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1、劳务合同范本三篇文章一:劳务合同范本(一)中文:劳务合同范本甲方(公司名称):_(以下简称甲方)统一社会信用代码:_(以下简称甲方统一代码)法定代表人:_联系地址:_联系电话:_乙方(个人名称):_(以下简称乙方)身份证号码:_联系地址:_联系电话:_鉴于甲方需要雇佣乙方从事特定的劳动工作,双方经友好协商,达成以下协议:第一条 工作内容1.1 乙方接受甲方的雇佣,从事_(具体工作内容)工作。1.2 乙方须按照甲方的安排,认真履行工作职责,并按时完成工作任务。第二条 工作报酬2.1 乙方的工作报酬为每月人民币_元。2.2 工作报酬将在每月_号发放至乙方指定的银行账户。第三条 工作时间和休假3.1

2、 工作时间为每周_至_,每天工作_小时,中间休息_小时。3.2 乙方享有法定的节假日、休息日和年假。第四条 保密责任4.1 乙方在工作期间、离职后,均需对公司的商业秘密和客户信息等保密,不得擅自泄露。4.2 乙方因工作需要获取的公司资料和信息,离职后应归还或销毁。第五条 违约责任5.1 一方如严重违反本合同的条款,另一方有权解除合同,并要求赔偿因此造成的损失。5.2 若乙方擅自辞职或无故缺勤_天,甲方有权解除合同。第六条 合同变更6.1 对合同内容的任何变更必须经双方协商一致,并签订书面变更协议。第七条 合同解除7.1 合同期满或双方一致同意解除合同,应提前_天书面通知对方。7.2 一方应当在

3、合同解除后的_天内结清尚未支付的工资和报酬。第八条 其他事项8.1 本合同未尽事宜,双方可另行协商解决。8.2 本合同自双方签署生效,有效期为_年。甲方(盖章):_ 乙方(签名):_签订日期:_ 英文:Labor Contract TemplateParty A (Company Name): _ (hereinafter referred to as Party A)Unified Social Credit Code: _ (hereinafter referred to as Party A Unified Code)Legal Representative: _Contact Addr

4、ess: _Contact Number: _Party B (Individual Name): _ (hereinafter referred to as Party B)ID Number: _Contact Address: _Contact Number: _In consideration of Party As need to hire Party B for specific labor work, the two parties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiations:Article

5、 1 Work Content1.1 Party B accepts the employment of Party A to engage in _ (specific work content) work.1.2 Party B shall diligently fulfill work responsibilities as arranged by Party A and complete work tasks on time.Article 2 Remuneration2.1 Party Bs remuneration is RMB _ per month.2.2 The remune

6、ration will be paid to Party Bs designated bank account on the _ day of each month.Article 3 Work Hours and Leave3.1 The work hours are from _ to _, working _ hours per day with a rest of _ hours in between.3.2 Party B is entitled to statutory holidays, rest days, and annual leave.Article 4 Confiden

7、tiality obligations4.1 Party B shall keep the companys trade secrets and customer information confidential during and after employment, and shall not disclose them without authorization.4.2 Party B shall return or destroy any company materials and information obtained during employment as required.A

8、rticle 5 Breach of Contract5.1 If either party seriously violates the terms of this contract, the other party has the right to terminate the contract and seek compensation for any resulting losses.5.2 If Party B resigns without authorization or is absent from work without cause for _ days, Party A r

9、eserves the right to terminate the contract.Article 6 Contract Change6.1 Any changes to the contract must be agreed upon by both parties and signed in a written agreement.Article 7 Contract Termination7.1 Upon expiry of the contract or mutual agreement on contract termination, a written notice must

10、be given to the other party _ days in advance.7.2 Party A shall settle any outstanding wages and remuneration within _ days after the contract is terminated.Article 8 Other Matters8.1 Any unresolved matters in this contract shall be resolved through mutual agreement.8.2 This contract shall come into

11、 effect upon signing and is valid for _ years.Party A (Stamp): _ Party B (Signature): _Date of Signing: _文章二:劳务合同范本(二)中文:劳务合同范本甲方(公司名称):_(以下简称甲方)注册地址:_法定代表人:_联系电话:_电子邮箱:_乙方(个人姓名):_(以下简称乙方)身份证号码:_户籍地址:_联系电话:_电子邮箱:_鉴于甲方需要乙方从事特定的工作,双方自愿签订本合同,共同遵守以下条款:第一条 工作内容1.1 乙方接受甲方的雇佣,从事_(具体工作内容)工作。1.2 乙方应按照甲方的安排,认

12、真履行本合同规定的工作职责,并完成工作任务。第二条 工资与福利2.1 乙方的薪酬为每月_元。2.2 甲方根据国家法规为乙方缴纳社会保险,提供带薪年假和其他福利。2.3 乙方每年享有_天带薪年假。第三条 工作时间及休假制度3.1 乙方工作时间为每周_至_,每天工作_小时,休息_分钟。3.2 乙方应合理安排个人生活,不得擅自拒绝加班。3.3 乙方如有请假需求,应提前向甲方请假,并按照规定补偿工作时间。第四条 保密义务4.1 乙方在工作期间和离职后,需对公司的商业机密和客户信息予以保密。4.2 乙方不得擅自向外泄露公司的商业秘密,违者承担法律责任。第五条 解除与变更5.1 本合同有效期届满后,双方如

13、无异议,可续签合同。5.2 任何一方如需解除合同,应提前_天通知另一方。第六条 其他约定6.1 本合同内容如有争议,双方协商解决;协商不成的,依法向人民法院起诉。6.2 未尽事宜,须另行协商解决。甲方(签章):_ 乙方(签名):_签约日期:_英文:Labor Contract TemplateParty A (Company Name): _ (hereinafter referred to as Party A)Registered Address: _Legal Representative: _Contact Number: _Email: _Party B (Individual Na

14、me): _ (hereinafter referred to as Party B)ID Number: _Registered Residence: _Contact Number: _Email: _In consideration of Party As need for Party B to engage in specific work, the two parties voluntarily sign this contract and agree to abide by the following terms:Article 1 Work Content1.1 Party B

15、accepts the employment of Party A to engage in _ (specific work content) work.1.2 Party B shall diligently fulfill the work responsibilities stipulated in this contract according to Party As arrangements and complete work tasks.Article 2 Salary and Benefits2.1 Party Bs salary is _ per month.2.2 Part

16、y A shall pay social insurance for Party B according to national regulations, provide paid annual leave, and other benefits.2.3 Party B is entitled to _ days of paid annual leave per year.Article 3 Work Hours and Leave System3.1 Party Bs working hours are from _ to _, working _ hours per day with a

17、_-minute break.3.2 Party B should arrange personal life reasonably and not refuse overtime without authorization.3.3 If Party B needs to take leave, they should notify Party A in advance and compensate for the working hours as required.Article 4 Confidentiality Obligations4.1 Party B shall keep the

18、companys trade secrets and customer information confidential during and after employment.4.2 Party B shall not disclose the companys trade secrets to others without authorization, and shall bear legal responsibility for any violations.Article 5 Termination and Amendment5.1 After the expiration of th

19、is contract, if both parties agree, the contract may be renewed.5.2 If either party needs to terminate the contract, a _-day notice should be given to the other party.Article 6 Other Agreements6.1 Any disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved through negotiation between both parties; if

20、no agreement can be reached, legal proceedings may be initiated in the Peoples Court.6.2 Any matters not covered in this contract shall be resolved through further negotiation.Party A (Seal): _ Party B (Signature): _Date of Signing: _文章三:劳务合同范本(三)中文:劳务合同范本甲方(公司名称):_(以下简称甲方)注册地址:_法定代表人:_联系电话:_电子邮箱:_乙

21、方(个人姓名):_(以下简称乙方)身份证号码:_户籍地址:_联系电话:_电子邮箱:_鉴于甲方与乙方就特定工作达成一致意见,经友好协商,签订如下合同:第一条 工作内容1.1 乙方接受甲方的雇佣,从事_(具体工作内容)工作。1.2 乙方应按照甲方的工作安排和要求,完成工作任务。第二条 报酬标准2.1 乙方的工资为每月_元,按照国家规定缴纳社会保险。2.2 乙方享有_天带薪年假,并依法享有其他福利待遇。第三条 工作时间3.1 乙方工作时间为_,每天工作_小时,休息_小时。3.2 若有加班情况,应当提前向甲方进行申请,并按照规定支付加班费。第四条 保密责任4.1 乙方在工作期间和离职后,需对公司信息和

22、商业机密保密,不得泄露。4.2 离职后,乙方应及时归还公司资料和文件。第五条 违约责任5.1 任何一方如违反合同规定,应当承担相应的法律责任。5.2 若乙方擅自离职或无故缺勤_天,甲方有权解除合同。第六条 合同期限6.1 本合同自双方签订之日起生效,期限为_年。6.2 如需要终止合同,应提前_天书面通知对方。第七条 其他事项7.1 本合同内容如有变更,须经双方协商一致,并签署书面协议。7.2 对于本合同未尽事宜,双方可以另行协商解决。甲方(盖章):_ 乙方(签名):_签订日期:_英文:Labor Contract TemplateParty A (Company Name): _ (herei

23、nafter referred to as Party A)Registered Address: _Legal Representative: _Contact Number: _Email: _Party B (Individual Name): _ (hereinafter referred to as Party B)ID Number: _Registered Residence: _Contact Number: _Email: _In consideration of the agreement between Party A and Party B on specific wo

24、rk, the two parties have signed the contract through friendly negotiation as follows:Article 1 Work Content1.1 Party B accepts the employment of Party A to engage in _ (specific work content) work.1.2 Party B shall complete work tasks according to Party As work arrangements and requirements.Article

25、2 Remuneration Standard2.1 Party Bs monthly salary is _ yuan, with social insurance contributions as required by the state.2.2 Party B is entitled to _ days of paid annual leave and other statutory benefits.Article 3 Work Hours3.1 Party Bs working hours are from _ to _, working _ hours per day with

26、a _-hour break.3.2 In case of overtime, Party B should apply to Party A in advance and be compensated for overtime as stipulated.Article 4 Confidentiality Responsibility4.1 Party B shall keep company information and trade secrets confidential during and after employment, and shall not disclose them.4.2 Upon resignation, Party B should promptly return company materials and documents.Article 5 Breach of Contract5.1 Any party violating the contract shall bear the corresponding legal responsibilities.5.2 If Party B resigns without authorization

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