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1、建筑工程监理合同范本三篇文章1:建筑工程监理合同范本中文:甲方(监理单位):_乙方(施工单位):_为了规范建筑工程监理工作,保障工程质量和施工安全,双方经友好协商,达成如下监理合同:第一条 监理范围1.1 本监理合同所指工程为_建设工程,具体范围如下:_。1.2 监理工作包括但不限于对施工进度、质量、安全进行监督管理,协助甲方审核合同报批程序,提出意见和建议。第二条 监理权利和义务2.1 甲方应按照国家有关法律法规,按时履行监理职责,做好监理工作,并要求乙方配合。2.2 乙方应按合同约定完成施工任务,接受甲方的监理工作,并积极采纳甲方提出的合理意见和建议。2.3 甲方应对监理工作负责,并向乙方

2、提供必要的技术支持和帮助。第三条 费用支付3.1 甲方向乙方支付的监理费用为_元,支付方式为_。3.2 如监理范围发生变更或超出规定工作量,双方需重新协商确定费用支付方式。第四条 合同变更4.1 合同履行中如遇不可抗力导致无法按原合同约定完成工程的,双方可协商变更合同内容。4.2 其他未尽事宜,双方可通过友好协商确定,相关修改需书面确认后生效。第五条 违约责任5.1 如果一方违反本监理合同的约定,应承担相应的违约责任。5.2 因不可抗力导致无法履行合同的,免除违约责任。第六条 争议解决6.1 双方因本合同引起的争议,应友好协商解决。协商不成的,可根据合同约定或者向有关行政部门申请解决。第七条

3、其他7.1 本监理合同自双方签字盖章后生效,至工程竣工验收结束。7.2 本监理合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。甲方(监理单位):_乙方(施工单位):_日期:_英文:Party A (Supervision Unit): _Party B (Construction Unit): _In order to regulate the supervision of construction projects, ensure the quality and safety of the project, the two parties have reached the followin

4、g supervision contract through friendly negotiation:Article 1 Scope of Supervision1.1 The construction project referred to in this supervision contract is _ construction project, the specific scope is as follows: _.1.2 The supervision work includes but is not limited to supervising and managing the

5、construction progress, quality, and safety, assisting Party A in reviewing the contract approval process, and providing opinions and suggestions.Article 2 Rights and Obligations of Supervision2.1 Party A shall perform the supervision duties in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations,

6、complete the supervision work on time, and require Party Bs cooperation.2.2 Party B shall complete the construction tasks according to the contract, accept the supervision work of Party A, and actively accept reasonable opinions and suggestions from Party A.2.3 Party A shall be responsible for the s

7、upervision work and provide necessary technical support and assistance to Party B.Article 3 Payment of Fees3.1 Party A shall pay Party B a supervision fee of _ yuan, and the payment method is _.3.2 If the scope of supervision changes or exceeds the prescribed workload, the two parties need to renego

8、tiate and determine the payment method for the fees.Article 4 Contract Changes4.1 If force majeure occurs during the performance of the contract, leading to the inability to complete the project according to the original contract, the two parties may negotiate changes to the contract.4.2 Other matte

9、rs not covered in the contract can be determined through friendly negotiation, and relevant modifications shall take effect after written confirmation.Article 5 Breach of Contract Liability5.1 If one party violates the terms of this supervision contract, it shall bear the corresponding liability for

10、 breach of contract.5.2 If the inability to perform the contract is due to force majeure, the liability for breach of contract is exempted.Article 6 Dispute Resolution6.1 Disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, resolution can be sough

11、t according to the contract or by applying to the relevant administrative department.Article 7 Others7.1 This supervision contract shall take effect after being signed and sealed by both parties and shall continue until the completion of the project acceptance.7.2 This supervision contract is in dup

12、licate, with each party holding one copy, both having equal legal effect.Party A (Supervision Unit): _Party B (Construction Unit): _Date: _文章2:建筑工程监理合同范本中文:监理合同编号:_监理单位:_施工单位:_监理范围:_为规范建筑工程监理行为,保障建筑工程质量和进度,双方在平等自愿的基础上,达成如下合同:第一条 监理范围1.1 本监理合同涉及工程范围为_建设工程,具体范围及位置为_。1.2 监理工作内容包括但不限于施工过程、质量、安全等方面的监督检查。

13、第二条 监理权利和义务2.1 甲方应负责对建筑工程进行严格监理,并按规定提出监理意见和报告。2.2 乙方应遵守施工安全规范,接受监理单位的定期监督检查,并配合提供必要的资料和信息。第三条 费用支付3.1 甲方向乙方支付的监理费用为_元,支付方式为_。3.2 如监理范围或工作量发生变更,费用支付方式也需重新商定。第四条 合同解除4.1 若一方违反合同规定,严重影响建筑质量和安全的,对方有权解除监理合同。4.2 合同履行中遇不可抗力导致合同无法继续履行的,可以解除合同,但应及时通知对方。第五条 违约责任5.1 发生合同纠纷时,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,可采取其他合理方式解决。5.2 因不可抗

14、力军事、自然灾害等原因导致合同无法履行的,免除违约责任。第六条 其他6.1 本监理合同自签署之日起生效,工程竣工验收通过后结束。6.2 本监理合同自双方签字盖章后生效,并具有法律效力。监理单位:_施工单位:_日期:_英文:Supervision Contract Number: _Supervision Unit: _Construction Unit: _Scope of Supervision: _In order to regulate the supervision of construction projects, ensure the quality and progress of

15、 construction projects, the two parties have reached the following contract on an equal and voluntary basis:Article 1 Scope of Supervision1.1 This supervision contract involves the scope of the construction project of _, with specific scope and location at _.1.2 The supervision work includes but is

16、not limited to the supervision and inspection of construction process, quality, safety, etc.Article 2 Rights and Obligations of Supervision2.1 Party A shall be responsible for strict supervision of the construction project and provide supervision opinions and reports as required.2.2 Party B shall co

17、mply with construction safety regulations, accept regular supervision and inspections by the supervision unit, and cooperate by providing necessary data and information.Article 3 Payment of Fees3.1 Party A shall pay Party B a supervision fee of _ yuan, and the payment method is _.3.2 If there are ch

18、anges in the scope or workload of supervision, the payment method for fees should be renegotiated.Article 4 Termination of Contract4.1 If one party violates the contract provisions and seriously affects the quality and safety of the construction, the other party has the right to terminate the superv

19、ision contract.4.2 If force majeure occurs during the performance of the contract and makes it impossible to continue the contract, the contract may be terminated, but the other party should be notified promptly.Article 5 Breach of Contract Liability5.1 In case of contract disputes, the two parties

20、should resolve them through friendly negotiation; if negotiation fails, other reasonable methods can be used for resolution.5.2 If the contract cannot be performed due to force majeure, such as military, natural disasters, etc., the liability for breach of contract is exempted.Article 6 Others6.1 Th

21、is supervision contract takes effect from the date of signing and ends after the completion and acceptance of the project.6.2 This supervision contract becomes effective and legally binding after being signed and sealed by both parties.Supervision Unit: _Construction Unit: _Date: _文章3:建筑工程监理合同范本中文:监

22、理单位:_施工单位:_监理合同编号:_为了规范施工行为,提高建设工程的质量和管理水平,经双方友好协商,达成如下监理合同:第一条 监理范围1.1 本监理合同所涉工程为_建设工程,详细位置及范围为_。1.2 监理工作内容包括但不限于对施工进度、施工质量、安全管理等方面进行检查监督。第二条 监理权利和义务2.1 甲方应按照法律法规履行监理职责,进行全程监督,并提出建设工程管理和质量方面的意见和建议。2.2 乙方应配合监理单位的工作,并提供必要信息资料,确保施工行为合法、合规。第三条 费用支付3.1 甲方向乙方支付的监理费用为_元,具体支付方式为_。3.2 如有特殊情况导致监理工作内容变更或增加,费用

23、支付方式应重新商定。第四条 合同解除4.1 若一方未履行合同义务,影响工程质量和进度的,对方有权解除合同。4.2 因不可抗力原因导致合同无法继续履行的,可解除合同,但应提前通知对方。第五条 违约责任5.1 合同履行中如出现争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,可寻求其他合适方式解决。5.2 因不可抗力因素如自然灾害、战争等导致合同无法继续履行的,免除违约责任。第六条 其他6.1 本监理合同自签署之日起生效,直至工程竣工验收结束。6.2 本监理合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。监理单位:_施工单位:_日期:_英文:Supervision Unit: _Construction U

24、nit: _Supervision Contract Number: _In order to regulate construction activities, improve the quality and management level of construction projects, the two parties have reached the following supervision contract through friendly negotiation:Article 1 Scope of Supervision1.1 The construction project

25、 referred to in this supervision contract is _ construction project, with a detailed location and scope at _.1.2 The supervision work includes but is not limited to inspecting and supervising the construction progress, construction quality, safety management, etc.Article 2 Rights and Obligations of

26、Supervision2.1 Party A shall carry out full-scale supervision according to laws and regulations, provide opinions and suggestions on construction project management and quality.2.2 Party B shall cooperate with the supervision units work, provide necessary information and materials to ensure that the

27、 construction activities are legal and compliant.Article 3 Payment of Fees3.1 Party A shall pay Party B a supervision fee of _ yuan, with the specific payment method being _.3.2 If there are special circumstances resulting in changes or additions to the supervision work, the payment method for fees

28、should be renegotiated.Article 4 Termination of Contract4.1 If one party fails to fulfill its contractual obligations, affecting the quality and progress of the project, the other party has the right to terminate the contract.4.2 If force majeure causes the contract to be unable to continue, the con

29、tract may be terminated, but the other party should be notified in advance.Article 5 Breach of Contract Liability5.1 In case of disputes during contract performance, the two parties should resolve them through friendly negotiation; if negotiation fails, other appropriate methods can be sought for re

30、solution.5.2 If force majeure factors such as natural disasters, wars, etc., lead to the impossibility of continuing the contract, the liability for breach of contract is exempted.Article 6 Others6.1 This supervision contract takes effect from the date of signing and ends upon the completion and acceptance of the project.6.2 This supervision contract is in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, both having equal legal effect.Supervision Unit: _Construction Unit: _Date: _

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