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1、Unit 2 Readingno freedom adultIn America and Britain,do students have the same problems Read and answertRead and matcha.Linda and Alice express their opinions and give advice.c.American and British children do many after-school activities.b.Parents today push their kids much harder than before.d.Cat

2、hy Taylors three children are very busy.Paragraph1Paragragh2Paragraph3Paragraph4-5Paragraph1:Cathy Taylors three children are very busy.Fill in the blanks time activities Boys Girlsnot get home until 7pm.football,basketball piano lessonsdo homework after a quick supperParagraph2:American and British

3、 children do many after-school activities.1.Many American and British parents take their children to different activities.2.Doctors say few students have too much pressure.3.Teachers dont complain teaching tired kids in class.Say“T”or“F”TFFParagraph3:Parents today push their kids much harder than be

4、fore.Read and answer1.What do after-school activities include?2.Why do parents now seem to push their children a lot more?Sports,language learning,music,and math classes.They see other children doing a lot of things,and they feel their kids should do the same.Paragraph4-5:Give opinions and advice1.L

5、inda Miller thinks parents always _ their kids _ other children.2.Linda believes people _ _their kids so hard.3._ _ _ _,children need organized activities._ _ _ _,they also need time and freedom to pare withshouldnt push On the one handOn the other handt On the one hand,we will meet many problems in

6、 our lives,on the other hand,we should try to face and solve them bravely.SummaryGroup work Free talk about your parents problems.Writing Dear parents,I know you love me very much,But do you know Im under too much pressure_ your childEmail to me:Email to me: HomeworkDo a survey and make a plan to help classmates under pressure.

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