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1、Unit 8Daydream A LittleIntroductory remarkslWe often hear parents scold their children for daydreaming.And we often hear teachers ask the question“John,are you daydreaming?”with implied criticism.People usually take a hostile attitude towards daydreaming because they think daydreaming is a waste of

2、time and it can be an escape.But daydreaming can also do us a lot of good.In this unit,the author tells us some of the conclusions researchers have reached about daydreaming,conclusions that may be very surprising to most of us.II.Warm-up questions 1.Why do people take a hostile attitude towards day

3、dreaming?(because they think that daydreaming is a waste of time,an escape from real life and its duties.)2.What happens if a person is not allowed to dream in his sleep?(He becomes tense and anxious.He becomes irritable.He has trouble concentrating and his mental health is temporarily damaged.In sh

4、ort,he cannot get the benefits of rest.)3.What are the benefits of daydreaming according to researchers?-Its a good means of relaxation and important to mental health;-It contributes to intellectual growth;-It improves concentration,attention span,and the ability to get along with others;-It leads c

5、hildren to pay more attention to detail;-It makes children feel happier and work together better;-It seems to produce improved self-control and creative abilities;-Its useful in shaping our future lives as we want them to be.4.Why would positive daydreaming help produce real success according to Dr.

6、Maltz?(according to Dr.Maltz,our nervous system cannot tell the difference between an imagined experience and a real one.In both cases,it reacts automatically to information that we give it.And it reacts to what we think or imagine to be true.Besides,daydreaming builds new“memories”in the brain.Thes

7、e positive memories improve our self-image,and this improved self-image may help bring about real success.)5.What is the procedure of creative daydreaming?-choose a time when you can be alone and undisturbed;-close your eyes;-let your imagination soar freely;-picture yourself as vividly as possible

8、the way you want to be;-picture your desired goals as if you had already attained them;-go over all the details of this picture;-see them clearly and sharply;-impress them strongly on your memory.6.Is daydreaming all you have to do in order to attain your desired goals?(no.in order to attain your de

9、sired goals you have to combine creative daydreaming with hard work and other methods of self-development.)7.Why is it worthwhile to set aside a few minutes each day for daydreaming?(because it may improve your physical and mental health,add much to the excitement and enjoyment of your life and even

10、 help you attain your desired goals.)Part Division of the TextPart1(1-3)Attitudes towards daydreaming are changing.Part2(4-5)the benefits of daydreamingPart3(6-8)Daydreaming is useful in shaping our future lives.Part4(9-10)the reason why a mental vision of success would help to produce real successP

11、art5(11-12)the procedures or the steps of how to daydreamPart6(13-14)Daydream a little each day but not be too dependent on it.Language points 1.amount to:(1)develop into,become With her intelligence and talents,she should amount to something when she grows up.(2)add up to The debt amounts to$one bi

12、llion,and the company is about to go bankrupt.(3)be equal to 他的建议等于是说工作还有改进的余地。他的建议等于是说工作还有改进的余地。His suggestion amounts to saying that there is still room for improvement in the work.2.hostile:unfriendly;showing a great amount of dislike You cant blame your son for being so hostile towards/to you af

13、ter the way you treated him.n.hostilityCf.be hospitable to sb.n.hospitality3.view as:think as;regard as in view of 鉴于,考虑到,由于 In view of his youth,the police have decided not to continue with the case against e into view 进入视野 The sea came into view as we came out of the forest.with a view to 为了要,希望 H

14、es started walking to work with a view to cutting down expenses.4Attitudes towards daydreaming are changing in much the same way that attitudes towards night dreaming have changed.人们对白日做梦的态度正在改变,这与人们对夜间人们对白日做梦的态度正在改变,这与人们对夜间做梦的看法的变化有非常相似之处。做梦的看法的变化有非常相似之处。5.interfere(1)interfere with:hinder,be an ob

15、stacle to,affect 阻碍,影响 I hope that this misunderstanding will not interfere with our friendship.Dont allow pleasure to interfere with duty.interfere in:take part in it without being wanted 干预,干涉 Some people believe its not the churchs job to interfere in politics.6.go beyond:exceed,surpass The resul

16、ts of the experiment have gone beyond their expectations.On hearing our decision,his anger went beyond all reason.一听到我们的决定,他就愤怒得失去理智一听到我们的决定,他就愤怒得失去理智了了。7.conduct/carry out/make/perform experiments8.reach/come to/arrive at/draw conclusions9.Dr.Joan T.Freyberg has concluded that daydreaming contribut

17、es to intellectual growth.1)intellectual growth:the development of intelligence 2)contribute to:(1)help to bring about 促成 Im sure your suggestions will contribute to solving the problem.你的及时帮助大大有助于我们的成功。你的及时帮助大大有助于我们的成功。Your timely help contributed greatly to our success.(2)give money,help,ideas,etc

18、.to sth.that a lot of other people are also involved in 贡献,捐助 Her family have contributed$50,000 to the fund.n.contribution In doing so you will make a substantial contribution to your college.10.But thats only part of the story.story:a situation or state of affairs The outside of the house is beaut

19、ifully decorated,and its the same story inside.He can speak English well,but write it thats quite another story hes hopeless at that.11.maintain:(1)continue to believe and claim坚持认为 Some people maintain that the widening gap between the rich and the poor is responsible for the rising crime rate.(2)k

20、eep up 保持,维持 Despite living in different countries,the two families have maintained close links.12.Hold a picture of yourself.in your minds eye,and you will be drawn toward it.在你的心目中树立起一个你自己的形象,在你的心目中树立起一个你自己的形象,这样,你就会向这个形象靠拢这样,你就会向这个形象靠拢.13.drift:(fig.)move,change,or do sth.without any plan or purp

21、ose The talk drifted aimlessly from one subject to another.有些人有生活的目标,而有些人则飘忽有些人有生活的目标,而有些人则飘忽不定。不定。Some people have a purpose in life;others just drift.14.recommend:1)advise or suggest;建议recommend doing/n.The committee recommended raising the old age pension.recommend sb.to do I recommended you to t

22、hink carefully before you make any decision.recommend that (should)+do2)speak favorably of 她获得大力推荐担任这个职务。她获得大力推荐担任这个职务。She was strongly recommended for the post.recommend sb.for recommend sb.sth.15.go about:(1)start working on;do He showed us how to go about plowing the fields and sowing the seeds.如

23、果你采用正确的方法做,这是一件容易的事儿如果你采用正确的方法做,这是一件容易的事儿。Its an easy job if you go about it in the right way.(2)go around;spread There are whispers going about the city that the bank is to raise its interest.16.impress sth.on sb.=impress sb.with sth.My father impressed on me the value of hard work.n.leave/make a d

24、eep impression on sb.17.supposedly:adv.presumably;probably There will be supposedly a simple explanation for what happened.18.substitute:n.a person or thing acting in place of another Guesswork is no substitute for investigation.没有什么可以替代实践经验。没有什么可以替代实践经验。There is no substitute for practical experien

25、ce.v.put(sth.or sb.)in place of another (1)substitute A for B 用A来代替B 我们这把破损的椅子得换个新的。我们这把破损的椅子得换个新的。We must substitute a new chair for the broken one.We substitute red balls for blue ones to see if the baby would notice.(2)A substitute for B A代替B He substituted for the worker who was in hospital.19.be after:be in pursuit of,seek,try to obtain He is after a comfortable and well-paid job.20.neglect:give too little care or attention to neglect to do=neglect doing 因疏忽而没做,忘了做 Dont neglect to lock the door and windows before you leave.The manager criticized Bill for neglecting his duties.

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