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1、建设工程施工总承包合同范本Article:建设工程施工总承包合同范本中文:建设工程施工总承包合同范本第一章 总 则第一条 承包商应当严格按照本合同约定的工程规模、质量、工期、价格等内容履行合同,并接受委托人的监督和检查。第二条 承包商应当设立专门的项目组织机构,负责本承包合同的实施工作,并配备相应的技术负责人和施工人员。第三条 承包商应当按照国家有关法律、法规和标准的规定,采取必要的安全措施,确保施工现场的安全生产。第四条 承包商应当保证施工图纸的准确和完整,如需修改,应当征得委托人的同意。第五条 承包商应当认真执行合同约定的质量验收标准,对工程质量承担相应的责任。第六条 承包商应当保证工程按

2、照设计要求和规范进行施工,确保工程质量符合国家标准。第七条 承包商应当按照本合同约定的进度和要求,保证工程按时竣工,并按照规定提交竣工验收材料。第八条 委托人应当配合承包商的施工,并及时支付工程款,确保工程正常进行。第九条 委托人有权对工程施工进行监督和检查,对不符合要求的地方提出整改要求。第十条 本合同一经签订即生效,至工程竣工验收并结清工程款后终止。第二章 工程规模和内容第十一条 本工程项目为XX工程(名称),总建筑面积为XX平方米,包括XX、XX、XX等内容。第十二条 工程施工包括XX、XX、XX等内容,施工范围详见附录一。第十三条 承包商应当按照本工程规模和内容的要求,设计合理的施工方

3、案,并获得委托人的认可后实施。第十四条 工程施工采用XX工艺,质量符合XX标准,工程结构符合XX要求。第十五条 工程施工包括土建、装饰、设备安装、环保等工程内容,详细工程内容和施工要求参见工程图纸。第三章 工程质量和验收第十六条 工程质量应当符合国家标准和设计要求,施工过程中应当采取相应的质量控制措施,确保工程质量。第十七条 工程分阶段进行质量验收,包括XX、XX、XX等阶段验收,合格后进入下一阶段施工。第十八条 工程竣工后应当进行竣工验收,委托人对工程质量和完整性进行评定,并出具竣工验收报告。第十九条 工程验收合格后方可移交使用,如有质量问题应当及时整改,并重新进行验收。第二十条 工程质量问

4、题应当由承包商负责解决,如有纠纷应当协商解决或通过法律途径解决。第四章 工程价格和支付第二十一条 工程总价为XX元,分期支付,具体支付方式详见附表一。第二十二条 工程价格不含税,如有增值税等税款应另行支付。第二十三条 工程施工过程中如需额外支付的费用,应当经双方确认同意后支付,委托人有权要求明细。第二十四条 工程款应当及时支付,如有延期应当支付滞纳金,支付方式应当为XX银行账户转账。第五章 施工进度和变更第二十五条 工程应当按照合同约定的工期进行施工,如有延期应当提前通知委托人并说明原因。第二十六条 工程施工过程中如有变更,应当经双方协商确定,委托人有权要求合同变更通知书。第二十七条 工程进度

5、应当每周报送一次,详细列明本周工程进度和下周工作计划。第二十八条 工程施工不能按时完成的,承包商应当负责相应的延期费用和责任。英文:Model Contract for Construction General ContractingChapter I General ProvisionsArticle 1 The contractor shall strictly perform the contract in accordance with the agreed scope, quality, duration, and price, and accept supervision and

6、inspection from the client.Article 2 The contractor shall establish a dedicated project organization responsible for the implementation of this contract and provide technical personnel and construction workers.Article 3 The contractor shall take necessary safety measures in accordance with relevant

7、laws, regulations, and standards to ensure safety on the construction site.Article 4 The contractor shall ensure the accuracy and completeness of construction drawings, and any modifications require the clients approval.Article 5 The contractor shall diligently implement the quality acceptance stand

8、ards stipulated in the contract and bear the corresponding responsibility for construction quality.Article 6 The contractor shall ensure that the construction is carried out in accordance with design requirements and standards to meet national quality standards.Article 7 The contractor shall ensure

9、that the project is completed on time as stipulated in the contract and submit completion acceptance materials as required.Article 8 The client shall cooperate with the contractor during construction and make timely payments to ensure the smooth progress of the project.Article 9 The client has the r

10、ight to supervise and inspect the construction and request rectification for any non-compliance.Article 10 This contract shall come into effect upon signing and terminate upon completion of the project acceptance and settlement of payments.Chapter II Project Scale and ContentArticle 11 The project i

11、s XX project (name), with a total construction area of XX square meters, including XX, XX, XX, etc.Article 12 The construction includes XX, XX, XX, etc., detailed in Appendix I.Article 13 The contractor shall design a reasonable construction plan in accordance with the project scale and content, sub

12、ject to client approval.Article 14 The construction process follows XX technology, meets XX standards, and complies with XX structural requirements.Article 15 The construction includes civil, decorative, equipment installation, environmental protection, and other elements as detailed in the project

13、drawings.Chapter III Project Quality and AcceptanceArticle 16 The construction quality shall meet national standards and design requirements, with quality control measures implemented throughout to ensure project quality.Article 17 Quality acceptance is conducted in stages, including XX, XX, XX, wit

14、h acceptance required for each stage before proceeding to the next.Article 18 Upon project completion, a final acceptance is carried out by the client to evaluate quality and completeness, resulting in a completion acceptance report.Article 19 Only after passing acceptance can the project be put int

15、o use; any quality issues must be rectified promptly and re-inspected.Article 20 The contractor is responsible for resolving quality issues, and disputes should be resolved through negotiation or legal means.Chapter IV Project Price and PaymentArticle 21 The total project price is XX, payable in ins

16、tallments as detailed in Schedule I.Article 22 The project price excludes taxes, with additional taxes such as value-added tax to be paid separately.Article 23 Extra costs during construction must be paid with mutual agreement, and the client has the right to request detailed breakdowns.Article 24 P

17、ayments should be made promptly, with late payment incurring penalties, and payments made via XX bank transfer.Chapter V Construction Progress and ChangesArticle 25 Construction progress should follow the agreed schedule, with any delays requiring advance notification to the client with reasons.Arti

18、cle 26 Any changes during construction should be mutually agreed upon through negotiation, with the client entitled to request a contract change notice.Article 27 Weekly progress reports should be submitted, detailing progress for the week and plans for the following week.Article 28 If the construction cannot be completed on time, the contractor is liable for delay costs and responsibility.End of Contract

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