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1、29“”(810001)K281 A 2095-0039-2023-03-0029-08 2023-3-15基金项目:2021 年度国家社科基金重点项目“敦煌古藏文般若心经整理与研究”(21AZW023);青海省高端创新人才千人计划“拔尖人才”计划资助项目。(1980-)30 738(法月)“色性是空,空性是色。色不異空,空不異色。色即是空,空即是色”1 861(智 慧 轮)“色空,空性見色。色不異空,空不異色。是色即空,是空即色。”2 “”“”IOL.Tib.J.VOL.32P.t.0457 P.t.0022“”“”Conze,Edward(1948)Text,Sources,and Bib

2、liography of the Prajpramit-hrdaya.Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society,April 80(1-2)黄宝生主编梵语佛经读本,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2014:5.31 ”3“”“”“”IOL.Tib.J.VOL.4 43“”“2000:1582-1584.“”32”(夏莲居)“”“”“”“夏莲居 心经讲记 OL“色即是空”,是对凡夫说。“空即是色”,是对二乘而言。“色不异空,空不异色”,是大乘菩萨境界。摘于学佛网 “”33“”“”“”“”“”IOL.Tib.J.VOL.4 2732“”“”4 M 2017:310.“”34

3、 ”“”3342“”35 1 大正新修大藏经,经藏般若部四,252 号普遍智藏般若波罗蜜多心经,摩竭提国三藏沙门法月重译。2 大正新修大藏经,经藏般若部四,254 号般若波罗蜜多心经,唐上都大舆善寺三藏沙门智慧轮奉诏译。3 G 2000:1586.4 M 2011:284.5 M 1982:485.6 M 2011:165.“”5“”6 “”36敦煌古藏文般若心经之“六组空见观”探微闹日项旦摘要:近年来,学术界产出部分有关敦煌古藏文般若心经文献的成果,而有关敦煌古藏文般若心经六组空性观方面的研究成果却寥寥无几,对四组空见观的说法亦除了般若学者较为注重外,对其寓意的研究甚少。采用文献学、逻辑学、

4、历史学等学科的理论与研究方法,以法藏、英藏 50 余卷敦煌古藏文般若心经写本、敦煌博物馆藏各卷心经,以及梵文原典,甘珠尔丹珠尔收录的般若心经正文及注释本,大藏经汉译心经等文献为对象,认定甘珠尔般若部般若心经中的四组空见观实为吐蕃时期翻译的敦煌古藏文心经写卷中的相互六组空性的略义。六组空见一词在甘珠尔心经译本中未曾出现,但在藏文丹珠尔之善军大师所著的心经注释中对六组空性进行了注释。对悉昙体心经转写的天城体广本和略本,汉文大藏经之唐朝法月译师的心经译本,唐朝智慧轮译师的心经译本以及敦煌心经写卷等文献中出现的有关六组空见观进行了校勘,结合印度般若学注疏等典籍论述了四组空见观和六组空见观涵义及其渊源。

5、这一成果对研究吐蕃时期和藏传佛教后弘期般若经译经程序,以及般若心经空性观的词性翻译的变化等方面具有启发意义和参考价值。关键词:敦煌;般若心经;六组空见观作者简介:闹日项旦(1980),男,藏族,青海尖扎人,文学博士,青海师范大学民族师范学院藏文系教师。研究方向:敦煌古藏文文献、藏族古典文学。The“Six Groups of Empty Views”of the Prajna Heart Sutra in Dunhuang Ancient TibetanNorbu WangdenAbstrac t:There have not been research results seen,both i

6、n Chinese and Tibetan,on the six groups of emptiness of the Dunhuang Tibetan Heart Sutra,though there have been some results on the Dunhuang Tibetan Heart Sutra.There have been rarely scholars who consider much about the meaning of“the four sets of views on emptiness”as they have much concerned meer

7、ly about its theoretical aspects,so needless to say that its“six groups of emptiness”would remain unstudied.Therefore,the methods of philology,philosophy and historiography are used in this paper to deal with some more than fifty scroll texts of Dunhuang Tibetan Heart Sutra preserved in the state li

8、brary archives of France and Britain,scroll texts that preserved in Dunhuang,Heart Sutra of de ba na ga ri,commentaries on Heart Sutra in Tibetan Buddhist Canons and Chinese translations of Heart Sutra.Up to the present,the four sets of views on emptiness in the Prajna Heart Sutra of Kanjur Miscella

9、neous Prajna Department are actually the abbreviated meanings of the six sets of emptiness appearing in the ancient Tibetan Heart Sutra written in Dunhuang Tibetan.The term“six groups of emptiness”have not appeared in the translation of the Kanjur Heart Sutra,but it is commented on the six groups of

10、 emptiness in the commentary on the Heart Sutra written by the Tibetan master Tenjur Zhongshanjun.This paper comparatively studies and analyzes“the six groups of empty views”appeared in the wide and abbreviated versions of the de ba na ga ri style of the Heart Sutra in the Xitan style,in the transla

11、tion of the Heart Sutra by the translator Fayue of the Tang Dynasty preserved in the Chinese Tripitaka,in the translation of the Heart Sutra by the translator of Zhihuilun of the Tang Dynasty,and the Dunhuang Heart Sutra.This paper also tends to give some instructions for translating the Heart Sutra

12、 that comes into being after the times of Tibetan btsan po and the Later Spread of the Doctrine periods.Keywords:Dunhuang,Prajna Heart Sutra,four groups of emptiness and viewAbout the author:Norbu Wangden(1980-),male,Tibetan,from Jianzha in Qinghai.Teacher at School of Nationalities,Qinghai Normal University,ph.D.Research field:Dunhuang Ancient Tibetan Documents and Tibetan classic literature.“”

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