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1、六年级下册第三单元测试题一、英汉互译1、上周末 2、去游泳 _ 3、去钓鱼 4、去郊游 5、看电视 6、wash clothes 7、visit grandparents 8、listen to music 9、play football 10、go to the park 二、根据句意和已给出的首字母,补全单词。1、He w to a park yesterday?2、I c my room last weekend.3、Did you r the magazine? 4、Did Lucy c a mountain 5、Last Saturday ,Candy v her uncle.三、选

2、择( )1、-Did you help me clean my room ? -Yes , I .A、did B、do C、does( )2 -What did Lisa do yesterday? -She to music .A、listens B、listen C、listened( )3、-What did you do last weekend? -I TV.A、saw B、looked at C、watched( )4、He in to he lake and to it.A、jumped,swimed B、jump, swam C、jumped,swam( )5、Did John

3、 football yesterday?A、play B、played C、play( )6、They books last weekend .A、read B、readed C、look( )7、Did you play football Zhang Peng?A、with B、 and C、to( )8、 Tom busy yeaterday.A、did B、 was C、were( )9、Lisa usually her homework after super.A、does B、do C、did( )10、Did you swimming last weekend?A、go B、goe

4、s C、went四、连词成句。1、did , what , you , yesterday , do? 2、you , full , did , the , moon , see 3、went , I , to , park , a , yesterday 4、jumped , the , into , lake , he 5With ,Wang Ping,his,played,friends,last,football,weekend 五、读下列短文,选择正确答案(每题2分,共10分)Today was hot. I went to the farm(农场) with my parents.

5、 There was a river near the farm . I went to the river with my dog . We ran and played . Suddenly I dropped (掉进)into the river ,“Help , Help”My dog jumped into(跳进)the river and swam to me , Ten minutes later , I was saved(救)。I was grateful to him. We are good friends.( )1、It was very . A、cold B、hot

6、C、windy( )2、I went to the river with my .A、parents B、friends C、teacher( )3、I ran and played with .A、my cat B、my dog C、my sister( )4、 jumped into the river and saved me.A、my dog B、my mother C、my father( )5、I was very grateful to my .A、mother B、friend C、dogI had a happy weekend last week. On Saturday

7、morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned three bedrooms in my house- mine, my parents and my brothers. On Sunday, I played football in the park. Then I went to my grandparents house. Grandpa played the piano! The whole(整个) family was so happy. Later, we wa

8、nted to swim. But it was too cold.1. ( ) Last Sunday the weather was A. cold B. hot2. ( ) How many things did I do last weekend? A. Six B. Five3. ( ) The words “mine” means A. 我的 B. 我们的4. ( ) Am I helpful? A. Yes, I am. B. No, Im not.5. ( ) Did we swim at last? A. Yes, we did. B. No, we didnt.六、请你根据

9、实际情况回答下列问题。(每题5分,共20分)1、What do you usually do on the weekend? 2、What did you do last weekend? 3、Did you help your mother clean the room?(肯定回答) 4、Did you go to the park yesterday?(否定回答) 5I played football last year.(划线提问) 6They watched TV last Saturday.(否定句) 七、补全对话。A. How about you? B. Did you cook

10、the meals? C. Did you play basketball?D. What are you going to do on the weekend? G. How are you?E. What did you do last weekend? F. What are you doing?Amy: _ ?Lucy: I did homework. I did housework, too. Amy: _ ?Lucy: Yes, I did. Amy: _?Lucy: Yes, I played basketball Sunday afternoon.Amy: This weeke

11、nd is coming. _ ?Lucy: I have no idea. _ ?Amy: I am going to go hiking. Its spring now. There are many flowers everywhere. Lucy: Good idea. Lets go together.八判断对错,对的用T表示,错的用F表示。Last Monday was a school holiday. My friends and I had a great day at the Jinling park. The park is very big. We can do a l

12、ot of things there. I flew a kite with David and Liu Tao. Yang Ling, Nancy and Helen sang songs. Su Hai and Su Yang did a dance. We were all very happy.At twelve oclock, we had lunch. Our mothers made a lot of food. We had pies, chips and some fruit, a lot of watermelon juice and some milk. In the a

13、fternoon, we drew some pictures of the trees and flowers in the park. On Tuesday, we put the pictures on the noticeboard(布告栏)in our classroom. Do you like going to the park? ( ) 1. We had a picnic last Sunday.( ) 2. We drew some pictures in the morning.( ) 3. We cooked lunch at 12 oclock.( ) 4. We d

14、idnt have a good time.( ) 5. Last Tuesday we put the pictures on the noticeboard.SaturdaySundaywatch TVclean the roomplay footballcook noodles十、按要求写出Amy上一个周末的活动,她的心情如何)(不少于5句话)(10 八、Choose the words and finish the paragraph (每词只能用一次)(saw was am see do walked did with and basketball to weekend ) Last

15、 weekend I _ busy. I _ my homework Saturday morning. In the afternoon, I helped my mother _ housework. Sunday morning, I went _ a zoo. I _ many animals there. Then I _ to Johns home _ Mike. We played _ . Now I _ tired. I need another _.九、根据答句写问句。(10分)1. 2. I am reading books now. He usually does hom

16、ework on the weekend. 3. 4. I played football last year. Yes, Amy washed the clothes yesterday 5. No, I climbed mountains last Sunday.分) 一、填上适当的词。1.What you do yesterday? I .(打扫房间)2.What Amy last weekend? She .(看电视) 3.Did you basketball yesterday morning. No, I . 4.What you do on the weekend? I (洗衣服

17、) 5.What you doing? I am .(煮面条) 二、写出正确的问答句。1. I am reading books now.2. I usually do homework on the weekend.3. I did homework yesterday evening.4. Yes, I climbed mountains last Sunday.7. No, I played basketball yesterday.8. Yes, Amy washed the clothes yesterday morning.9. No, I read books on the weekend.10. Miss Chen watched the animal show at the zoo.11.What day is it today? 12.What did Sarah do last weekend? (探望外祖母)13.What are you doing? (踢足球) 8

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