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1、期中作文复习期中作文复习提建议提建议描述问题-间接引语1.I always have a hard time learning English.You said you always had a hard time learning English.2.I feel lonely.I dont know how to make friends.You said you felt lonely and you didnt know how to make friends.3.I have too many rules at home.You said you had too many rules

2、 at home.开头开头Im very glad to give you some advice.Dont be so negative,or you will get ill.Sorry to know that you feel upset,Id like to give you some suggestions that might be of some help.Im sorry to hear that you are really bad at English,but I can understand that.Its difficult to do everything at

3、the beginning.Dont be worried,Im glad to give you some advice and help you get it over.开头开头In fact,its not a hard thing to learn English well,the ways you take to learn it are the most important part.If you study in a good way,you will get good grades.There is no royal road to learning.Im very glad

4、to help you with learning English.To tell the truth,learning English is not difficult.The most important thing is that you study in a good way.If you study in a good way,youll get over the problem.结尾结尾Go on learning it,you can do it!So keep going!I bet you can make it!Good luck!Failure is the mother

5、 of success.If you try your best,youll realize with a surprise that you can learn English well.You get what you pay for,Im sure youll be happy with your effort.Thats all I can do for you.Best wishes for you.Good luck!1.I always have a hard time learning English.Im sorry to hear that you are really b

6、ad at English,but I can understand that.Its difficult to do everything at the beginning.Dont be worried,Im glad to give you some advice and help you get over it.In fact,its not a hard thing to learn English well,the ways you take to learn it are the most important part.(1)If you pay more attention t

7、o the teacher during the class,you will feel very easy when you do your homework.(2)If you spend more time in listening to the English tapes or videos and follow with it.Its not only good for your listening,but also good for your speaking.(3)The last,but not the least,believe yourself,you can do it,

8、just try your best.Go on learning it,you can do it!Im here to help you.(1)First of all,you should tell yourself to be confident,if you follow this,you will discover that you become more positive.Then,its not difficult to learn English well.The most important thing is the way of learning.(2)If you ha

9、ve a good way,you will definitely find yourself being good at it.(3)What I want to tell you is that,if you decide to do something,stick to it,never give up.(4)Besides,why not talk with some foreigners?(5)Last but not the least,dont be afraid of mistakes.They can help you improve your English.So keep

10、 going!I bet you can make it!Good luck!If you study in a good way,you will get good grades.There is no royal road to learning.Im very glad to help you with learning English.To tell the truth,learning English is not difficult.The most important thing is that you study in a good way.If you study in a

11、good way,youll get over the problem.(1)If I were you,I would try to talk with people who speak English as much as possible.(2)Watching the English program is also a good way.(3)Try your best to remember words as many as possible.Youll soon find that learning English is not as difficult as you think.

12、(4)Last but not the least is to find what you real problem is and ask teachers for help.Failure is the mother of success.If you try your best,youll realize with a surprise that you can learn English well.You get what you pay for,Im sure youll be happy with your effort.Thats all I can do for you.Best

13、 wishes for you.2.I feel lonely.I dont know how to make friends.A.Dont be shy.Try to speak to your new classmates.B.Find hobbies you and your classmates have in common.C.When your classmates have difficulties,give them a hand.D.Show your talent.This will make you more popular.E.Go to parties and mak

14、e friends with students from other classes.3.I have too many rules at home.A.If I were you,I would have an honest talk with my parents because we can exchange opinions B.Or why not consider writing a letter?Maybe thats a good solution.C.I guess you must be a lovely girl and they just want you to be successful.I believe they may feel proud of you.Good luck!D.I also think doing chores is not only good for our health,but also good for our study.E.How about doing some chores after long time study to relax?

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