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2、分割的部分,经双方签字盖章后生效。英文:In order to ensure the legality and smoothness of the land sale transaction, the parties hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:1. Subject Matter: The Seller agrees to sell all the land located at (specific address) in the form of (specific area) to the Buyer.2. Price

3、: The Buyer agrees to pay a total price of (specific amount) for the land, with the first installment paid upon signing the contract and the final installment paid to the Seller before the transfer of land ownership.3. Delivery Time: After the Buyer pays the first installment, the Seller shall compl

4、ete the transfer of land ownership procedures before (specific date), and both parties shall jointly handle the transfer procedures at the local relevant department.4. Default Liability: If either party breaches the contract, they shall pay a penalty to the other party, amounting to 10% of the total

5、 contract price.5. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution: This contract shall be governed by Chinese law, and any disputes shall be resolved amicably through negotiation between the parties.6. Effectiveness: The appendices to this contract are an integral part of the contract and shall come into eff

6、ect upon the signatures and seals of both parties.售地合同范本二:中文:双方在诚实守信的基础上,达成如下售地合同:1. 标的:卖方将位于(具体地点)的土地全部以(具体面积)的方式出售给买方。2. 价格:买方同意支付土地的总价款为(具体金额),首期款在签订合同时支付。如有分期付款协议,需在合同中明确分期付款的时间和金额。3. 过户手续:买方支付全部款项后,卖方应在(具体日期)前办理土地过户手续。4. 保证事项:买方自购地起,对土地所有权的保管应负责到位,任何损失由买方承担;卖方保证所售土地的合法权益,并不受任何第三方权属争议。5. 法定条款:双方

7、均需遵守中国法律的规定,合同一旦生效,即具有法律效力。6. 完整性:本合同包括合同正文和附件,生效方式为双方签字盖章。英文:On the basis of honesty and trustworthiness, the parties have concluded the following land sale contract:1. Subject Matter: The Seller agrees to sell all the land located at (specific location) in the form of (specific area) to the Buyer.

8、2. Price: The Buyer agrees to pay a total price of (specific amount) for the land, with the first installment paid upon signing the contract. If there is a installment payment agreement, the timing and amount of installment payments shall be clearly specified in the contract.3. Transfer Procedures:

9、After the Buyer pays the full amount, the Seller shall complete the transfer of land ownership procedures before (specific date).4. Warranty: The Buyer shall be responsible for the custody of the land ownership from the date of purchase and shall bear any losses incurred; the Seller warrants the leg

10、al rights and interests of the land sold, free from any third-party ownership disputes.5. Legal Provisions: Both parties shall abide by the provisions of Chinese law, and once the contract comes into effect, it shall have legal effect.6. Integrity: This contract includes the main text and appendices

11、, and shall come into effect upon the signatures and seals of both parties.售地合同范本三:中文:为保障买卖双方的权益,特制定以下售地合同:1. 标的:卖方同意将位于(具体地点)的土地全部以(具体面积)出售给买方,土地所有权清晰明确。2. 价格和付款方式:买方应支付土地总价款为(具体金额),按约定方式和时间分期支付或一次性支付。3. 过户手续:卖方在收到全部款项后,应在(具体日期)前完成土地过户手续,并承担过户手续的相关费用。4. 质量保证:卖方保证所售土地没有与土地质量、用途、规划等相关的权属纠纷,并承诺承担由此造成的

12、全部责任。5. 法律适用和争议解决:本合同适用中国法律,对合同的解释和执行均受中华人民共和国法律管辖,双方如有争议应友好协商解决,协商不成的,任何一方有权向当地人民法院起诉。6. 签订和生效:本合同正本一式两份,自双方签字盖章之日起生效。英文:In order to safeguard the interests of both the buyer and the seller, the following land sale contract is hereby formulated:1. Subject Matter: The Seller agrees to sell all the l

13、and located at (specific location) in the form of (specific area) to the Buyer, with clear and unambiguous ownership of the land.2. Price and Payment Method: The Buyer shall pay a total price of (specific amount) for the land, in installments according to the agreed method and schedule, or in a lump

14、 sum.3. Transfer Procedures: After receiving the full payment, the Seller shall complete the transfer of land ownership procedures before (specific date), and bear the relevant costs of the transfer procedures.4. Quality Assurance: The Seller guarantees that the land sold has no ownership disputes r

15、elated to land quality, use, planning, etc., and undertakes to assume all responsibilities arising therefrom.5. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution: This contract shall be governed by Chinese law, and the interpretation and execution of the contract shall be subject to the laws of the Peoples Repu

16、blic of China. In case of disputes, the parties shall seek an amicable resolution through negotiation, and if no agreement can be reached, either party has the right to bring a lawsuit to the local peoples court.6. Signing and Effectiveness: This contract, in duplicate original, shall come into effe

17、ct upon the signatures and seals of both parties.售地合同范本四:中文:鉴于买卖双方的意愿,特订立以下售地合同:1. 标的:卖方同意以(具体面积)的方式将位于(具体地点)的土地出售给买方。2. 价格和按揭:购地款项总额为(具体金额),买方首付(具体金额)用于购地,剩余款项按照双方协商的分期付款方式支付,但总价不得少于土地评估价。3. 过户手续:买方全额支付购地款项后,卖方应在(具体日期)前完成土地过户手续,买方获得土地权属转让证书。4. 违约责任:任何一方违反本合同的约定,给对方造成损失的,需按照造成的损失承担违约责任,违约方同时需支付对方违约金

18、,违约金数额为合同总价的20%。5. 法律适用和争议解决:双方约定的内容均遵循中国法律,如有争议应友好协商解决,协商不成的,提交相关部门或仲裁机构进行调解解决。6. 生效方式:本合同经双方签字盖章后生效,合同附件为合同不可分割的部分。英文:Pursuant to the wishes of the buyer and seller, the following land sale contract is hereby concluded:1. Subject Matter: The Seller agrees to sell the land located at (specific loca

19、tion) in the form of (specific area) to the Buyer.2. Price and Mortgage: The total purchase price of the land is (specific amount), with the Buyer making an initial payment of (specific amount) for the land, and the remaining amount to be paid in installments according to the mutually agreed method,

20、 but not less than the assessed value of the land.3. Transfer Procedures: After the Buyer pays the full purchase price, the Seller shall complete the transfer of land ownership procedures before (specific date), and the Buyer shall receive the land ownership transfer certificate.4. Default Liability

21、: If either party violates the provisions of this contract and causes losses to the other party, they shall be liable for the losses incurred and shall pay a penalty to the other party, amounting to 20% of the total contract price.5. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution: The contents agreed upon by

22、 both parties shall comply with Chinese law. In case of disputes, the parties shall seek an amicable resolution through negotiation. If negotiation fails, they shall submit to the relevant department or arbitration institution for mediation and resolution.6. Effectiveness: This contract shall come i

23、nto effect upon the signatures and seals of both parties. The appendices to the contract are an integral part of the contract.售地合同范本五:中文:为确保买卖交易的顺利进行,特制定以下售地合同:1. 标的:卖方同意将位于(具体地点)的土地全部以(具体面积)的方式出售给买方,土地权属清晰无异议。2. 价格和付款方式:买方应支付土地总价为(具体金额),首期款在签订合同时支付,剩余款项在过户时支付给卖方。3. 过户时间:买方支付全部款项后,卖方应在(具体日期)前办理土地过户手

24、续,买卖双方共同到当地相关部门进行过户手续。4. 保证事项:卖方保证所售土地的合法权益,买方承诺遵守购地后的土地使用规定,不进行违规行为。5. 法律适用和争议解决:本合同适用中国法律,对合同的解释和履行受中华人民共和国法律的约束。如有争议,双方应友好协商解决,协商不成的,任何一方有权向法院寻求解决。6. 签订:本合同正本一式两份,自双方签字盖章后生效。英文:To ensure the smooth progress of the sale transaction, the following land sale contract is hereby formulated:1. Subject

25、Matter: The Seller agrees to sell all the land located at (specific location) in the form of (specific area) to the Buyer, with clear and undisputed land ownership.2. Price and Payment Method: The Buyer shall pay a total price of (specific amount) for the land, with the first installment paid upon s

26、igning the contract and the remaining amount paid to the Seller at the time of transfer.3. Transfer Time: After the Buyer pays the full amount, the Seller shall complete the transfer of land ownership procedures before (specific date), and both parties shall jointly handle the transfer procedures at

27、 the local relevant department.4. Warranty: The Seller guarantees the legal rights and interests of the land sold, while the Buyer promises to abide by the land use regulations after purchase and not engage in any violations.5. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution: This contract shall be governed b

28、y Chinese law, and the interpretation and performance of the contract shall be subject to the laws of the Peoples Republic of China. In case of disputes, the parties shall seek an amicable resolution through negotiation. If negotiation fails, either party has the right to seek resolution from the co

29、urt.6. Signing: This contract, in duplicate original, shall come into effect upon the signatures and seals of both parties.售地合同范本六:中文:为明确买卖双方的权利义务,特订以下售地合同:1. 标的:卖方同意将位于(具体地点)的土地全部以(具体面积)的方式出售给买方,土地权属彻底清楚。2. 价格和付款方式:买方同意支付土地的总价款为(具体金额),首期款在签订合同时支付,剩余款项在交付土地时支付给卖方。3. 交付时间:买方支付全部款项后,卖方在(具体日期)前交付土地,并确保

30、土地过户手续顺利进行。4. 保修期:卖方承诺在土地交付后(具体时间)内负责保修措施,确保土地正常使用。5. 法律适用和争议解决:本合同适用中国法律,合同的履行和解释受中华人民共和国法律约束,如有争议,需友好协商解决,协商不成的,任何一方有权提起诉讼。6. 签署:本合同正本一式两份,自双方签字盖章后生效。英文:To clarify the rights and obligations of both the buyer and seller, the following land sale contract is hereby stipulated:1. Subject Matter: The Seller agrees to sell all

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