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1、中职英语_book1 unit8InvitationLesson 3 We hope you will join us.Learning aims1.Invite sb.to do something2.Read and reply to an invitation cardCan you read these words?picnic problem honor presence pity 野餐野餐 问题问题 光荣光荣 出席出席 遗憾遗憾 party invite accept refuse wonder 聚会聚会 邀请邀请 接受接受 拒绝拒绝 想知道想知道 Play A Game1.2.3

2、. practice1.Would you love to 2.Will you 3.Shall weId love to,but Im not free.Sorry,I cant.Yes,Id love to.Yes,I will.Dear Mr.Jackson,We would like to invite you and your wife to be present at our New Year party.Would you honor us with a visit?We do hope that you will join us.We are

3、 looking forward to seeing you at the school meeting room at 8:00 pm on Wednesday,December 28th.Yours,Jack An invitation1.Who writes the invitation?2.Invite whom?3.What does Jack invite them to do?4.When and where do they have the party?Jack.Mr.and Mrs.Jackson.Be present at the New Year party.At the

4、 school meeting room at 8:00 pm on Wednesday,December 28th .Reply to the invitationa Dear Jack,Thank you for your invitation.Im glad to be present at your New Year party.Ill be there on time.I think it will be fun.Yours,Jackson Dear Jack,Thank you for your invitation.Id love to,but Im not free that

5、day.Because I have to attend an important meeting.I hope youll have a good time that day.Yours,Jackson acceptrefuse Read and reply Dear Tom,Id like to invite you to be present at my birthday party at my home.Would you honor me with a visit?I hope that you will come.See you on Sunday,May 10th.Yours,Mike 1.Who writes the invitation?2.Invite whom?3.What does Mike invite Tom to do?4.When and where?Mike.Tom.Attend Mikes birthday party.At Mikes home on Sunday,May 10th.Invite your friends to do something after classTry to write an invitation to your friends

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