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1、农产品销售合同协议书范本五篇农产品销售合同协议书范本第一份农产品销售合同协议书范本中文:合同编号:【合同编号】甲方(供方):【公司名称】地址:【公司地址】联系电话:【联系电话】法定代表人:【法定代表人姓名】乙方(需方):【公司名称】地址:【公司地址】联系电话:【联系电话】法定代表人:【法定代表人姓名】鉴于甲方具有合法的农产品生产和销售权;乙方有意购买甲方的农产品,双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条 产品名称、规格和数量1.1 甲方应向乙方提供以下农产品:【产品名称】,规格为【规格】,数量为【数量】。1.2 产品的品质和质量必须符合国家有关标准,否则乙方有权拒收并退还货物。第二条 产品价格和付

2、款方式2.1 本合同的产品价格为【价格】,乙方应于签订合同之日起【付款方式】付清全部货款。2.2 产品数量变动情况下,价格按照当时市场价格调整,双方协商一致后付款。第三条 交付时间和地点3.1 甲方应在【交付时间】前将商品交付于乙方规定的地点。3.2 交付后的食品安全、质量问题由甲方负责,如因产品质量问题导致乙方损失,由甲方赔偿。第四条 违约责任4.1 若任何一方未能履行合同义务,应向对方赔偿相应的损失。4.2 除非出现不可抗力因素,否则逾期交货方应按合同总货款的【逾期天数】每天支付【逾期罚金】的赔偿费用给对方。第五条 保密条款5.1 双方应对本合同的内容及有关商务活动进行保密,不得向第三方透

3、露。第六条 法律适用和争议解决6.1 本合同适用中华人民共和国法律。6.2 双方因履行本合同发生的一切争议,应友好协商解决;协商不成的,提交有管辖权的法院解决。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签订日期: 签订日期:英文:Contract No.: 【Contract No.】Party A (Supplier): 【Company Name】Address: 【Company Address】Contact Number: 【Contact Number】Legal Representative: 【Legal Representatives Name】Party B (Buyer): 【Com

4、pany Name】Address: 【Company Address】Contact Number: 【Contact Number】Legal Representative: 【Legal Representatives Name】In consideration of the fact that Party A has the legal rights to produce and sell agricultural products, and Party B intends to purchase agricultural products from Party A, both par

5、ties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation:Article 1 Product Name, Specifications, and Quantity1.1 Party A shall provide Party B with the following agricultural products: 【Product Name】, with specifications of 【Specifications】 and a quantity of 【Quantity】.1.2 The quality

6、of the products must meet the relevant national standards. Otherwise, Party B has the right to reject and return the goods.Article 2 Product Price and Payment Method2.1 The price of the products in this contract is 【Price】, and Party B shall pay the full amount within 【Payment Terms】 from the date o

7、f signing the contract.2.2 In the event of changes in the quantity of products, the price shall be adjusted to the current market price, and payment shall be made after mutual agreement.Article 3 Delivery Time and Place3.1 Party A shall deliver the goods to the designated location of Party B before

8、【Delivery Time】.3.2 Party A shall be responsible for the food safety and quality of the products after delivery. If there is any loss to Party B due to product quality issues, Party A shall compensate accordingly.Article 4 Breach of Contract Liability4.1 If either party fails to fulfill their obliga

9、tions under the contract, they shall compensate the other party for the corresponding losses.4.2 Unless due to force majeure factors, the party that is late in delivering the goods shall pay a compensation of 【Fine per Day】 per day for each day of delay in delivering the total contract amount to the

10、 other party.Article 5 Confidentiality Clause5.1 Both parties shall keep the contents of this contract and related business activities confidential and shall not disclose them to third parties.Article 6 Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution6.1 This contract is governed by the laws of the Peoples Rep

11、ublic of China.6.2 Any disputes arising from the performance of this contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation; if negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to a court with jurisdiction for resolution.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signing: Date of Signing:第二份农产品销售合同协议书范本中文:合同编号

12、:【合同编号】甲方(供方):【公司名称】地址:【公司地址】联系电话:【联系电话】法定代表人:【法定代表人姓名】乙方(需方):【公司名称】地址:【公司地址】联系电话:【联系电话】法定代表人:【法定代表人姓名】鉴于甲方是一家具有良好信誉、规模稳定的农产品供应商,乙方有需要购买甲方的产品,双方经协商一致,签订如下合同:第一条 产品名称、规格和数量1.1 甲方同意向乙方供应以下农产品:【产品名称】,规格为【规格】,数量为【数量】。1.2 产品的规格和质量必须符合国家标准,乙方有权对不符合标准的产品拒收或要求退货。第二条 价格及付款方式2.1 本合同规定的产品价格为【价格】,乙方应于合同签订后【付款方式

13、】付清全款。2.2 若产品价格发生变动,双方应重新协商确定价格并签订补充协议。第三条 交货时间和地点3.1 甲方应在【交货时间】之前将产品交付给乙方,并确保产品安全运达。3.2 如因甲方原因导致产品交货延迟,甲方应支付违约金或与乙方补偿损失。第四条 不可抗力4.1 若因不可抗力(如火灾、水灾、战争等)致使一方无法履行合同义务,应及时通知对方,免除因此引起的法律责任。第五条 保密条款5.1 双方同意对合同内容及履行过程中所获得的商业信息进行保密,未经对方书面同意不得泄露。第六条 法律适用和争议解决6.1 本合同适用中华人民共和国法律。6.2 任何由于本合同引起的争议,应友好协商解决;协商不成的,

14、提交有管辖权的法院解决。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签订日期: 签订日期:英文:Contract No.: 【Contract No.】Party A (Supplier): 【Company Name】Address: 【Company Address】Contact Number: 【Contact Number】Legal Representative: 【Legal Representatives Name】Party B (Buyer): 【Company Name】Address: 【Company Address】Contact Number: 【Contact Number】

15、Legal Representative: 【Legal Representatives Name】Considering that Party A is a reputable and stable agricultural product supplier, and Party B has a need to purchase products from Party A, both parties have reached a consensus and signed the following contract:Article 1 Product Name, Specifications

16、, and Quantity1.1 Party A agrees to supply the following agricultural products to Party B: 【Product Name】, with specifications of 【Specifications】 and a quantity of 【Quantity】.1.2 The specifications and quality of the products must comply with national standards, and Party B has the right to reject

17、or return products that do not meet the standards.Article 2 Price and Payment Method2.1 The price of the products specified in this contract is 【Price】, and Party B shall pay the full amount within 【Payment Terms】 after signing the contract.2.2 If there is a change in the product price, both parties

18、 shall renegotiate and sign a supplementary agreement to determine the new price.Article 3 Delivery Time and Place3.1 Party A shall deliver the products to Party B before the agreed delivery time and ensure the safe transportation of the products.3.2 If the delivery of products is delayed due to rea

19、sons attributable to Party A, Party A shall pay liquidated damages or compensate Party B for any losses incurred.Article 4 Force Majeure4.1 If either party is unable to fulfill its contractual obligations due to force majeure events (such as fire, flood, war, etc.), they shall promptly inform the ot

20、her party and be exempt from legal responsibilities arising from this.Article 5 Confidentiality Clause5.1 Both parties agree to keep the contents of the contract and any business information obtained during the performance of the contract confidential and shall not disclose it without the written co

21、nsent of the other party.Article 6 Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution6.1 This contract is governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.6.2 Any disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation; if negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to a court with j

22、urisdiction for resolution.Party A (Seal): Party B (Seal):Date of Signing: Date of Signing:第三份农产品销售合同协议书范本中文:合同编号:【合同编号】甲方(供方):【公司名称】地址:【公司地址】联系电话:【联系电话】法定代表人:【法定代表人姓名】乙方(需方):【公司名称】地址:【公司地址】联系电话:【联系电话】法定代表人:【法定代表人姓名】鉴于甲方是经合法注册的农产品供应商,乙方有意购买甲方的产品,双方经友好协商达成如下协议:第一条 产品名称、规格和数量1.1 甲方同意向乙方供应以下农产品:【产品名称】,

23、规格为【规格】,数量为【数量】。1.2 产品的品质和质量应符合国家标准,如有产品质量问题,乙方有权拒收并要求退货。第二条 价格及付款方式2.1 本合同规定的产品价格为【价格】,乙方应在签订合同后【付款方式】付清全款。2.2 若产品价格发生变动,双方应重新商定价格并签订补充协议。第三条 交货时间和地点3.1 甲方应确保在【交货时间】前将产品送至乙方指定地点。3.2 如因甲方原因导致交货延误,甲方须向乙方支付违约金或补偿乙方损失。第四条 违约责任4.1 若一方未能履行合同义务,应向对方承担相应的责任。4.2 除非出现不可抗力情况,否则延迟交货方应按合同总货款的【逾期天数】每天支付【逾期罚金】的赔偿

24、费用给对方。第五条 保密条款5.1 双方同意对本合同内容和相关商务活动保密,不得向第三方透露。第六条 法律适用和争议解决6.1 本合同适用中华人民共和国法律。6.2 双方因履行本合同发生争议应协商解决;协商不成时,提交有管辖权的法院裁决。甲方(盖章): 乙方(盖章):签订日期: 签订日期:英文:Contract No.: 【Contract No.】Party A (Supplier): 【Company Name】Address: 【Company Address】Contact Number: 【Contact Number】Legal Representative: 【Legal Rep

25、resentatives Name】Party B (Buyer): 【Company Name】Address: 【Company Address】Contact Number: 【Contact Number】Legal Representative: 【Legal Representatives Name】Whereas Party A is a legally registered agricultural product supplier, and Party B intends to purchase products from Party A, both parties have

26、 reached the following agreement through friendly negotiation:Article 1 Product Name, Specifications, and Quantity1.1 Party A agrees to supply the following agricultural products to Party B: 【Product Name】, with specifications of 【Specifications】, and a quantity of 【Quantity】.1.2 The quality and sta

27、ndards of the products must comply with national regulations. If there are quality issues with the products, Party B has the right to reject and request a return.Article 2 Price and Payment Method2.1 The price of the products specified in this contract is 【Price】, and Party B shall pay the full amou

28、nt within 【Payment Terms】 after the contract is signed.2.2 If there are price changes, both parties shall renegotiate the price and sign a supplementary agreement.Article 3 Delivery Time and Place3.1 Party A shall ensure that the products are delivered to the designated location of Party B before th

29、e agreed delivery time.3.2 If the delay in delivery is due to reasons attributable to Party A, Party A shall pay liquidated damages to Party B or compensate for any losses incurred.Article 4 Breach of Contract Liability4.1 If either party fails to fulfill its contractual obligations, they shall bear

30、 the corresponding responsibilities.4.2 Unless due to force majeure circumstances, the party causing the delay in delivery shall pay a compensation of 【Fine per Day】 per day for each day of delay in delivering the total contract amount to the other party.Article 5 Confidentiality Clause5.1 Both parties agree

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