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1、Teaching contents Unit Three Where did you go? Part B Teaching aims 1. To learn the new words : ate fresh food , bought gifts , went swimming , took pictures 2. Key sentences: How was your summer holiday, John? It was good. I went swimming every weekend. 3. Student can make sentences use the key sen

2、tences. Important points The key sentences Difficult points 1. Make sentences 2. Translate into Chinese : “ Lets talk ” Teaching aids The word cards , a tape Teaching procedures Teacher Students The first lesson - I Organization 1 , Greetings 2 , Free talk II Revision 1 , Review the words 2 , Review

3、 the “ Lets talk ” of Part A III Presentation 1 , Open the book “ let s learn ” 2 , Show cards of the new words : ate fresh food , bought gifts , went swimming , took pictures 3 , Listen to me carefully 4 , Read after me 5 , Listen to the tape and read after it 6 , Key sentences :How was your summer

4、 holiday? It was good. I went swimming every weekend. 7 , Translate into Chinese and teacher explain IV Practice 1 , Read new words by themselves 2 , Listen to the tape and read after it 3 , Give enough time to read them 4 , Let students make sentences V Summary and homework Read and write down the

5、new words _ The second lesson - I Organization 1 ,Greetings : Look and say 2 , Free talk II Revision 1 , Review the new words : ate fresh food , bought gifts , went swimming , took pictures 2 , Review the key sentences III Presentation 1 , Open your book 2 , Today , Were going to learn the “ lets ta

6、lk ” 3 , This is the dialogue of Wu, Amy and Sarah 4 , Lets translate into Chinese : Teacher say English 5 , Listen to me carefully 6 , Listen to the tape and read after it IV Practice 1 , Read “ Lets talk ” by themselves 2 , Listen to the tape and read after it V Summary and homework Recite the “ L

7、ets talk _ The third lesson - I Organization 1 , Free talk : the key sentences 2 , Lets try : turn to page twenty-six II Revision Review the “Lets talk ” III Lets check 1 , First , open your book and turn to page thirty 2 , Listen and write T (true) or F(false) 3 , Listen again and answer the questi

8、ons IV Lets wrap it up 1 , Look at the pictures. 2 , Choose words to fill in the blanks V Practice 1 , Recite the “ Lets talk ” 2 , Read “ Lets talk ” by themselves 3 , Give enough time to read them VI Summary and homework 1 , Recite the “ Lets talk ” 2 , Finish the English excise Teacher and studen

9、ts say “ hello ” to each other Listen and write Students look at cards Student read Students look at the blackboard Read loudly Write them down _ Write them down Recite the dialogues Open their books Translates into Chinese Read loudly Read in role Practice in groups _ Teacher and students say “ hel

10、lo ” to each other Recite the “Lets talk ” Open their books Write down the correct answer Read loudly Recite one by one Practice in groups blackboard design Unit Three Where did you go? Part B Lets learn : How was your summer holiday, John? It was good. I went swimming every weekend. Took pictures Bought gifts Ate fresh food

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