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1、软件授权合同书范本六则1. *软件授权合同书范本一:*中文版*软件授权合同书甲方:(公司名称/个人姓名)地址:(注册地址/联系地址)电话:(联系电话)法定代表人(个人)/授权代表(公司):(姓名)传真:(传真号码)邮编:(邮编)电子邮箱:(电子邮箱)乙方:(公司名称/个人姓名)地址:(注册地址/联系地址)电话:(联系电话)法定代表人(个人)/授权代表(公司):(姓名)传真:(传真号码)邮编:(邮编)电子邮箱:(电子邮箱)鉴于甲方为软件开发商拥有软件的著作权及其他相关权利,乙方希望取得该软件的使用权,双方本着平等、互利的原则达成如下协议:一、软件内容:甲方将授予乙方使用(软件名称)软件的权利。二

2、、授权方式:甲方授权乙方使用该软件的方式为(方式),并由双方协商确定使用期限。三、软件费用:乙方应向甲方支付软件使用费用,具体金额为(金额),支付方式为(方式),支付时间为(时间)。四、保密条款:双方对于在合作过程中有关商业机密及其他相关资料应保密,未经对方书面同意不得向第三方透露。.*English Version*Software License AgreementParty A: (Company Name/Individual Name)Address: (Registered Address/Contact Address)Phone: (Contact Phone Number)L

3、egal Representative (Individual)/Authorized Representative (Company): (Name)Fax: (Fax Number)Zip Code: (Zip Code)Email: (Email Address)Party B: (Company Name/Individual Name)Address: (Registered Address/Contact Address)Phone: (Contact Phone Number)Legal Representative (Individual)/Authorized Represe

4、ntative (Company): (Name)Fax: (Fax Number)Zip Code: (Zip Code)Email: (Email Address)Whereas Party A, as the software developer, owns the copyright and other related rights to the software, and Party B wishes to obtain the right to use the software, both parties reach the following agreement in the s

5、pirit of equality and mutual benefit:1. Software Content: Party A will grant Party B the right to use the (Name of Software) software.2. Authorization Method: Party A authorizes Party B to use the software in the manner of (Method), with the usage period to be determined by mutual agreement.3. Softw

6、are Fee: Party B shall pay Party A the software usage fee, the specific amount being (Amount), payment method being (Method), and payment deadline being (Time).4. Confidentiality Clause: Both parties agree to keep confidential any business secrets and other related information during the cooperation

7、, and shall not disclose such information to third parties without written consent.2. *软件授权合同书范本二:*中文版*免责声明甲方用心制作本软件,但不对软件的质量或功能做任何明示或暗示的保证。甲方不承担因软件使用引发的任何直接、间接、附带或特殊的损失,包括但不限于利润损失、营业中断等。乙方在使用本软件时需自行承担风险,如发生数据丢失、系统故障等问题,甲方不承担任何责任。本免责声明适用于所有与本软件有关的风险和责任,无论是否已被告知有可能发生。.*English Version*DisclaimerParty

8、 A has put effort into creating this software, but does not provide any express or implied warranties regarding the quality or functionality of the software. Party A shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential losses arising from the use of the software, including

9、 but not limited to loss of profits, business interruption, etc.Party B shall bear the risks associated with using this software, and Party A shall not be held responsible for any data loss, system failures, or other issues that may arise.This disclaimer applies to all risks and liabilities associat

10、ed with this software, whether or not the possibility of their occurrence has been advised.3. *软件授权合同书范本三:*中文版*终止条款如发生以下情形,本合同将被终止:1. 乙方违反了本合同的任何条款;2. 乙方未按时支付软件使用费用;3. 一方提前30天书面通知对方解除本合同。合同终止后,乙方应停止使用软件,并删除全部副本及相关文件,同时不得继续使用相关软件。.*English Version*Termination ClauseThis contract will be terminated un

11、der the following circumstances:1. Party B violates any terms of this contract;2. Party B fails to pay the software usage fee on time;3. One party provides a written notice of termination to the other party 30 days in advance.After the contract is terminated, Party B shall cease using the software,

12、delete all copies and related files, and refrain from continuing to use the relevant software.4. *软件授权合同书范本四:*中文版*知识产权条款甲方保留本软件所有权利,包括但不限于著作权、商标权等。乙方仅获得使用权,不得对软件内容进行修改、反向工程等行为,严禁侵犯甲方的知识产权。一旦发现乙方侵犯知识产权,甲方有权立即终止本合同,并保留追究乙方法律责任的权利。.*English Version*Intellectual Property Rights ClauseParty A reserves al

13、l rights to the software, including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, etc. Party B is only granted the right to use the software and shall not engage in activities such as modification or reverse engineering of the software content, and is strictly prohibited from infringing upon Party As i

14、ntellectual property rights.In the event that Party B is found to have infringed upon intellectual property rights, Party A reserves the right to immediately terminate this contract and pursue legal action against Party B.5. *软件授权合同书范本五:*中文版*升级条款甲方有权对软件进行升级和更新,乙方同意接受这些升级和更新。如有需要,甲方有权要求乙方支付相应的升级费用,具体

15、金额和方式另行协商。甲方将为乙方提供升级和更新的通知,并指导乙方如何进行操作。乙方在通知后需在规定时间内完成升级操作。.*English Version*Upgrade ClauseParty A has the right to upgrade and update the software, and Party B agrees to accept these upgrades and updates. If necessary, Party A may request Party B to pay the corresponding upgrade fees, with the spec

16、ific amount and method to be negotiated separately.Party A will provide Party B with notice of upgrades and updates, and guide Party B on how to proceed. Party B shall complete the upgrade operation within the specified time after receiving the notice.6. *软件授权合同书范本六:*中文版*法律适用及争议解决本合同适用中华人民共和国法律。双方如发

17、生争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,应提交有管辖权的人民法院诉讼解决。.*English Version*Applicable Law and Dispute ResolutionThis contract is governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China. In the event of a dispute between the parties, they shall seek to resolve it through amicable negotiation; if negotiation fails, the dispute shall be submitted to the competent Peoples Court for litigation.

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