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1、建设用地使用权出让合同协议书范本四篇第一篇:建设用地使用权出让合同协议书范本Article 1: Model of Land Use Rights Transfer Agreement for Construction中文:建设用地使用权出让合同甲方(出让方):_ 经济开发区规划建设局乙方(受让方):_ 公司鉴于,甲方为了更好地推动经济开发区的建设和发展,按照国家有关规定,决定将一块位于经济开发区的建设用地使用权出让给乙方,并在友好协商的基础上达成如下协议:第一条 出让土地基本情况甲方决定出让位于经济开发区的建设用地(具体地点、面积等详见出让地块情况表),出让面积为_平方米。第二条 土地使用用

2、途乙方获得的土地使用权仅限于该地块建设(项目名称),用地范围内不得擅自变更土地用途,不得分割、转让或以任何方式处置土地。第三条 土地使用期限及性质乙方获得的土地使用权期限为_年,使用期限属于非永久使用,到期后可以续期,但需重新谈判并签订协议。第四条 土地出让价格及支付方式根据评估结果及市场价格,土地出让价格为_元/平方米,总价款为_万元人民币,支付方式为_。第五条 合同履行双方应严格按照本协议的约定履行各项义务,任何一方未尽责任造成损失的,应承担相应的法律责任。第六条 协议变更和解决争议本协议一经签订即生效,未经双方书面同意不得擅自修改。如有任何争议,应友好协商解决,协商不成的,提交_仲裁。本

3、协议正本一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,自双方签字盖章之日生效。甲方(出让方)签字盖章: 日期:乙方(受让方)签字盖章: 日期:英文:Land Use Right Transfer Agreement for ConstructionParty A (Transferor): _ Economic Development Zone Planning and Construction BureauParty B (Transferee): _ CompanyIn consideration of better promoting the construction and development o

4、f the economic development zone, Party A decides to transfer the land use rights located in the economic development zone to Party B in accordance with relevant national regulations, and reach the following agreement on the basis of friendly negotiation:Article 1 Basic Information of Land TransferPa

5、rty A decides to transfer the construction land located in the economic development zone (specific location, area, etc. see Land Transfer Information Table) to Party B, with an area of _ square meters.Article 2 Land Use PurposeThe land use rights acquired by Party B are limited to the construction o

6、f (project name) on the land plot, and the land use within the scope shall not be altered without authorization, divided, transferred, or disposed of in any way.Article 3 Land Use Term and NatureThe land use rights obtained by Party B have a term of _ years, which belongs to non-permanent use. Upon

7、expiration, renewal is possible, but it requires renegotiation and the signing of a new agreement.Article 4 Land Transfer Price and Payment MethodBased on the assessment result and market price, the land transfer price is _ yuan per square meter, with a total price of _ million RMB, and the payment

8、method is _.Article 5 Contract PerformanceBoth parties shall strictly fulfill their respective obligations according to the agreement. If either party fails to fulfill its obligations and causes losses, it shall bear corresponding legal responsibilities.Article 6 Agreement Amendment and Dispute Reso

9、lutionThis agreement shall come into effect upon signature and seal by both parties and shall not be modified without written consent of both parties. In case of any disputes, they should be resolved through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to _ arbitration.Two origi

10、nal copies of this agreement, each party holds one, and it shall come into effect from the date of signature and seal by both parties.Signature and Seal ofParty A (Transferor): Date:Party B (Transferee): Date:-第二篇:建设用地使用权出让合同协议书范本Article 2: Model of Land Use Rights Transfer Agreement for Constructio

11、n中文:建设用地使用权出让合同书甲方:(出让方单位):_乙方:(受让方单位):_鉴于,甲方为更好推动区域建设与发展,有意出让一块位于_(地点)的建设用地使用权,为此,甲、乙双方本着平等互利的原则,友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条 出让土地的基本情况1. 位置:_2. 面积:_3. 规划用途:_第二条 土地出让价款及付款方式1. 出让价款:_元/平方米,总价款_元(大写:_)。2. 付款方式:_。第三条 用地权出让期限1. 出让期限:_年;2. 用地性质:非永久使用权;3. 期满后,经乙方申请延续,经甲方同意,可以续期。第四条 土地出让的程序和规定1. 甲、乙双方应在本协议签订之日起_天内向_(土

12、地管理部门)申请办理土地出让手续。2. 在约定期限内未办理土地出让手续,出让双方可解除本协议。3. 本协议生效后,甲方应指定_代表乙方办理本土地出让合同的其他手续。第五条 其他约定1. 如遇不可抗力,影响合同履行的,对方应立即通知对方并实事求是地解决,延期履行;2. 本协议一式两份,自双方签字盖章后生效。本协议自甲、乙双方签字盖章之日生效。甲方(出让方)签字: 日期:乙方(受让方)签字: 日期:英文:Land Use Rights Transfer Agreement for ConstructionParty A (Transferor): _Party B (Transferee): _W

13、hereas Party A intends to better promote regional construction and development, it is willing to transfer the land use rights located in _ (location). Therefore, Party A and Party B, following the principle of equality and mutual benefit, friendly negotiate and reach the following agreement:Article

14、1 Basic Information of Land Transfer1. Location:_2. Area:_3. Planned Use:_Article 2 Land Transfer Price and Payment Method1. Transfer Price:_ yuan per square meter, total price_ yuan (in words: _).2. Payment Method:_.Article 3 Land Use Rights Transfer Term1. Transfer Period:_ years;2. Land Nature: N

15、on-permanent land use right;3. Upon expiration, with the application of Party B and the approval of Party A, the term can be renewed.Article 4 Procedures and Provisions of Land Transfer1. Both parties should apply for land transfer procedures to _ (land management department) within _ days from the

16、date of this agreement.2. If the land transfer procedures are not completed within the agreed period, either party may terminate this agreement.3. After the effectiveness of this agreement, Party A shall appoint_ on behalf of Party B to handle other procedures of this land transfer contract.Article

17、5 Other Agreements1. In case of force majeure affecting the performance of the contract, the party should notify each other immediately, solve it pragmatically, and postpone the performance;2. This agreement, in duplicate, shall come into effect upon signature and seal by both parties.This agreement

18、 shall come into effect from the date of signature and seal by both Party A and Party B.Signature of Party A (Transferor): Date:Signature of Party B (Transferee): Date:-第三篇:建设用地使用权出让合同协议书范本Article 3: Model of Land Use Rights Transfer Agreement for Construction中文:合同协议书建设用地使用权出让合同甲方单位名称:_地址:_法定代表人:_乙方

19、单位名称:_地址:_法定代表人:_甲、乙双方经友好协商,特此订立本合同:第一条 出让土地基本情况1. 土地位置:_2. 土地面积:_(单位:平方米)3. 土地用途:_第二条 土地出让价格及支付方式1. 出让总价款:_元(大写:_)2. 支付方式:_第三条 土地使用期限1. 土地使用权期限:_年;2. 使用性质:非永久使用权;3. 到期后可续期,需双方协商并签订协议。第四条 合同履行双方应按照本合同的约定履行各自的权利和义务,在合同期限内不得擅自变更土地用途,不得转让、分割土地。第五条 争议解决因合同履行发生争议,甲、乙双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,提交_(地方仲裁委员会)申请仲裁。第六条 其

20、他事项1. 本合同一式两份,自甲、乙双方签字盖章后生效。2. 本合同自生效起至 _ 年 _ 月 _ 日。甲方(盖章): 日期:乙方(盖章): 日期:英文:Contract AgreementLand Use Rights Transfer Agreement for ConstructionParty AName of the Unit:_Address:_Legal Representative:_Party BName of the Unit:_Address:_Legal Representative:_Party A and Party B, through friendly nego

21、tiation, hereby enter into this contract:Article 1 Basic Information of Land Transfer1. Land Location:_2. Land Area:_ (Unit: Square Meters)3. Land Use:_Article 2 Land Transfer Price and Payment Method1. Total Transfer Price:_ yuan (in words:_)2. Payment Method:_Article 3 Land Use Term1. Land Use Rig

22、ht Term:_ years;2. Nature of Use: Non-permanent land use right;3. Upon expiration, renewal is possible, subject to negotiation and signing of an agreement by both parties.Article 4 Contract PerformanceBoth parties shall fulfill their respective rights and obligations according to this contract. With

23、in the contract period, the land use shall not be changed without authorization, and the land shall not be transferred or divided.Article 5 Dispute ResolutionIn case of disputes arising from the contract performance, Party A and Party B shall resolve them through friendly negotiation. If negotiation

24、 fails, they shall apply for arbitration from _ (Local Arbitration Commission).Article 6 Other Matters1. This contract, in duplicate, shall come into effect upon signature and seal by both Party A and Party B.2. This contract shall be effective from _ to _Party A (Seal): Date:Party B (Seal): Date:-第

25、四篇:建设用地使用权出让合同协议书范本Article 4: Model of Land Use Rights Transfer Agreement for Construction中文:建设用地使用权出让合同协议书甲方(出让方):_乙方(受让方):_鉴于,为推动区域发展,甲方决定将一块位于_(地点)的建设用地使用权出让给乙方,现就出让相关事宜,双方友好协商达成如下协议:第一条 出让土地基本情况1. 土地位置:_2. 土地面积:_(单位:平方米)3. 用途:_第二条 出让价格及付款方式1. 出让价格:_元/平方米,总价款_元;2. 付款方式:_第三条 土地使用期限1. 出让期限:_年;2. 性质

26、:非永久使用权;3. 到期后可续期。第四条 合同履行1. 甲方应按时办理土地出让手续,使乙方获得土地使用权;2. 乙方应按约定支付相应款项。第五条 争议解决本协议若发生争议,双方应友好协商解决;如协商不成,提交_(市级仲裁委员会)。第六条 其他事项1. 本协议一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份;2. 本协议自双方签字盖章之日生效。甲方(出让方)签字盖章: 日期:乙方(受让方)签字盖章: 日期:英文:Land Use Rights Transfer Agreement for ConstructionParty A (Transferor):_Party B (Transferee):_Whereas

27、, to promote regional development, Party A has decided to transfer the land use rights located in_ (location) to Party B. Now, regarding the related matters of transfer, both parties, through friendly negotiation, reach the following agreement:Article 1 Basic Information of Land Transfer1. Land Location:_2. Land Area:_ (Unit: Square Meters)3. Use

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