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1、Unit 3 There be1.Lets look at the following sentences.There is a book on the desk.There is some milk in the cup.There are some books on the desk.There is a book on the desk.There is some milk in the cup.There are some books on the desk.2.1)Basic structure:“There be+某人或某人物+介词短语”。2)Meaning:“There be”c

2、onveys the meaning:“某处有某人/某物”。3)Analysis:there 是引导词,无词义;be是谓语动词;“某人或某物”是句子的主语;介词短语多是句子的状语;4):桌上有本书。There is a book on the desk.1 1 1Be3.There is some milk in the cup.There are some books on the desk.A.Be 的形式,与句中主语形式保持一致。主语单数:主语复数:B.主语有两个时,be遵循就近原则。There a book and two pens on the desk.There two pens

3、 and a book on the desk.There isThere areisare4.There some juice in the cup主语是不可数名词或单数可数名词Be用Is.There be 的否定句There is a book on the desk.There a book on the desk.There are some books on the desk.There some books on the desk.is2Is notArent5.3There be 的一般疑问句There is a book on the desk.a book ob the de

4、sk?There is a book on the desk.Is there a book on the desk?Yes,there is.No,there isnt.Is theredeclarative sentenceThe general interrogative sentence positivenegative6.There be的用法:作为Whats+介词短语的答句。E.g.Whats on the desk?There is a book.There are some books.有What的问句中,Be用单数。What shops are there?There are shoe shops.那有一本书What 修饰的中心词shops是复数Be用复数 7.There be+主语+介词短语=介词短语+(There)be+主语There is a pay phone in front of the bookstore.=in front of the bookstore is a pay phone.Review the prepositions:In _ on _ under_8.Across over Throughgo across the street fly over go through9.10.11.

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