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1、建立农产品销售合同范本四篇*合同样本一:农产品购销协议*中文版*甲方:*甲方名称法定代表人:联系地址:联系电话:*乙方:*乙方名称法定代表人:联系地址:联系电话:鉴于甲方具备农产品销售资质,乙方有意购买甲方生产的农产品,双方经友好协商,达成以下协议:*一、产品名称:*由甲方生产的农产品为产品名称,品质优良,符合国家相关标准。*二、交货时间:*甲方承诺在签订协议后的具体时间段内交付乙方所购买的农产品。*三、产品价格:*1. 产品价格为人民币金额元/吨。2. 乙方需支付产品总价的50%作为订金,在收到订金后,甲方将准备好产品进行配送。3. 乙方需在产品交付前完成剩余50%的支付。*四、产品数量:*

2、双方约定购销的农产品数量为具体数量吨,若有因不可抗力导致的产品数量变动,可协商调整。*五、质量保证:*1. 甲方保证所售农产品符合国家相关质量标准,无任何质量问题。2. 乙方收到产品后,有权进行检验,如发现质量问题,可拒收或要求退货。*六、协议解除:*若由于一方原因导致协议无法继续履行,需提前具体天数通知对方,协商解除协议及赔偿事宜。*七、其他条款:*双方如有其他约定需在协议中明确,需经双方签字确认生效。*八、争议解决:*因执行本协议所发生的任何争议,应友好协商解决,协商不成的,提交所在地人民法院解决。*九、生效与终止:*本协议自双方签署之日起生效,直至履行完毕或协商终止。*十、签署:*甲方(

3、盖章):_ 日期:乙方(盖章):_ 日期:*英文版*Party A:*Name of Party ALegal Representative:Contact Address:Phone Number:*Party B:*Name of Party BLegal Representative:Contact Address:Phone Number:Whereas Party A has the qualification for selling agricultural products, and Party B intends to purchase agricultural product

4、s produced by Party A, the two parties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation:*1. Product Name:*The agricultural products produced by Party A are Product Name, of high quality, and meet relevant national standards.*2. Delivery Time:*Party A undertakes to deliver the agricu

5、ltural products purchased by Party B within specific time period after signing the agreement.*3. Product Price:*1. The price of the product is RMB Amount per ton.2. Party B is required to pay 50% of the total price as a deposit. Upon receipt of the deposit, Party A will prepare the products for deli

6、very.3. Party B is required to complete the remaining 50% payment before the delivery of the products.*4. Product Quantity:*The agreed quantity of agricultural products for purchase and sale between the two parties is Specific Quantity tons. In case of any changes in product quantity due to force ma

7、jeure, adjustments can be negotiated.*5. Quality Assurance:*1. Party A guarantees that the sold agricultural products meet the relevant national quality standards without any quality issues.2. Party B has the right to inspect the products upon receipt. In case of quality issues, Party B can reject o

8、r request a return.*6. Termination of Agreement:*If one party is unable to continue performing the agreement due to its own reasons, it shall notify the other party specific number of days in advance and negotiate the termination of the agreement and compensation matters.*7. Other Terms:*Any other a

9、greements between the two parties that need to be clarified in the agreement shall be confirmed by both parties signatures for effectiveness.*8. Dispute Resolution:*Any disputes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, it shal

10、l be submitted to the local peoples court for resolution.*9. Effectiveness and Termination:*This agreement shall come into effect from the date of signing by both parties and shall remain in effect until completion or negotiated termination.*10. Signature:*Party A (Seal):_ Date:Party B (Seal):_ Date

11、:-*合同样本二:农产品委托销售合同*中文版*委托方:*委托方名称法定代表人:联系地址:联系电话:*受托方:*受托方名称法定代表人:联系地址:联系电话:鉴于委托方具备农产品生产资质,受托方愿意代理销售委托方生产的农产品,双方友好协商,达成以下协议:*一、产品类型:*委托方生产的农产品为产品类型,品质优良,受托方接受委托代理销售。*二、委托期限:*1. 委托方委托受托方代理销售的时间为具体时间段。2. 如委托期限届满,双方如无异议可以继续延长委托期限。*三、销售费用:*受托方销售农产品所得的收益按照约定分成比例分配,具体比例为比例。*四、产品交付:*1. 委托方需按照协议交付产品给受托方,并保证

12、产品质量符合国家标准。2. 受托方负责将产品销售至合格的购买方,确保交易过程合法合规。*五、结算方式:*双方约定每月具体日期进行一次销售结算,结算方式为结算方式,结算金额由受托方核算提供。*六、保密条款:*双方保证对协议中涉及的商业机密及个人隐私信息予以保密,未经对方授权不得披露第三方。*七、违约责任:*若一方未按约定履行义务,需向对方支付相应违约金。*八、争议解决:*双方如在合作过程中发生争议,应首先友好协商解决,协商不成的,可向仲裁机构申请仲裁,仲裁决定为终局。*九、其他事宜:*本合同未尽事宜,由双方协商解决。合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。*十、生效与终止:*本合同自双方签

13、字生效,至合同结束或协商终止为止。*十一、签署:*委托方(盖章):_ 日期:受托方(盖章):_ 日期:*英文版*Principal:*Name of PrincipalLegal Representative:Contact Address:Phone Number:*Trustee:*Name of TrusteeLegal Representative:Contact Address:Phone Number:Whereas the Principal is qualified to produce agricultural products, and the Trustee is wil

14、ling to act as an agent to sell the agricultural products produced by the Principal, the two parties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation:*1. Product Type:*The agricultural products produced by the Principal are Product Type, of high quality, and the Trustee agrees to ac

15、t as an agent for sales.*2. Entrustment Period:*1. The time period for which the Principal entrusts the Trustee to act as an agent for sales is specific time period.2. If there are no objections, the entrustment period can be extended by both parties upon expiration.*3. Sales Costs:*The revenue earn

16、ed by the Trustee from selling agricultural products shall be distributed according to the agreed sharing ratio, with the specific ratio being Ratio.*4. Product Delivery:*1. The Principal shall deliver the products to the Trustee in accordance with the agreement and ensure that the product quality m

17、eets national standards.2. The Trustee is responsible for selling the products to qualified buyers, ensuring that the transaction process is legal and compliant.*5. Settlement Method:*It is agreed that sales settlement shall be conducted once a month on specific date, with the settlement method bein

18、g Settlement Method. The settlement amount shall be calculated and provided by the Trustee.*6. Confidentiality Clause:*Both parties undertake to keep confidential any business secrets and personal privacy information involved in the agreement and shall not disclose to third parties without authoriza

19、tion.*7. Default Liability:*If either party fails to fulfill its obligations as agreed, it shall pay corresponding liquidated damages to the other party.*8. Dispute Resolution:*In case of disputes during cooperation, the parties shall first attempt to resolve them through friendly negotiation. If no

20、 agreement is reached, arbitration can be sought through an arbitration institution, and the arbitration decision shall be final and binding.*9. Other Matters:*Any matters not covered by this contract shall be resolved through mutual negotiation. This contract is made in duplicate, with each party h

21、olding one copy, and both copies shall have equal legal effect.*10. Effectiveness and Termination:*This contract shall come into effect upon signature by both parties and shall remain in effect until its end or negotiated termination.*11. Signature:*Principal (Seal):_ Date:Trustee (Seal):_ Date:-*合同

22、样本三:农产品长期供货合同*中文版*供货方:*供货方名称法定代表人:联系地址:联系电话:*需方:*需方名称法定代表人:联系地址:联系电话:鉴于供货方具备稳定的农产品生产能力,需方有长期需求稳定的农产品供应,双方友好协商,达成以下协议:*一、供应范围:*供货方将向需方提供农产品类型,供应稳定,质量优良。*二、供货期限:*1. 供货方需按照约定的时间表定期向需方供货。2. 双方约定的供货期限为具体时间周期。*三、价格条款:*1. 供货方向需方提供的产品价格为人民币金额元/吨。2. 产品价格变动将与市场行情挂钩,双方需协商确定价格调整幅度。*四、质量保证:*供货方保证供货产品符合国家质量标准,无任何

23、质量问题,需方有权拒收不合格产品。*五、付款方式:*双方约定每月具体日期进行一次结算,结算方式为结算方式,结算金额由供货方核算提供。*六、违约责任:*若一方未按约定履行义务,需向对方支付相应违约金。*七、保密条款:*双方在合作中涉及的商业机密信息应予以保密。*八、争议解决:*若双方发生争议,应友好协商解决,协商不成可向所在地人民法院提起诉讼。*九、其他条款:*本合同未尽事宜,由双方协商解决。本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等效力。*十、生效与终止:*本合同自双方签字生效,至合同终止或协商终止为止。*十一、签署:*供货方(盖章):_ 日期:需方(盖章):_ 日期:*英文版*Supplier:

24、*Name of SupplierLegal Representative:Contact Address:Phone Number:*Buyer:*Name of BuyerLegal Representative:Contact Address:Phone Number:Whereas the Supplier has a stable capacity for agricultural product production and the Buyer requires stable agricultural product supply in the long term, the two

25、 parties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation:*1. Supply Scope:*The Supplier shall provide Type of Agricultural Product to the Buyer, with stable and good quality supply.*2. Supply Period:*1. The Supplier shall regularly supply the Buyer in accordance with the agreed sch

26、edule.2. The agreed supply period between both parties is Specific Time Period.*3. Price Terms:*1. The price of the products provided by the Supplier to the Buyer is RMB Amount per ton.2. The product price changes will be linked to the market conditions, and both parties shall negotiate and determin

27、e the extent of price adjustments.*4. Quality Assurance:*The Supplier guarantees that the supplied products meet national quality standards without any quality issues, and the Buyer has the right to reject substandard products.*5. Payment Method:*It is agreed that settlement shall be conducted once

28、a month on specific date, with the settlement method being Settlement Method. The settlement amount shall be calculated and provided by the Supplier.*6. Default Liability:*If either party fails to fulfill its obligations as agreed, it shall pay corresponding liquidated damages to the other party.*7.

29、 Confidentiality Clause:*Any business confidential information involved in the cooperation shall be kept confidential by both parties.*8. Dispute Resolution:*In case of disputes between the two parties, they shall first attempt to resolve them through friendly negotiation. If no agreement is reached

30、, litigation can be initiated in the local peoples court.*9. Other Terms:*Any matters not covered by this contract shall be resolved through mutual negotiation. This contract is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, and both copies shall have equal legal effect.*10. Effectiveness and Termination:*This contract shall come into effect upon signature by both parties and shall remain in effect until its end or negotiated termination.*11. Signature:*Supplier (Seal):_ Date:Buyer (Seal):_ Date:-*合同

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