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1、资产转让协议书范本五篇文章标题:资产转让协议书范本1. 资产转让协议书范本一中文版:一、转让的资产和价款(一)转让方将其持有的XX公司100%股权转让给受让方,转让价款为人民币XX万元整。(二)受让方同意按照约定支付转让价款,并完成相关工商变更手续。二、转让的过程和方式(一)双方经友好协商,同意通过签署本协议书进行资产转让交易。(二)受让方应在本协议生效之日起XX日内向转让方支付全部转让价款。(三)双方同意将本协议书及其附件作为整个交易的有效凭证。三、附则(一)本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至受让方支付全部转让价款之日终止。(二)本协议一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。(三)本协议的

2、任何争议,应通过友好协商解决。协商不成的,提交XX仲裁机构仲裁。英文版:1. Transfer of assets and consideration(1) The transferor shall transfer 100% equity of XX Company held by it to the transferee, and the transfer price shall be RMB XX million.(2) The transferee agrees to pay the transfer price as agreed and complete the relevant

3、industrial and commercial change procedures.2. Process and method of transfer(1) The parties agree to conduct the asset transfer transaction through the signing of this agreement after friendly negotiation.(2) The transferee shall pay the full transfer price to the transferor within XX days from the

4、 effective date of this agreement.(3) The parties agree that this agreement and its attachments shall serve as valid evidence for the entire transaction.3. Miscellaneous(1) This agreement shall take effect from the date of signature and seal by both parties and shall terminate upon the full payment

5、of the transfer price by the transferee.(2) This agreement is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, which shall have equal legal effect.(3) Any disputes arising from this agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiations. If negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to XX arbit

6、ration institution for arbitration.2. 资产转让协议书范本二中文版:一、转让标的(一)转让方同意将其名下的XX商标权利转让给受让方,作价人民币XX万元。(二)受让方同意承担XX商标权利的全部权益和义务。二、转让方式(一)转让方应在XX日内将XX商标权利转让登记办理完毕,并向受让方交付相关证照。(二)受让方应在收到相关证照后向转让方支付全部转让款项。三、风险和责任(一)XX商标权利自转让登记生效之日起,转让方不再承担相应风险和责任。(二)受让方应保证XX商标权利的真实性和合法性,如发生纠纷须承担相应责任。英文版:1. Transfer subject(1) T

7、he transferor agrees to transfer its XX trademark rights to the transferee for a price of RMB XX million.(2) The transferee agrees to assume all rights and obligations of the XX trademark rights.2. Method of transfer(1) The transferor shall complete the transfer registration of the XX trademark righ

8、ts within XX days and deliver the relevant certificates to the transferee.(2) The transferee shall pay the full transfer amount to the transferor upon receipt of the relevant certificates.3. Risks and liabilities(1) From the effective date of the transfer registration of the XX trademark rights, the

9、 transferor shall no longer bear the corresponding risks and liabilities.(2) The transferee shall ensure the authenticity and legality of the XX trademark rights, and shall bear the corresponding responsibilities in case of disputes.3. 资产转让协议书范本三中文版:一、转让股权情况(一)转让方同意将其持有的XX公司30%股权转让给受让方,作价XX万元。(二)受让方

10、同意支付转让价款,并承担相应的税费及手续费用。二、过户手续(一)双方同意在XX工作日内完成股权转让过户手续,确保权利顺利转移。(二)双方应各自履行相关财务报表和税务申报义务,保证交易合规。三、不可抗力(一)如因不可抗力导致本协议无法履行或履行不完全,双方均不承担违约责任。(二)不可抗力事件包括但不限于火灾、地震、台风等自然灾害以及战争、政治因素等不可控制的因素。英文版:1. Transfer of equity(1) The transferor agrees to transfer 30% equity of XX Company held by it to the transferee f

11、or a price of XX million.(2) The transferee agrees to pay the transfer price and bear the corresponding taxes and fees.2. Transfer procedures(1) The parties agree to complete the equity transfer procedures within XX working days to ensure the smooth transfer of rights.(2) Both parties shall fulfill

12、their respective financial statements and tax declaration obligations to ensure compliance with the transaction.3. Force majeure(1) If this agreement cannot be performed or is partially performed due to force majeure, neither party shall bear any breach of contract liability.(2) Force majeure events

13、 include but are not limited to natural disasters such as fires, earthquakes, typhoons, as well as uncontrollable factors such as wars, political factors.4. 资产转让协议书范本四中文版:一、转让资产的描述(一)转让方同意将其拥有的XX不动产产权转让给受让方,价格为XX万元。(二)受让方应支付转让价款,并承担过户及税费等相关费用。二、交割及验收(一)双方同意在XX日内进行不动产权属变更登记,并办理相关过户手续。(二)转让方保证所转让资产的权利

14、完整无争议,否则承担法律责任。三、安全保障(一)双方同意保护转让的资产不受第三方侵害,如有侵权行为应及时通知对方。(二)对转让的不动产,双方应共同履行维护、保险等义务来保障资产安全。英文版:1. Description of the transferred assets(1) The transferor agrees to transfer the ownership of XX real estate it owns to the transferee for a price of XX million.(2) The transferee shall pay the transfer p

15、rice and bear the related fees for transfer and taxes.2. Delivery and acceptance(1) The parties agree to change the registration of real estate ownership within XX days and complete the relevant transfer procedures.(2) The transferor guarantees that the transferred assets have complete and undispute

16、d rights, otherwise shall bear legal responsibilities.3. Security measures(1) The parties agree to protect the transferred assets from third-party infringement, and should promptly notify the other party of any infringement.(2) For the transferred real estate, both parties shall jointly fulfill main

17、tenance, insurance obligations to ensure the security of the assets.5. 资产转让协议书范本五中文版:一、转让财产情况(一)转让方同意将其名下XX品牌授权转让给受让方,转让对价为XX万元。(二)受让方应在XX日内支付转让价款,并在XX日内完成授权书签订手续。二、保密条款(一)双方同意对本协议所涉及的商业机密信息进行保密,不得向第三方透露。(二)未经对方书面同意,不得擅自披露本协议内容。三、法律适用(一)本协议适用中华人民共和国法律。(二)对于本协议的解释和争议解决,双方一致同意提交XX仲裁委员会仲裁并接受其裁决。英文版:1.

18、Transfer of property(1) The transferor agrees to transfer the authorization of its XX brand to the transferee for a price of XX million.(2) The transferee shall pay the transfer price within XX days and complete the authorization contract signing within XX days.2. Confidentiality clause(1) The parti

19、es agree to keep confidential the business confidential information involved in this agreement and not disclose it to third parties.(2) Without the written consent of the other party, the contents of this agreement shall not be disclosed without authorization.3. Applicable law(1) This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.(2) For the interpretation and dispute resolution of this agreement, the parties agree to submit to arbitration by the XX Arbitration Commission and accept its ruling.以上为资产转让协议书范本五篇的写作内容,希望能满足您的需求。如有任何补充或修改意见,请随时告知。感谢您的阅读!

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