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1、合伙协议书范本五篇合伙协议书范本一:合伙协议书合伙协议书甲方:身份证号码:住所:电话:乙方:身份证号码:住所:电话:鉴于甲、乙双方为合伙企业的合伙人,为明确各自的权利和义务,特订立本合伙协议。各项事宜如下:一、合伙期限本合伙期限为_年,从_年_月_日至_年_月_日止。二、出资额度1. 甲方出资额度为_元,乙方出资额度为_元。2. 合伙事业的全部投资金额为_元,甲、乙双方按出资额度各自承担风险。三、税款及利润1. 合伙企业的税款由合伙企业负责交纳,其所得税均按照法定税率缴纳。2. 合伙企业的净利润按照各自出资比例进行分配。四、管理方式1. 合伙企业的日常管理由甲方负责,乙方有权介入并参与管理。2

2、. 合伙企业发生重大事项需经双方一致同意。五、合伙企业的解散及清算1. 合伙期满,经双方一致同意,合伙企业须解散并进行清算。2. 合伙企业解散时,按照各自出资额度分别清偿债务,并按出资比例分配剩余财产。六、其他事项1. 本合伙协议书一式两份,甲、乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。2. 本合伙协议书未尽事宜,由甲、乙双方协商解决。甲方签字: 乙方签字:日期:_年_月_日Partnership AgreementPartnership AgreementParty A:ID number:Residence:Phone:Party B:ID number:Residence:Phone:Where

3、as Party A and Party B are partners of the partnership enterprise, in order to clarify their respective rights and obligations, they hereby enter into this partnership agreement. The specific matters are as follows:1. Partnership TermThe partnership term of this agreement is _ years, from _ to _.2.

4、Contribution Amount1. Party As contribution amount is _ yuan, Party Bs contribution amount is _ yuan.2. The total investment amount of the partnership business is _ yuan. Party A and Party B bear the risks according to their respective contribution amounts.3. Tax and Profit1. The partnership enterpr

5、ise is responsible for paying taxes, and the income tax is paid at the statutory tax rate.2. The net profit of the partnership enterprise is distributed according to the ratio of contributions.4. Management Method1. Party A is responsible for the daily management of the partnership enterprise, and P

6、arty B has the right to intervene and participate in management.2. Major events of the partnership enterprise require the unanimous consent of both parties.5. Dissolution and Liquidation of the Partnership Enterprise1. Upon expiration of the partnership term and with the unanimous consent of both pa

7、rties, the partnership enterprise shall be dissolved and liquidated.2. Upon dissolution of the partnership enterprise, debts shall be settled based on the respective contribution amounts, and the remaining assets shall be distributed according to the contribution ratio.6. Other Matters1. This partne

8、rship agreement is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B each holding one copy, having equal legal effect.2. Matters not covered by this partnership agreement shall be resolved through consultation between Party A and Party B.Party As signature: Party Bs signature:Date: _年_月_日合伙协议书范本二:合伙协议书合伙协


10、余财产。七、违约责任任何一方未能履行本协议约定的义务,应承担相应的违约责任。八、其他事宜本协议自双方签字生效,并具有法律效力。甲方签字: 乙方签字:日期:_年_月_日Partnership AgreementPartnership AgreementParty A:ID number:Residence:Phone:Party B:ID number:Residence:Phone:Whereas Party A and Party B intend to jointly operate a partnership enterprise, in order to clarify the rig

11、hts and obligations of both parties, this agreement is hereby formulated. The specific agreements are as follows:1. Partnership TermThe partnership term of this agreement is _ years, from _ to _.2. Contribution AmountThe total investment amount for the partnership enterprise is _ yuan, with Party A

12、contributing _ yuan and Party B contributing _ yuan.3. Equity DistributionEach partys share of profits in the partnership enterprise is determined by their respective contribution amounts, as follows:Party A: _%Party B: _%4. Management MethodParty A is responsible for the daily management and operat

13、ion of the partnership enterprise, while Party B has the right to participate in major decisions and jointly supervise business operations.5. Taxation and DividendsAfter deducting taxes from the profits of the partnership enterprise, dividends will be distributed according to the equity ratio of eac

14、h party.6. Dissolution of the Partnership EnterpriseThe dissolution of the partnership enterprise requires the unanimous consent of both parties. Debts shall be settled based on the respective contribution amounts, and the remaining assets shall be distributed accordingly.7. Breach of Contract Liabi

15、lityAny party failing to fulfill its obligations under this agreement shall bear corresponding liability for breach of contract.8. Other MattersThis agreement shall become effective upon the signatures of both parties and shall have legal effect.Party As signature: Party Bs signature:Date: _年_月_日合伙协

16、议书范本三:合伙协议书合伙协议书甲方:身份证号码:住所:电话:乙方:身份证号码:住所:电话:鉴于甲、乙双方意向在_年_月_日合伙经营一家企业,为明确双方权益及义务,特此订立本合伙协议。具体约定如下:一、合伙企业的名称为_。二、合伙期限为_年,即从_年_月_日至_年_月_日。三、出资方式:1. 甲方出资_元,占出资总额的_%。2. 乙方出资_元,占出资总额的_%。四、税收与利润分配1. 合伙企业所得利润按照出资比例进行分配,税款由合伙企业支付。2. 合伙企业的财务等事项需经双方一致同意。五、经营管理1. 甲方为合伙企业的实际经营者,乙方有权参与管理并监督。2. 重大事项需经双方共同商议决定。六、

17、合伙企业的解散与清算1. 合伙企业期满,经双方协商一致,合伙企业应解散并清算。2. 合伙企业解散时,按照出资比例清偿债务,并分配剩余财产。七、特别约定1. 本协议自双方签字之日起生效,并具有法律效力。2. 其他未尽事宜,双方协商解决。甲方签字: 乙方签字:日期:_年_月_日Partnership AgreementPartnership AgreementParty A:ID number:Residence:Phone:Party B:ID number:Residence:Phone:Whereas Party A and Party B intend to operate a busin

18、ess partnership on _ year _ month _ day, in order to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, this partnership agreement is hereby formulated. The specific agreements are as follows:1. The name of the partnership enterprise is _.2. The partnership term is _ years, from _ to _.3. Contribut

19、ion Method:1. Party A contributes _ yuan, accounting for _% of the total investment.2. Party B contributes _ yuan, accounting for _% of the total investment.4. Taxation and Profit Distribution1. The profits of the partnership enterprise shall be distributed according to the contribution ratio, with

20、the taxes to be paid by the partnership enterprise.2. Financial matters of the partnership enterprise shall require the unanimous consent of both parties.5. Business Operations1. Party A is the actual operator of the partnership enterprise, while Party B has the right to participate in management an

21、d supervision.2. Major issues shall be decided through mutual consultation between both parties.6. Dissolution and Liquidation of the Partnership Enterprise1. Upon expiration of the partnership term and with the unanimous agreement of both parties, the partnership enterprise shall be dissolved and l

22、iquidated.2. Upon dissolution of the partnership enterprise, debts shall be settled based on the contribution ratio, and the remaining assets shall be distributed accordingly.7. Special Agreements1. This agreement shall become effective upon the signatures of both parties and shall have legal effect

23、.2. Matters not covered by this agreement shall be resolved through mutual consultation between both parties.Party As signature: Party Bs signature:Date: _年_月_日合伙协议书范本四:合伙协议书合伙协议书甲方:身份证号码:住所:电话:乙方:身份证号码:住所:电话:鉴于甲、乙双方拟共同创办一家合伙企业,为明确双方权益及义务,特制订此协议。具体约定如下:一、合伙企业名称合伙企业名称为_。二、出资额度1. 甲方出资_元。2. 乙方出资_元。三、利润

24、分配1. 合伙企业的净利润按照各自出资比例进行分配。2. 各合伙方有权从合伙企业盈利中按照约定方式取得收益。四、管理方式1. 甲方负责合伙企业的日常经营管理,乙方负责协助并监督。2. 重大事项需经双方一致同意。五、税款及清算1. 合伙企业的税款由合伙企业自行负担,利润按比例分配。2. 合伙期满,按出资比例清偿债务,分配剩余财产。六、保密义务合伙方对合伙企业的经营、财务等信息应保密,不得擅自向他人透露。七、协议终止1. 如有一方未履行协议约定的义务,经催告后仍不履行,他方有权解除协议。2. 本协议自双方签字之日起生效。甲方签字: 乙方签字:日期:_年_月_日Partnership Agreeme

25、ntPartnership AgreementParty A:ID number:Residence:Phone:Party B:ID number:Residence:Phone:Whereas Party A and Party B intend to jointly establish a partnership enterprise, in order to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, this agreement is hereby formulated. The specific agreements ar

26、e as follows:1. Name of the Partnership EnterpriseThe name of the partnership enterprise is _.2. Contribution Amount1. Party A contributes _ yuan.2. Party B contributes _ yuan.3. Profit Distribution1. The net profits of the partnership enterprise shall be distributed according to the ratio of contri

27、butions.2. Each partner has the right to receive profits from the partnership enterprise in the agreed manner.4. Management Method1. Party A is responsible for the daily operation and management of the partnership enterprise, while Party B assists and supervises.2. Major issues require the unanimous

28、 agreement of both parties.5. Taxation and Liquidation1. The taxation of the partnership enterprise shall be borne by the enterprise itself, and profits shall be distributed proportionally.2. Upon expiration of the partnership term, debts shall be settled based on the contribution ratio, and the rem

29、aining assets shall be distributed accordingly.6. Confidentiality ObligationsPartners are obligated to maintain confidentiality regarding the operation, financial information, etc., of the partnership enterprise and are prohibited from disclosing it to others without authorization.7. Termination of

30、Agreement1. If one party fails to fulfill the obligations stipulated in the agreement and fails to do so after being notified, the other party has the right to terminate the agreement.2. This agreement shall become effective upon the signatures of both parties.Party As signature: Party Bs signature:Date: _年_月_日合伙协议书范本五:合伙协议书合伙协议书甲方:身份证号码:住所:电话:乙方:身

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