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2、双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条 基本内容1.1 本协议的有效期为(具体说明)自签署之日起至委托事项完成之日止。1.2 乙方接受甲方委托,负责管理和托管甲方的资金,任何需要支付或收取的款项,均应由乙方按照甲方的要求进行操作。1.3 甲方确认其所提供的资金为合法取得,并保证其所提供的资金来源合法合规。1.4 乙方应按照甲方的指示和要求,妥善保管甲方的资金,并保证资金安全不受侵犯。1.5 乙方应根据相关法律法规、监管规定和双方约定,对资金进行专门会计核算,不得挪用、私分、截留甲方的资金。1.6 乙方应提供适当的信息披露和风险警示,及时向甲方报告资金的情况,确保甲方对资金管理情况了如指掌。第二条

3、 甲方的权利和义务2.1 甲方有权根据业务需要,随时查询资金的交易记录和账户余额,要求乙方提供相关的资金稽查报告。2.2 甲方有义务按照约定的期限向乙方支付相应的委托管理费用,确保资金托管服务的正常进行。2.3 甲方保证其提供的资金真实合法,并对资金的使用和指令负责,不得利用资金从事违法或违规活动。2.4 甲方有权根据实际情况变更、终止资金托管合同,并向乙方提前通知,双方友好协商解决相应问题。第三条 乙方的权利和义务3.1 乙方有权根据甲方的委托管理要求,对资金进行合理、安全的管理,并保障资金的安全流转。3.2 乙方有义务对所管理的资金进行专门会计核算,确保资金安全、不受影响。3.3 乙方应按

4、照相关法律法规和约定,对资金使用情况进行适当的披露和报告,确保甲方的知情权。3.4 乙方需保证资金托管服务的正常进行,提供必要的协助和支持,确保资金管理工作的顺利进行。第四条 保密责任4.1 双方应严格遵守商业保密协议,对对方所获知的任何与本协议相关的商业秘密、资金信息等予以保密。4.2 双方应采取必要的技术和管理措施,防止资金数据泄露、丢失或被不法分子窃取。第五条 不可抗力5.1 若因不可抗力因素导致本协议的部分或全部不能履行,双方应及时协商解决并尽最大努力减少损失。5.2 不可抗力因素包括但不限于自然灾害、战争、地方性政治事件等客观原因。第六条 争议解决6.1 本协议的履行适用中华人民共和

5、国法律,双方如有争议,应友好协商解决。6.2 若协商不成,应提交有管辖权的人民法院裁决。【英文】Bank Fund Custody Agreement TemplateParty A (Client): (Name of Client)Legal Representative: (Name of Legal Representative)Unified Social Credit Code (Organization Code): (Unified Social Credit Code)Contact Address: (Contact Address)Contact Number: (Con

6、tact Number)Bank Account: (Bank Account)Party B (Trustee): (Name of Trustee)Legal Representative: (Name of Legal Representative)Unified Social Credit Code (Organization Code): (Unified Social Credit Code)Contact Address: (Contact Address)Contact Number: (Contact Number)Bank Account: (Bank Account)Wh

7、ereas, Party A entrusts Party B to manage and custody Party As funds in accordance with laws, regulations, and regulatory requirements, in order to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation:Article 1 Basi

8、c Contents1.1 The term of this agreement is (specific period) from the date of signing to the completion of the entrusted matters.1.2 Party B accepts the entrustment of Party A and is responsible for managing and custodying Party As funds. Any payments or collections required shall be operated by Pa

9、rty B according to Party As requirements.1.3 Party A confirms that the funds it provides are legally obtained and guarantees the legal and compliant sources of the funds it provides.1.4 Party B shall properly keep custody of Party As funds according to Party As instructions and shall ensure the secu

10、rity of the funds without infringement.1.5 Party B shall carry out specialized accounting accounting for the funds in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, regulatory requirements, and agreements, and shall not misappropriate, private distribute, or withhold Party As funds.1.6 Party B shall pr

11、ovide appropriate information disclosure and risk warnings, promptly report the situation of the funds to Party A to ensure that Party A are well aware of the fund management situation.Article 2 Rights and Obligations of Party A2.1 Party A has the right to query the transaction records and account b

12、alance of the funds at any time according to business needs, and request Party B to provide relevant fund inspection reports.2.2 Party A shall pay the corresponding management fees to Party B within the agreed period to ensure the normal operation of fund custody services.2.3 Party A guarantees the

13、authenticity and legality of the funds provided, and is responsible for the use and instructions of the funds, and shall not engage in illegal or irregular activities with the funds.2.4 Party A has the right to change or terminate the fund custody agreement according to the actual situation, and sha

14、ll notify Party B in advance to resolve relevant issues through friendly negotiation.Article 3 Rights and Obligations of Party B3.1 Party B has the right to manage Party As funds reasonably and securely according to Party As entrustment requirements, and ensure the safe circulation of the funds.3.2

15、Party B shall carry out specialized accounting accounting for the funds managed to ensure the safety and integrity of the funds.3.3 Party B shall disclose and report the use of the funds in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and agreements, ensuring Party As right to know.3.4 Party B shall

16、ensure the normal operation of fund custody services, provide necessary assistance and support, and ensure the smooth progress of fund management work.Article 4 Confidentiality Obligations4.1 Both parties shall strictly observe the commercial confidentiality agreement and keep confidential any busin

17、ess secrets, fund information, etc. related to this agreement obtained from the other party.4.2 Both parties shall take necessary technical and management measures to prevent fund data leakage, loss, or theft by unlawful elements.Article 5 Force Majeure5.1 If part or all of this agreement cannot be

18、performed due to force majeure factors, both parties shall promptly negotiate to resolve and make the best efforts to reduce losses.5.2 Force majeure factors include but are not limited to natural disasters, wars, local political events, etc.Article 6 Dispute Resolution6.1 The performance of this agreement is governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China. In case of disputes between the parties, they shall resolve them through friendly negotiation.6.2 If negotiation fails, they shall submit the dispute to the competent Peoples Court for arbitration.

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