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1、建设工程施工合同范本八篇文章:建设工程施工合同范本Article: Eight Sample Construction Project Construction Contracts第一篇:建设工程总承包合同中文:一、 甲方:(委托人)名称:地址:法定代表人:联系人:电话:传真:二、 乙方:(承包人)名称:地址:法定代表人:联系人:电话:传真:三、 甲方同意乙方按照本合同规定承担XX建设工程的总承包责任,乙方同意承担该建设工程的总承包责任。四、 建设工程名称:五、 建设地点:六、 工程概况:七、 工程价款及支付方式:八、 施工期限:九、 质量要求:十、 现场管理人员及班组:十一、 安全生产要求:

2、十二、 担保方式:十三、 合同变更和解释:十四、 违约责任:十五、 争议解决:十六、 本合同自双方代表签字或盖章之日起生效。十七、 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。英文:1. Party A: (Client)Name:Address:Legal representative:Contact Person:Phone:Fax:2. Party B: (Contractor)Name:Address:Legal representative:Contact Person:Phone:Fax:3. Party A agrees that Party B shall undertak

3、e the general contracting responsibility for the XX construction project in accordance with the terms of this contract, and Party B agrees to undertake the general contracting responsibility for the construction project.4. Name of the construction project:5. Location of the construction project:6. P

4、roject overview:7. Contract price and payment method:8. Construction period:9. Quality requirements:10. On-site management personnel and work team:11. Safety production requirements:12. Guarantee method:13. Contract changes and interpretations:14. Liability for breach of contract:15. Dispute resolut

5、ion:16. This contract shall come into effect from the date of signature or seal by the representatives of both parties.17. This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy and having equal legal effect.第二篇:建设工程分包合同中文:一、 甲方信息:名称:地址:法定代表人:联系人:电话:传真:二、 乙方信息:名称:地址:法定代表人:联系人:电话:传真:三、

6、甲方同意乙方按照本合同规定承担XX建设工程的分包责任,乙方同意承担该建设工程的分包责任。四、 建设工程名称:五、 建设地点:六、 工程概况:七、 工程分包标段:八、 工程价款及支付方式:九、 施工期限:十、 质量要求:十一、 施工进度:十二、 付款方式:十三、 保修责任:十四、 违约责任:十五、 解决争议:十六、 合同变更:十七、 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,自双方盖章之日起生效。英文:1. Party A Information:Name:Address:Legal representative:Contact Person:Phone:Fax:2. Party B Information

7、:Name:Address:Legal representative:Contact Person:Phone:Fax:3. Party A agrees that Party B shall undertake the subcontracting responsibility of the XX construction project in accordance with the terms of this contract, and Party B agrees to undertake the subcontracting responsibility of the construc

8、tion project.4. Name of the construction project:5. Location of the construction project:6. Project overview:7. Project subcontracting section:8. Contract price and payment method:9. Construction period:10. Quality requirements:11. Construction progress:12. Payment method:13. Warranty responsibility

9、:14. Breach of contract liability:15. Dispute resolution:16. Contract changes:17. This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy and comes into effect from the date of seal by both parties.第三篇:建设工程设计合同中文:一、 委托方信息:名称:地址:法定代表人:联系人:电话:传真:二、 设计方信息:名称:地址:法定代表人:联系人:电话:传真:三、 建设工程名称:四、

10、 建设工程地点:五、 工程概况:六、 设计范围及内容:七、 设计报酬及支付方式:八、 设计完成时间:九、 设计质量保证:十、 技术支持:十一、 法律责任:十二、 争议解决:十三、 合同变更:十四、 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至设计完成并通过验收结算完毕后终止。英文:1. Client Information:Name:Address:Legal representative:Contact Person:Phone:Fax:2. Designer Information:Name:Address:Legal representative:Contact Person:Phone:Fax:

11、3. Name of the construction project:4. Location of the construction project:5. Project overview:6. Design scope and content:7. Design fee and payment method:8. Design completion time:9. Design quality assurance:10. Technical support:11. Legal responsibility:12. Dispute resolution:13. Contract change

12、s:14. This contract shall come into effect from the date of signature and seal by both parties, and shall terminate upon the completion of design, acceptance and settlement.第四篇:建设工程勘察合同中文:一、 委托方信息:名称:地址:法定代表人:联系人:电话:传真:二、 勘察单位信息:名称:地址:法定代表人:联系人:电话:传真:三、 勘察项目名称:四、 勘察项目地点:五、 勘察范围及内容:六、 勘察报酬及支付方式:七、 勘察

13、时间表:八、 勘察成果保密:九、 法律责任:十、 争议解决:十一、 合同变更:十二、 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至勘察完成并通过审查验收结算完毕后终止。英文:1. Client Information:Name:Address:Legal representative:Contact Person:Phone:Fax:2. Survey Unit Information:Name:Address:Legal representative:Contact Person:Phone:Fax:3. Survey project name:4. Survey project location:5

14、. Survey scope and content:6. Survey fee and payment method:7. Survey schedule:8. Confidentiality of survey results:9. Legal responsibility:10. Dispute resolution:11. Contract changes:12. This contract shall come into effect from the date of signature and seal by both parties, and shall terminate up

15、on the completion of survey, review acceptance and settlement.第五篇:建设工程监理合同中文:一、 业主信息:名称:地址:法定代表人:联系人:电话:传真:二、 监理单位信息:名称:地址:法定代表人:联系人:电话:传真:三、 项目名称:四、 项目地址:五、 项目概况:六、 监理范围及内容:七、 监理报酬及支付方式:八、 监理时间表:九、 监理责任:十、 技术支持:十一、 法律责任:十二、 争议解决:十三、 合同变更:十四、 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至工程竣工并通过竣工验收结算完毕后终止。英文:1. Owner Informati

16、on:Name:Address:Legal representative:Contact Person:Phone:Fax:2. Supervision Unit Information:Name:Address:Legal representative:Contact Person:Phone:Fax:3. Project name:4. Project address:5. Project overview:6. Scope and content of supervision:7. Supervision fee and payment method:8. Supervision sch

17、edule:9. Supervision responsibilities:10. Technical support:11. Legal responsibility:12. Dispute resolution:13. Contract changes:14. This contract shall come into effect from the date of signature and seal by both parties, and shall terminate upon the completion of the project and settlement after c

18、ompletion inspection.第六篇:建设工程施工劳务分包合同中文:一、 上家信息:名称:地址:法定代表人:联系人:电话:传真:二、 分包方信息:名称:地址:法定代表人:联系人:电话:传真:三、 项目名称:四、 项目地址:五、 施工任务:六、 分包范围及内容:七、 分包价款及支付方式:八、 施工期限:九、 质量要求:十、 安全生产:十一、 法律责任:十二、 争议解决:十三、 合同变更:十四、 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至竣工验收结算完毕后终止。英文:1. Information of the Contractor:Name:Address:Legal representati

19、ve:Contact Person:Phone:Fax:2. Information of the Subcontractor:Name:Address:Legal representative:Contact Person:Phone:Fax:3. Project name:4. Project address:5. Construction task:6. Scope and content of subcontracting:7. Subcontracting fee and payment method:8. Construction period:9. Quality require

20、ments:10. Safety production:11. Legal responsibility:12. Dispute resolution:13. Contract changes:14. This contract shall come into effect from the date of signature and seal by both parties, and shall terminate upon the completion of acceptance inspection and settlement.第七篇:建设工程仪器设备租赁合同中文:一、 出租方信息:名

21、称:地址:法定代表人:联系人:电话:传真:二、 承租方信息:名称:地址:法定代表人:联系人:电话:传真:三、 租赁设备:四、 租赁期限:五、 租赁费用及支付方式:六、 使用范围:七、 维护责任:八、 使用规定:九、 保密协议:十、 损失赔偿:十一、 争议解决:十二、 合同变更:十三、 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至租赁期限届满后终止。英文:1. Information of the Lessor:Name:Address:Legal representative:Contact Person:Phone:Fax:2. Information of the Lessee:Name:Addre

22、ss:Legal representative:Contact Person:Phone:Fax:3. Rental equipment:4. Rental period:5. Rental fee and payment method:6. Scope of use:7. Maintenance responsibility:8. Rules of use:9. Confidentiality agreement:10. Loss compensation:11. Dispute resolution:12. Contract changes:13. This contract shall

23、come into effect from the date of signature and seal by both parties, and shall terminate upon the expiration of the rental period.第八篇:建设工程施工人力资源外包合同中文:一、 托管方信息:名称:地址:法定代表人:联系人:电话:传真:二、 外包方信息:名称:地址:法定代表人:联系人:电话:传真:三、 托管内容:四、 外包范围与内容:五、 服务周期:六、 服务费用及支付方式:七、 服务质量保证:八、 法律责任:九、 争议解决:十、 合同解除:十一、 合同变更:十二、

24、 本合同自签订之日起生效,至服务期限届满后终止。英文:1. Information of the Custodian:Name:Address:Legal representative:Contact Person:Phone:Fax:2. Information of the Outsourcing Party:Name:Address:Legal representative:Contact Person:Phone:Fax:3. Custodian content:4. Scope and content of outsourcing:5. Service period:6. Servi

25、ce fee and payment method:7. Service quality assurance:8. Legal responsibility:9. Dispute resolution:10. Contract termination:11. Contract changes:12. This contract shall come into effect from the date of signing and shall terminate upon the expiration of the service period.以上为八篇建设工程施工合同范本,有关合同内容的条款

26、应根据实际情况进行调整和修改,以确保合同符合双方需求并合法有效。愿以上内容对您有所帮助!The above are eight sample construction project construction contracts. The terms of the contracts should be adjusted and modified according to the actual situation to ensure that the contract meets the needs of both parties and is legally valid. I hope the above content is helpful to you!

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