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1、Book5Unit1复习导学案Book5Unit1复习导学案 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(Book5Unit1复习导学案)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为Book5Unit1复习导学案的全部内容。Book5 Unit 1 Greatest scientists一. 单元基础知识1。 重点单

2、词(1) _adj。 科学的;_ n.科学;_n。科学家(2)_v。 结束,推论,推断;_n.结论总结:从中推断出 _以结束 _;得出结论 _总而言之 _(3)_ v。 分析;_n.分析(4) _ adj. 熟练的,经验丰富的;n。专家(5)_ vt。 照顾;护理;出席;参加总结:照顾某人 _参加会议/听报告/上学_处理,接待,专心 _(6) _ n. 内科医生拓展:dentist _; chemist _; surgeon_(7) _ vt. 暴露,揭露,使曝光总结:使暴露于_被暴露于/接触_(8) _vt./n.治愈,治疗总结:的治疗方法_治愈某人的某种疾病_治疗某人的某种疾病_(9) _

3、 n。挑战;vt.向挑战;_具有挑战性的总结:向挑战_面临挑战_接受挑战_(10) _ vt.吸收,吸引,使专心-_ adj. 全神贯注的总结:吸引某人注意_全神贯注于_(主动),_(被动)拓展:be lost in _be caught in _be buried in _be devoted to _(11) _vt。认为,怀疑;n。嫌疑犯总结:怀疑某人是_怀疑某人做了_拓展:可构成vt. + sb。+ of 结构的动词有:_(12) _adj.严重的,剧烈的;_adv.严重地,剧烈地(13) _ - _(过去时) _(p.p.)预见,预知(14) _vt.&vi。调查;_n.调查(15)

4、 _vt.责备,谴责;n。过失,责备总结:因某事而责备某人_把某事归咎于某人_, _应受责备_对负责/承担责任_(16) _vt。污染,弄脏;_n。污染;_adj。 受污染了的(17) _n。把手,柄;vt._(18) _vt。宣布,通告;_n.宣布,通告;_n.播音员总结:It is announced that _make an announcement _(19)_vt.命令,指示,教导;_n。指示,用法说明(复)总结:指示/命令某人做某事 _;指示/命令某人不能做某事_;某人被命令做某事_;某人被命令不能做某事_instruct that sb._(do) sth。(20)_adj.有

5、责任的,负责的;_n。责任,职责总结:为负责_(21) _vt.建设,修建;_n.建设,建筑物总结:在建设中_(22)_vt.&vi.捐献,贡献;投稿_n.贡献,捐助总结:把贡献给_contribute to _make a contribution to_(23)_adj。有创造力的;_v。创造(24)_adj积极的,肯定的;_adj.消极的总结:对有积极的态度_(25)_adj.热情的;_n。热情总结:热衷于_(26)_adj。小心的,谨慎的;_n。小心,谨慎总结:_adv。=_小心地,谨慎地;对谨慎的_(27) _vt. 拒绝 总结:拒绝某物_; 拒绝做_2.重点短语(1)put for

6、ward_; 储存,不考虑_; 推迟,延期_; 出版,熄灭_;容忍,忍受_;张贴,举起,建造_;为提供住宿_(2)将和联系或连接起来(主动)_(3) 调查 _(4) 减速_(5) 除以外 (注意辨析) _(6)对某人要求严格的_; 对某事要求严格的_(7)导致,造成 _(8)讲得通,有意义_;没道理,讲不通_;理解,明白_;决不_;在某种意义上_做没必要/没道理_3.课文短语:Page 11. know about 2. lift up3. keepsafe4. put forward5. set out a new idea6. put sth in order7. find support

7、ing evidence8. analyze the resultsPage 239. ordinary people10. the deadly disease11. of its day12. thousands of terrified people13. multiply in the air14. The disease spread quickly。15. be determined to do sth.16. make further investigations17. be to blame18. look into19. the river polluted by the d

8、irty water20. slow down21. be linked to22. have sth。 delivered to23. with certainty24. carry the virus/ germs25. be instructed not to do sth。Page4-526. be responsible for27. take in28. come to an end29. develop a severe illness30. apart from31. make ones way to32. make up ones mind33. make room for3

9、4. make the bed35. make sure thatPage 736. make sense37. at times38. make changes to sth.39. publish ones ideas40. be cautious (about)41. be against42. lie-liedliedlying 撒谎lie-lay-lain-lying 位于,下蛋lay-laidlaid-laying 放置43. arisearosearisen vi 出现/呈现riseroserisen vi。 升起 raiseraised-raised vt. 举起,使升4.重点

10、句型(1) _its cause _its cure was understood.人们既不知道它的病源,也不了解对它的治疗。总结:使用就近原则的并列连词有: _(2) So many thousands of terrified people died_。因此每一次暴发(霍乱)都会有成千上万恐慌的人死去。总结:起连词作用引导时间状语从句的名词词组有:_(3) A woman, who had moved away from Broad Street, liked the water from the pump so much that she _(让人把水运到) to her house e

11、very day。总结:使某事被做_, 使某人做某事_(4) To prevent this from happening again,John Snow_ the source of all the water supplies _。(建议所有水源都要经过检测)总结:suggest表示“表明、暗示”,其后从句动词用_语气;表示“建议”时其后从句动词用_.(5) _(只有你把太阳放在那里) did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense。 总结:only引起部分倒装的条件_(6) He placed a fixed su

12、n at the centre of the solar system _(行星围绕着它转,用with的复合结构)总结:with+宾语+宾补的复合结构在句中做状语,表原因、条件、伴随等二 语法练习:(请用所给词的正确形式填空)1. Sadly, Im only able to look at nature through dirty curtains_(hang) before dusty windows.2. At first the English_(speak) in England between about AD 450 and 1150 was very different fro

13、m the English spoken today。3. Today the number of people_(learn) English in China is increasing rapidly.4. She gave me a_ (determine) look.5. Along the way children_(dress) in long wool coats stopped to look at us.6. However , the lakes shone like glass in the_(set) sun.7. It was also a treasure _(d

14、ecorate) with gold and jewels, which took the countrys best artists about ten years。8. Only athletes who have reached the _(agree) standard for their event will be admitted as competitors.9. As a result these_( endanger) animals may even die out。10. One day she woke up and found a_(fly) carpet by he

15、r bed.11. This unit is a play_(base) on a short story by an American writerMark Twain。12. He is best known for his novel_( set )in his boyhood world on the river。13. However, according to a widely_(accept) theory, the university began with a “Big Bang” that threw matter in all directions。14. People

16、say it is Canadas most beautiful city, _(surround) by mountains and the Pacific Ocean。15. At that time, hunger was a _(disturb) problem in many parts of the countryside.16. What are some of the problems _(cause)by chemical fertilizers?17. The next morning, the bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red, gold and orange, and there was frost on the ground, _( confirm) that fall had arrived in Canada.18. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some_(measure) over 90 meters。

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