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1、债务重组协议书范本八篇债务重组协议书范本一:中文:债务重组协议书甲方:_公司乙方:_公司经甲、乙双方友好协商,就甲方欠乙方债务事宜达成如下协议:一、债务情况甲方欠乙方债务金额为_元人民币。二、债务偿还计划甲方承诺在_(日期)前偿还全部债务。偿还方式为_。三、逾期处理若甲方未能按期偿还债务,应按约定支付逾期罚金。四、协议解除如任何一方违反协议规定,对方有权解除本协议,并要求违约方承担相应法律责任。五、其他事宜本协议自双方签字盖章后生效,至债务清偿完毕终止。甲方(盖章):_ 公司乙方(盖章):_ 公司日期:_英文:Debt Restructuring AgreementParty A: _ Com

2、panyParty B: _ CompanyAfter friendly negotiation, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement on the debt owed by Party A to Party B:1. Debt SituationThe debt owed by Party A to Party B is _ RMB.2. Debt Repayment PlanParty A promises to repay the full debt to Party B by _ (date). The re

3、payment method is _.3. Default HandlingIf Party A fails to repay the debt on time, they shall pay a penalty for the delay as agreed.4. Termination of AgreementIf either party violates the agreement, the other party has the right to terminate the agreement and request the defaulting party to bear leg

4、al liability.5. Other MattersThis agreement shall come into effect upon signing and sealing by both parties, and shall remain in force until the debt is fully repaid.Party A (Seal): _ CompanyParty B (Seal): _ CompanyDate: _债务重组协议书范本二:中文:债务重组协议书甲方:_个人乙方:_银行鉴于甲方欠乙方债务情况,双方达成如下协议:一、债务确认甲方欠乙方_元人民币。二、债务重组

5、方案1. 甲方申请债务重组,乙方同意将债务分期偿还,共分_期,每期偿还金额为_元。2. 乙方同意免除因债务而产生的逾期罚金。三、协议履行双方保证按照本协议执行,如有其他约定,应另行协商确定。四、争议解决本协议任何争议均应友好协商解决,协商不成的,提交_仲裁解决。甲方签字:_乙方签字:_日期:_英文:Debt Restructuring AgreementParty A: IndividualParty B: BankIn view of the debt owed by Party A to Party B, the two parties have reached the following

6、 agreement:1. Debt ConfirmationParty A owes Party B _ RMB.2. Debt Restructuring Plan1. Party A applies for debt restructuring, and Party B agrees to repay the debt in installments, divided into _ installments, with each installment amounting to _ RMB.2. Party B agrees to waive any late payment penal

7、ties arising from the debt.3. Agreement ImplementationBoth parties undertake to execute this agreement, and any other arrangements shall be discussed separately.4. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising from this agreement shall be resolved amicably. In case of failure to reach an agreement, the dis

8、pute shall be submitted to arbitration by _.Signature of Party A: _Signature of Party B: _Date: _债务重组协议书范本三:中文:债务重组协议书甲方:_企业乙方:_机构鉴于甲方存在较大的债务问题,为了解决债务纠纷,双方协商达成以下协议:一、债务确认甲方欠乙方_元人民币。二、债务调整方案1. 甲方向乙方提供债务清偿计划,并每月按计划偿还债务。2. 乙方同意协助甲方寻找债务重组的最佳方案,以便更好地偿还债务。三、协议履行双方承诺本协议一经签署即生效,且履行协议内容。四、保密条款就本协议内容,双方应保守机密,

9、不得向任何第三方透露。甲方(盖章):_企业乙方(盖章):_机构日期:_英文:Debt Restructuring AgreementParty A: EnterpriseParty B: InstitutionIn view of the significant debt issue faced by Party A, in order to resolve the debt dispute, the two parties have reached the following agreement:1. Debt ConfirmationParty A owes Party B _ RMB.2

10、. Debt Adjustment Plan1. Party A shall provide Party B with a debt repayment plan, and shall repay the debt according to the plan on a monthly basis.2. Party B agrees to assist Party A in finding the best debt restructuring solution to facilitate better repayment of the debt.3. Agreement Implementat

11、ionBoth parties undertake that this agreement shall come into effect upon signing and shall be implemented accordingly.4. Confidentiality ClauseBoth parties agree to keep the content of this agreement confidential and shall not disclose it to any third party.Party A (Seal): EnterpriseParty B (Seal):

12、 InstitutionDate: _债务重组协议书范本四:中文:债务重组协议书甲方:_公司乙方:_投资机构鉴于甲方存在债务问题,为解决债务纠纷,双方协商后就以下事项达成一致:一、债务确认甲方欠乙方_元人民币。二、债务调整方案1. 乙方同意将债务分期支付,每月支付金额为_元,共_期。2. 甲方应按时还款,不得拖欠。三、保密条款与本协议有关的信息为双方商业机密,任何一方不得擅自泄露。四、违约责任如一方严重违反协议内容,对方有权终止协议,并要求违约方承担相应法律责任。甲方签字(盖章):_公司乙方签字(盖章):_投资机构日期:_英文:Debt Restructuring AgreementParty

13、 A: CompanyParty B: Investment InstitutionIn light of the debt issues faced by Party A, in order to resolve the debt dispute, the two parties have reached an agreement on the following matters:1. Debt ConfirmationParty A owes Party B _ RMB.2. Debt Adjustment Plan1. Party B agrees to pay the debt in

14、installments, with a monthly payment of _ RMB for a total of _ installments.2. Party A shall repay the debt on time and shall not delay payments.3. Confidentiality ClauseInformation related to this agreement is considered as confidential business information by both parties, and neither party shall

15、disclose it without authorization.4. Default LiabilityIn the event of a serious breach of the agreement by one party, the other party has the right to terminate the agreement and request the defaulting party to bear legal liability.Signature of Party A (Seal): CompanySignature of Party B (Seal): Inv

16、estment InstitutionDate: _债务重组协议书范本五:中文:债务重组协议书甲方:_贸易公司乙方:_银行鉴于甲方欠乙方债务,为解决债务问题,双方协商达成以下协议:一、债务确认甲方欠乙方_元人民币。二、债务重组方案1. 乙方同意将债务分期还款,每期还款金额为_元,共_期。2. 甲方承诺按时履行还款义务,不得拖欠。三、协议解除如甲方违反协议内容,乙方有权解除本协议,并要求甲方承担法律责任。四、协议生效本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,至债务还清之日终止。甲方(盖章):_贸易公司乙方(盖章):_银行日期:_英文:Debt Restructuring AgreementParty A:

17、 Trading CompanyParty B: BankIn light of the debt owed by Party A to Party B, in order to address the debt issue, the two parties have reached the following agreement:1. Debt ConfirmationParty A owes Party B _ RMB.2. Debt Restructuring Plan1. Party B agrees to repay the debt in installments, with ea

18、ch installment amounting to _ RMB for a total of _ installments.2. Party A undertakes to fulfill the repayment obligation on time and shall not delay payments.3. Termination of AgreementIf Party A violates the agreement, Party B has the right to terminate the agreement and request Party A to bear le

19、gal responsibility.4. Effectiveness of AgreementThis agreement shall come into effect upon signing and sealing by both parties and shall remain in force until the debt is fully repaid.Party A (Seal): Trading CompanyParty B (Seal): BankDate: _债务重组协议书范本六:中文:债务重组协议书甲方:_企业乙方:_投资公司鉴于甲方存在较大的债务,为解决债务问题,经甲、

20、乙双方友好协商,就以下事宜达成协议:一、债务确认甲方欠乙方_元人民币。二、债务处理方案1. 甲方向乙方提供详细的债务清偿计划,乙方同意配合对债务进行重组处理。2. 乙方同意将债务分期还款,每期还款金额为_元,共_期。三、协议终止任何一方如违反协议规定,对方有权解除本协议,并追究违约方的法律责任。四、其他约定双方一致同意遵守本协议,如有其他事宜,另行协商决定。甲方签字(盖章):_企业乙方签字(盖章):_投资公司日期:_英文:Debt Restructuring AgreementParty A: EnterpriseParty B: Investment CompanyIn view of th

21、e substantial debt faced by Party A, to address the debt issue, after amicable negotiations between Party A and Party B, the two parties have reached an agreement on the following matters:1. Debt ConfirmationParty A owes Party B _ RMB.2. Debt Handling Plan1. Party A shall provide a detailed debt rep

22、ayment plan to Party B, and Party B agrees to cooperate in restructuring the debt.2. Party B agrees to repay the debt in installments, with each installment amounting to _ RMB for a total of _ installments.3. Termination of AgreementIf either party violates the agreement, the other party has the rig

23、ht to terminate the agreement and hold the defaulting party legally responsible.4. Other AgreementsBoth parties agree to abide by this agreement, and any other matters shall be decided upon through separate negotiations.Signature of Party A (Seal): EnterpriseSignature of Party B (Seal): Investment C

24、ompanyDate: _债务重组协议书范本七:中文:债务重组协议书甲方:_制造厂乙方:_资产管理公司鉴于甲方欠债于乙方,为解决债务问题,双方友好协商,就以下内容达成一致:一、债务确认甲方欠乙方_元人民币。二、债务调整方案1. 乙方同意帮助甲方进行债务重组,并将债务金额分期还款,每期还款金额为_元,共_期。2. 甲方应提供详细的债务清偿计划,确保按时足额还款。三、协议生效本协议自双方签字盖章日起生效,至债务清偿结束终止。甲方(盖章):_制造厂乙方(盖章):_资产管理公司日期:_英文:Debt Restructuring AgreementParty A: Manufacturing Plant

25、Party B: Asset Management CompanyIn view of the debt owed by Party A to Party B, to address the debt issue, the two parties have reached an agreement through amicable negotiations as follows:1. Debt ConfirmationParty A owes Party B _ RMB.2. Debt Adjustment Plan1. Party B agrees to assist Party A in

26、debt restructuring and to repay the debt in installments, with each installment amounting to _ RMB for a total of _ installments.2. Party A shall provide a detailed debt repayment plan to ensure timely and full repayment.3. Effectiveness of AgreementThis agreement shall come into effect upon signing and sealing by both parties and shall remain in force until the debt is fully repaid.Party A (Seal): Manufacturing PlantParty B (Seal): Asset Management CompanyDate: _债务重组协议书范本八:中文:债务重组协议书

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