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1、 A:Marriage is one of the most important events of peoples lives. so we alwaystreat it very cautiously. And no doubt what we pay the most attention to is choosinga satisfactory man or woman to marry. What kind of person would you like to marry?B:Perhaps we may talk about it according to the letter“m

2、arriage”.The firstletter M is for money. I guess that no one can deny the significance of money inmarriage. The sense of happiness is built on certain material basis, though somepeople say dont marry for money. The second letter is for ability. Ability is the wayto making a living as well as an elem

3、ent of charm. It seems that man pay moreattention on his spouses ability. The letter R stand for right. He is charming, cool,handsome, excellentShe is pretty, cute, gracefulThe wise women choose theirMr. right. I is for independent. it refers that he or she should be able to take care ofhimself or h

4、erself. You are searching for a wife, not a daughter.A:It seems like more and more girls want to marry a foreigner. I am one of them.Well, I think the best thing is that two people fall in love finally get together. Also,good things like can go and live in another country, learn different cultures,

5、knowhow people think and behave over there, when they have children, can teach themthe best things from both side. To marry a foreigner make you more understanding,because only by that, two people from different country can be together happilyever after. Dont you think so?C:Of course we should look

6、for one who we love and by whom we are loved inreturn. After all, each of us has only one life. And love is the most essential elementof a fulfilled life. A guy who shares some of my interests so that at least we wont bebored and can have a genuinely good time together .for example- camping. I hate

7、it.We would have problems if it were his passion. If only there is a slighteset chance, Ithink one should not give up the search for true love. Love, Kathleen Couldnt agreemore. Love makes the world beautiful. If your heart is full of love and affection, youwill find you can almost go easily with ev

8、erything and even everyone. And eventuallyyoure sure to find your everlasting love. Well, what do you think is crucial for ahappy marriage?D:I think the mutual trust makes a happy marriage. Firstly, mutual trust isthe most basic emotional quality between a married couple. Secondly, mutual trustis th

9、e most important factor to keep a long and happy marriage. Lastly, mutual trustis the only thing one wife or one husband needs when they are in trouble. So I thinkmutual trust is one of the most important elements to make a happy marriage.B:Talking about how to the marriage happy , different people

10、hold differentopinions. For me, I believe that communication is vital. Marriage means you are notalone any more . You are supposed to share the opinions ,feelings ,hobbies andmany other aspects in your life with your husband or wife,otherwise this marriagehas lost its real meaning .Also if you alway

11、s hide your feelings toward him or her ,themarriage can hardly last long. In this way ,I believe that communication leads ahappy marriage. Whats more ,you should try to understand your partner andconcern what he or she needs ,do your best to help overcome the difficultiestogether and hand in hand cr

12、eate a better life A:Mutual understanding is critical to the success of marriage. As a sayinggoes:Marriage is the grave for love. To a certain extent, it has some point in it,because love in most case is romantic and the lover only see the bright side of his orher part, but the marriage involves mor

13、e vulgar things. During the daily life, you notonly discover his or her bright side, you may also be reluctant to find sometimes heor she offensive to you. Therefore, mutual understanding is pretty important tomaintain a good marriage.C:I agree with you. Without it, the couples will only complain ea

14、ch other whenconfronted with conflicts between them. As time goes by and the tension exists,more often than not, the marriage will eventually fall collapsed. So the most andforemost thing that a couple should keep in mind is that the precious love that bindthem together. If not for that, how could t

15、hey get to know and fall in with each other?D:In my opinion, When we are young and fall in love we can sometimes have toohigh expectations for ourselves. We would like everything to be perfect. We think ofour future together forever and hope that one day we will in fact have a fairy talewedding and

16、therefore live happily .For most couples love and marriage can be afairy tale. Waking up together in the morning looking for that first smile of the day.This alone can put you on a high pedestal for the rest of the day. Sharing breakfasttogether can also be fun. Then when you return home from work and cannot wait tosee each other there is so much to tell one another that, without realizing it, you arebecoming closer and closer to each other. Hence, a stable relationship is growingall the time. Live is such a wonderful thing.

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