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1、铁路运输合同范本四篇1. 铁路运输合同范本中文版:铁路货物运输合同甲方:(托运人)_ 身份证号:_ 联系方式:_乙方:(承运人)_ 联系方式:_鉴于甲方委托乙方运输以下货物,并双方同意订立本合同,以明确双方的权利和义务。各项条款如下:一、货物信息:货物名称:_规格型号:_数量:_包装:_二、托运地点和目的地:起运地:_目的地:_三、运输方式:铁路运输四、托运费用:托运费用为_人民币,由甲方承担。五、运输时间:根据铁路运输时刻表执行。六、风险责任:1. 货物因托运人原因导致的破损或遗失,由托运人承担责任。2. 货物在运输途中因运输公司原因导致的破损或遗失,由承运公司承担责任。七、违约责任:如因一

2、方违反合同规定而导致对方损失,违约方应当承担相应的法律责任。八、其他约定:1. 本合同自双方签字或盖章之日起生效,至货物运抵目的地时终止。2. 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。以上条款经双方确认无误后,签订本合同。甲方签字:_ 日期:_乙方签字:_ 日期:_英文版:Railway Transportation ContractParty A: (Shipper) _ ID Number: _ Contact: _Party B: (Carrier) _ Contact: _Whereas Party A contracts Party B to transport the fo

3、llowing goods by rail and the parties agree to conclude this contract to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties. The terms are as follows:1. Goods Information:Goods Name: _Specifications: _Quantity: _Packaging: _2. Consignment Point and Destination:Departure Point: _Destination: _3. Mode

4、 of Transportation:Railway transportation4. Consignment Fee:The consignment fee is _ RMB, to be borne by Party A.5. Transportation Time:To be executed according to the railway transportation schedule.6. Risk Liability:1. Party A shall bear responsibility for damage or loss of goods due to the shippe

5、rs reasons.2. The carrier shall bear responsibility for damage or loss of goods during transportation due to the carriers reasons.7. Breach of Contract Liability:If one party violates the contract and causes losses to the other party, the breaching party shall bear corresponding legal responsibiliti

6、es.8. Other Agreements:1. This contract shall come into effect from the date of signing or stamping by the parties and shall terminate upon the arrival of the goods at the destination.2. This contract is made in duplicate, each party holding one copy, with equal legal effect.After both parties confi

7、rm the above terms are correct, sign this contract.Party A Signature: _ Date: _Party B Signature: _ Date: _2. 铁路客运合同范本中文版:铁路客运合同甲方:(旅客)_ 身份证号:_ 联系方式:_乙方:(铁路客运公司)_ 联系方式:_鉴于甲方购买了以下铁路客运票,并双方同意订立本合同,以明确双方的权利和义务。各项条款如下:一、旅行信息:乘车日期:_发车站点:_到达站点:_车厢座位号:_二、票价:票价为_人民币,由甲方承担。三、服务内容:1. 在乘车期间提供必要的服务和帮助。2. 按照车站规定

8、的时间和要求行驶,并遵守相关规定。四、安全责任:1. 乙方应保证车辆和设备的安全,确保乘客的出行安全。2. 旅客须遵守车厢秩序,不得在车厢内吸烟、大声喧哗或危害他人安全。五、投诉处理:如旅客对服务质量有异议,可向乙方提出投诉,乙方应及时处理并回复。六、违约责任:如因一方违反合同规定而导致对方损失,违约方应当承担相应的法律责任。七、其他约定:1. 本合同自票务购买之日起生效,至到达目的地时终止。2. 本合同一式两份,旅客持票为证,具有同等法律效力。以上条款经双方确认无误后,签订本合同。甲方签字:_ 日期:_乙方签字:_ 日期:_英文版:Railway Passenger Transport Co

9、ntractParty A: (Passenger) _ ID Number: _ Contact: _Party B: (Railway Passenger Transport Company) _ Contact: _Whereas Party A purchased the following railway passenger tickets, and the parties agree to conclude this contract to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties. The terms are as fo

10、llows:1. Travel Information:Travel Date: _Departure Station: _Arrival Station: _Carriage Seat Number: _2. Fare:The fare is _ RMB, to be borne by Party A.3. Service Content:1. Provide necessary services and assistance during the journey.2. Operate according to the designated time and requirements of

11、the station, and comply with relevant regulations.4. Safety Responsibility:1. Party B shall ensure the safety of vehicles and equipment to ensure the safety of passengers.2. Passengers must abide by the order of the carriage, no smoking, loud noises, or behaviors that endanger the safety of others.5

12、. Complaint Handling:If passengers have objections to the quality of service, they may lodge a complaint with Party B, which should handle and respond promptly.6. Breach of Contract Liability:If one party violates the contract and causes losses to the other party, the breaching party shall bear corr

13、esponding legal responsibilities.7. Other Agreements:1. This contract shall come into effect from the date of ticket purchase and shall terminate upon arrival at the destination.2. This contract is made in duplicate, with the passenger holding the ticket as proof, with equal legal effect.After both

14、parties confirm the above terms are correct, sign this contract.Party A Signature: _ Date: _Party B Signature: _ Date: _3. 铁路包车旅游合同范本中文版:铁路包车旅游合同甲方:(包车旅游团体)_ 联系方式:_乙方:(铁路包车公司)_ 联系方式:_鉴于甲方委托乙方进行以下铁路包车旅游服务,并双方同意订立本合同,以明确双方的权利和义务。各项条款如下:一、包车信息:包车旅游线路:_出发日期:_返回日期:_参与人数:_二、包车费用:包车费用为_人民币,由甲方承担。三、服务内容:1.

15、提供铁路包车旅游的列车车厢,保证列车设施的完好。2. 安排专业导游,提供旅游服务。3. 按照约定时间和线路进行包车旅游。四、安全责任:1. 乙方应确保包车列车的安全和秩序。2. 旅游团体成员须遵守包车旅游规定,不得违章乱纪行为。五、投诉处理:如包车旅游团体对服务质量有异议,可向乙方提出投诉,乙方应及时处理并回复。六、违约责任:如因一方违反合同规定而导致对方损失,违约方应当承担相应的法律责任。七、其他约定:1. 本合同自双方签字或盖章之日起生效,至包车旅游结束时终止。2. 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。以上条款经双方确认无误后,签订本合同。甲方签字:_ 日期:_乙方签字:_ 日

16、期:_英文版:Railway Charter Tour ContractParty A: (Charter Tour Group) _ Contact: _Party B: (Railway Charter Company) _ Contact: _Whereas Party A contracts Party B to provide the following railway charter tour services, and the parties agree to conclude this contract to clarify the rights and obligations

17、 of both parties. The terms are as follows:1. Charter Information:Charter Tour Route: _Departure Date: _Return Date: _Number of Participants: _2. Charter Fee:The charter fee is _ RMB, to be borne by Party A.3. Service Content:1. Provide railway carriage for charter tours, ensuring the integrity of t

18、rain facilities.2. Arrange professional tour guides to provide tour services.3. Conduct charter tours according to the agreed time and route.4. Safety Responsibility:1. Party B shall ensure the safety and order of the charter train.2. Members of the tour group must abide by the regulations of the ch

19、arter tour and refrain from engaging in misconduct.5. Complaint Handling:If the charter tour group has objections to the quality of service, they may lodge a complaint with Party B, which should handle and respond promptly.6. Breach of Contract Liability:If one party violates the contract and causes

20、 losses to the other party, the breaching party shall bear corresponding legal responsibilities.7. Other Agreements:1. This contract shall come into effect from the date of signing or stamping by the parties and shall terminate upon the conclusion of the charter tour.2. This contract is made in dupl

21、icate, each party holding one copy, with equal legal effect.After both parties confirm the above terms are correct, sign this contract.Party A Signature: _ Date: _Party B Signature: _ Date: _4. 铁路货运特种货物运输合同范本中文版:铁路货运特种货物运输合同甲方:(特种货物托运人)_ 联系方式:_乙方:(铁路货运公司)_ 联系方式:_鉴于甲方委托乙方运输以下特种货物,并双方同意订立本合同,以明确双方的权利和

22、义务。各项条款如下:一、货物信息:货物名称:_规格型号:_数量:_包装:_特殊要求:_二、托运地点和目的地:起运地:_目的地:_三、特种货物运输方式:铁路特种货物运输四、托运费用:托运费用为_人民币,由甲方承担。五、运输时间:根据铁路运输时刻表执行。六、特殊风险责任:根据特种货物的特性,双方约定特殊的风险责任规定。七、违约责任:如因一方违反合同规定而导致对方损失,违约方应当承担相应的法律责任。八、其他约定:1. 本合同自双方签字或盖章之日起生效,至货物运抵目的地时终止。2. 本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。以上条款经双方确认无误后,签订本合同。甲方签字:_ 日期:_乙方签字:_

23、 日期:_英文版:Railway Special Cargo Transport ContractParty A: (Special Cargo Shipper) _ Contact: _Party B: (Railway Cargo Transport Company) _ Contact: _Whereas Party A contracts Party B to transport the following special cargo and the parties agree to conclude this contract to clarify the rights and ob

24、ligations of both parties. The terms are as follows:1. Cargo Information:Cargo Name: _Specifications: _Quantity: _Packaging: _Special Requirements: _2. Consignment Point and Destination:Departure Point: _Destination: _3. Special Cargo Transportation Mode:Railway special cargo transportation4. Consig

25、nment Fee:The consignment fee is _ RMB, to be borne by Party A.5. Transportation Time:To be executed according to the railway transportation schedule.6. Special Risk Liability:Based on the characteristics of the special cargo, the parties agree on particular risk liability provisions.7. Breach of Co

26、ntract Liability:If one party violates the contract and causes losses to the other party, the breaching party shall bear corresponding legal responsibilities.8. Other Agreements:1. This contract shall come into effect from the date of signing or stamping by the parties and shall terminate upon the arrival of the goods at the destination.2. This contract is made in duplicate, each party holding one copy, with equal legal effect.After both parties confirm the above terms are correct, sign this contract.Party A Signature: _ Date: _Party B Signature: _ Date: _

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