness,and sincerity is always subject to proof.There was something original,independent,and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them.她的电报纷至沓来。谦恭不是软弱,真诚总须凭据。这个方案富于创造性,独出心裁,很有魄力,所以他们都很满意。三、充分运用汉语独特的表达优势Whatever you like to eat,just tell me.无论你想吃什么东西,尽管告诉

10、我。想吃什么,就告诉我。Even if you go there,there wouldnt be any result.即使你去了,也不会有什么结果。你去了也是白去。He spoke with firmness,but his face was very sad and his eyes were dim.他讲得很坚定,但脸色很凄伤,双眼闪出悲观的神情。他讲话时语气坚定,但面带愁容,眼神暗淡。顺祝商祺!相互交流,畅想未来相互交流,畅想未来位于圣何塞的思科客户访问中心提供了一个与时俱进、融合最新科技发展的场所,致力于为您提供重要支持,帮助您充分利用技术创新。在这里您将能够:与思科高级管理人员和

11、相关主题专家进行面对面交流。观看极富想象力的交互式演示,了解网络在业务转型中的重要作用。He was but a man with many grey hairs,with a heavy burden of responsibility,of thoughts and worries.他已是长了许多灰发、肩负重任、心中充满思考和忧虑的人。他已是鬓发斑白,肩负重任,思绪万千,焦虑满怀。课堂练习He intends to take an action in grand style.He arrived on Sunday night,tired and dusty.This type of ma

12、rriage is characterized by constant conflict,tension,and bitterness.The nations tradition,its instincts,and its interest make it opposed to Germany.他想轰轰烈烈地大干一场。他星期日晚上到了,风尘仆仆,精疲力竭,这种婚姻关系的特点是冲突不断、关系紧张、怨恨不已。该民族的历史传统、民族本能和民众爱好都使其与德国势不两立。四、要完整无遗地传达原文的意义Before we can learn to appreciate those different fr

13、om us,we must open our hearts to tolerance.在我们学会正确评价与自己不同的人之前,我们必须胸襟开阔,能够忍让。我们要心胸开阔,善于忍让,才能学会正确评价与自己不同的人。At the sight of Napoleon,the young Frenchman clicked his heels together.年青的法国人一见到拿破仑就把两只脚跟喀嚓并在一起。年青的法国士兵一见拿破仑就两脚喀嚓一声并拢,立正敬礼。您将可以同思科高级管理人员和相关您将可以同思科高级管理人员和相关主题专家一同畅所欲言,讨论如何通主题专家一同畅所欲言,讨论如何通过在您和思科之

14、间结成合作伙伴关系,过在您和思科之间结成合作伙伴关系,来让您的业务更加灵活和高效,同时来让您的业务更加灵活和高效,同时进一步提升生产力。进一步提升生产力。五、遣字造句要结合和借鉴语景The continental United States stretches 4,500 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean on the east to the Pacific Ocean on the west.It borders Canada on the north,and reaches south to Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico.美

15、国大陆东起大西洋西至太平洋,横跨4,500公里。北与加拿大接壤,南与墨西哥和墨西哥弯毗邻。Sonys$3.4 billion deal for Columbia Pictures marks Japans biggest U.S.takeover ever-and adds to fears that it is buying America and taking an invincible lead in trade and technology.索尼公司用34亿美元买下了哥抡比亚电影公司,这是迄今为止日本对美国一笔金额最大的收购,而且使人们更加担心日本正在“收购美国”,正在贸易和技术方面不

16、可阻挡地发挥着主导作用。That the vitamin is sensitive to light was recognized only later.维生素感光只是后来承认的。人们只是到后来才认识到维生素的光敏作用。The longest life and the shortest amount to the same.For the present is of equal duration for all,and what we lose is not ours.The government left its policy open to various interpretations.Henry Ford did not invent the automobile,but he was the first man to mass-manufacture it,and this made it available to the ordinary man.政府听任人们对其政策作各种解释。最长寿和最短暂的人生是相同的,因为目前这段时间对所有人来说都一样长,时间一旦失去就不再属于我们。汽车不是亨利福特发明的,但他却是大批量生产汽车的第一人,从而使普通老百姓能够拥有汽车。

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