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1、四年级上册英语语法总结一、正在进行时:1、肯定句:主语+be(am, is, are)+动词ing+其他例:1)She is reading a book. 2)Hes taking pictures. 3)I am listening to music. 4) Theyre playing chess. 5) Theyre drinking milk. 6) She is riding the horse.2、特殊疑问句:What is/are+主语+动词ing? 例:1)What are they drinking? 2) What are they doing? 3) What are

2、you doing?4) -What is the elephant doing? Its二、询问别人想要什么东西1、Do you want some noodles/ sweets/ rice/ soup? Yes, please. / No, thank you.三、can表示请求、获得允许、可以做某件事的用法.。1、Can I have some soup? Yes, you can. / Sorry, you cant.2、Now you can have some sweets and some cake. 现在你可以吃一些糖果和蛋糕了。四、can表示能力的用法1、肯定句:主语+ca

3、n+动词原形+其他例:I can jump high. I can swim. I can sing. I can fly a kite.2、否定句:主语+cant+动词原形+其他例:You cant run fast. Daming cant ride a bike. I cant see her face.3、一般疑问句:Can+主语+动词原形+其他?回答:Yes, 主语+can. / No, 主语+cant例:1) Can you run fast? Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 2)Can you jump high? Yes, I can. / No, I ca

4、nt. 3) Can Sam play football? Yes, he can. / No, he cant.五、There be 句式表示“这里有”1) There is +a/an+名词单数+其他 例:There is a horse in this photo.2)There are +名词复数+其他 例:There are twelve boys on the bike. There are three chickens in the photo. 六、一般将来时1)肯定句:主语+be going to +动词原形+其他。译:某人打算或者计划做某事。例:Im going to vi

5、sit my grandpa. Sam is going to ride a horse. Were going to swim. Im going to run the 100 metres. Im going to do the high jump.我打算跳高。2)一般疑问句:be +主语+going to+动词原形+其他?译:某人打算做某件事情吗? 回答:Yes, 主语+be/ No,主语+ be not.(be跟随主语的变化而变化)例:Are you going to run on sports day?3)特殊疑问句:What are you going to do?你打算干什么?七、节日祝福语1)Happy birthday! 2) Happy Halloween! 3) Merry Christmas! 4) We say” Happy New Year !”

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