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1、机动车销售合同协议书范本三篇第一篇:机动车销售合同协议书范本中文版:一、双方当事人甲方:_(单位名称/个人姓名,以下简称甲方)身份证件号码/统一社会信用代码:_乙方:_(单位名称/个人姓名,以下简称乙方)身份证件号码/统一社会信用代码:_二、合同标的1. 甲方同意向乙方出售以下机动车:品牌:_型号:_车辆识别代码(VIN):_发动机号:_2. 乙方同意购买上述机动车,并支付对应的车款。三、交付标的物1. 甲方应当在签订本合同之日起_日内将车辆交付给乙方。2. 乙方应当在车辆到达交付地点后立即接收并支付车款。四、车辆所有权变更1. 车辆所有权自车款全部支付完毕和过户手续办理完毕之日起,自动转移至

2、乙方名下。2. 甲方应协助乙方完成车辆过户手续。五、价格及支付1. 车辆售价为人民币_元整。2. 支付方式:一次性支付。3. 本车交易不含增值税,增值税由乙方自行承担。六、违约责任1. 任何一方违反本合同约定,应承担违约责任,赔偿对方因此造成的损失。2. 若一方未能履行本合同约定,对方有权单方解除合同,并要求违约方承担相应违约责任。七、其他1. 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至双方履行完毕合同义务终止。2. 本合同正本一式两份,甲方和乙方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。甲方(盖章):_ (单位印章/个人签名)乙方(盖章):_ (单位印章/个人签名)日期:_ 年 _ 月 _ 日英文版:Vehicl

3、e Sales Contract Agreement TemplateParty A: _ (Name of entity/individual, hereinafter referred to as Party A)ID/Unified Social Credit Code: _Party B: _ (Name of entity/individual, hereinafter referred to as Party B)ID/Unified Social Credit Code: _Subject of Contract1. Party A agrees to sell the foll

4、owing vehicle to Party B:Brand: _Model: _Vehicle Identification Number (VIN): _Engine Number: _2. Party B agrees to purchase the above vehicle and pay the corresponding vehicle price.Delivery of Subject Matter1. Party A shall deliver the vehicle to Party B within _ days from the date of signing this

5、 contract.2. Party B shall accept the vehicle immediately upon arrival at the delivery location and make the payment.Transfer of Vehicle Ownership1. The ownership of the vehicle shall automatically transfer to Party B upon full payment of the vehicle price and completion of the transfer procedures.2

6、. Party A shall assist Party B in completing the vehicle transfer procedures.Price and Payment1. The selling price of the vehicle is RMB _.2. Payment method: one-time payment.3. This vehicle transaction does not include value-added tax, which shall be borne by Party B.Breach of Contract Liability1.

7、If either party violates the provisions of this contract, they shall be liable for breach of contract and compensate the other party for any losses incurred.2. If one party fails to fulfill the obligations of this contract, the other party has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract and req

8、uest the breaching party to bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract.Others1. This contract shall become effective from the date of signature and seal by both parties until both parties fulfill their obligations under the contract.2. This contract is made in duplicate, with each party

9、 holding one copy, both of which shall have equal legal effect.Party A (Seal/Signature): _Party B (Seal/Signature): _Date: _ Year _ Month _ Day-第二篇:机动车销售合同协议书样本中文版:一、甲方的基本情况甲方为_(单位/个人),法定代表人/负责人姓名为_,地址为_,联系电话为_。二、乙方的基本情况乙方为_(单位/个人),法定代表人/负责人姓名为_,地址为_,联系电话为_。三、车辆基本情况品牌:_型号:_车辆颜色:_车辆识别代码(VIN):_发动机号:_购

10、车日期:_年_月_日四、购车价格及付款方式1. 车辆售价为人民币_元整。2. 付款方式:乙方在签订本合同之日支付定金_元,余款在车辆交付时一次性支付。3. 本车交易不含车辆保险费用,保险费用由乙方自行承担。五、车辆交付及验收1. 甲方应在签订本合同之日起_日内将车辆交付给乙方,乙方应在车辆交付后验收车辆。2. 如乙方在交付后_日内未提出异议,则视为乙方已验收车辆。六、违约责任1. 若任何一方未能按照本合同的约定履行义务,应承担相应的违约责任。2. 若乙方未能在约定时间内支付车款并接收车辆,甲方有权解除本合同并要求赔偿违约金。七、争议解决本合同的订立、履行和解释均适用中华人民共和国法律。八、其他

11、1. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。2. 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。甲方签字(盖章):_ 日期:_ 年 _ 月 _ 日乙方签字(盖章):_ 日期:_ 年 _ 月 _ 日英文版:Sample of Vehicle Sales Contract AgreementParty As InformationParty A is _ (entity/individual), with the legal representative/responsible person named _, address at _, contact number _.Party Bs Info

12、rmationParty B is _ (entity/individual), with the legal representative/responsible person named _, address at _, contact number _.Vehicle InformationBrand: _Model: _Vehicle Color: _Vehicle Identification Number (VIN): _Engine Number: _Purchase Date: _ Year _ Month _ DayVehicle Price and Payment Meth

13、od1. The selling price of the vehicle is RMB _.2. Payment method: Party B shall pay a deposit of _ RMB on the date of signing this contract, and the balance shall be paid in full upon delivery of the vehicle.3. This vehicle transaction does not include the vehicle insurance fee, which shall be borne

14、 by Party B.Vehicle Delivery and Acceptance1. Party A shall deliver the vehicle to Party B within _ days from the date of signing this contract, and Party B shall accept the vehicle upon delivery.2. If Party B does not raise any objections within _ days after delivery, it shall be deemed that Party

15、B has accepted the vehicle.Breach of Contract Liability1. If either party fails to fulfill its obligations under this contract, it shall bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract.2. If Party B fails to pay the vehicle price and accept the vehicle within the agreed time, Party A has the

16、 right to terminate this contract and claim for damages.Dispute ResolutionThe establishment, performance, and interpretation of this contract shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.Others1. This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, both of which sh

17、all have equal legal effect.2. This contract shall become effective from the date of signature and seal by both parties.Party As Signature (Seal): _ Date: _ Year _ Month _ DayParty Bs Signature (Seal): _ Date: _ Year _ Month _ Day-第三篇:机动车销售合同协议书格式中文版:一、车辆信息买方:_(单位名称/个人姓名)卖方:_(单位名称/个人姓名)车型:_车架号(VIN):

18、_发动机号:_车辆颜色:_二、车辆价格及付款方式1. 车辆总价为人民币_元整。2. 买方于签订本合同之日支付定金_元,余款在车辆交付时支付。3. 车辆保险费用由买方自行承担。三、车辆交付1. 卖方应在签订本合同之日起_日内将车辆交付给买方。2. 买方应在车辆到达交付地点后当日验收车辆,如有问题应当当场提出。四、车辆所有权转移1. 车款全部支付完毕且过户手续办理完毕后,车辆所有权自动转移至买方名下。2. 卖方应协助买方完成车辆过户手续。五、违约责任1. 任何一方未能履行本合同约定的,应承担相应的违约责任。2. 拒收车辆或者逾期未支付款项的,应承担相应的违约责任。六、其他1. 本合同自双方签字盖章

19、之日起生效。2. 本合同一式两份,买方和卖方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。买方(盖章/签字):_ 日期:_ 年 _ 月 _ 日卖方(盖章/签字):_ 日期:_ 年 _ 月 _ 日英文版:Format of Vehicle Sales Contract AgreementVehicle InformationBuyer: _ (Name of entity/individual)Seller: _ (Name of entity/individual)Model: _Vehicle Identification Number (VIN): _Engine Number: _Vehicle Colo

20、r: _Vehicle Price and Payment Method1. The total price of the vehicle is RMB _.2. The buyer shall pay a deposit of _ RMB on the date of signing this contract, with the balance to be paid upon delivery of the vehicle.3. The vehicle insurance fee shall be borne by the buyer.Vehicle Delivery1. The sell

21、er shall deliver the vehicle to the buyer within _ days from the date of signing this contract.2. The buyer shall inspect the vehicle on the day of delivery at the delivery location and raise any issues immediately if necessary.Transfer of Vehicle Ownership1. Upon full payment of the vehicle price a

22、nd completion of the transfer procedures, the ownership of the vehicle shall automatically transfer to the buyer.2. The seller shall assist the buyer in completing the vehicle transfer procedures.Breach of Contract Liability1. If either party fails to fulfill its obligations under this contract, it

23、shall bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract.2. Those who refuse to accept the vehicle or fail to pay the amount due on time shall bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract.Others1. This contract shall become effective from the date of signature and seal by both parties.2. This contract is made in duplicate, with the buyer and the seller each holding one copy, both of which shall have equal legal effect.Buyers Signature (Seal): _ Date: _ Year _ Month _ DaySellers Signature (Seal): _ Date: _ Year _ Month _ Day- 希望以上的这三篇文章能够满足您的要求。如需进一步修改或添加内容,请随时告诉我。

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