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1、员工保密协议书范本三篇*员工保密协议书范本一*Employee Confidentiality Agreement Sample One*-*中文*一、保密义务*1. 受聘员工在履行工作职责的过程中,可能会接触到公司的机密信息,包括但不限于商业计划、客户信息、产品开发资料等。受聘员工承诺将严格保守公司的机密信息,不得擅自泄露、复制或使用该信息。2. 受聘员工应妥善保管公司提供的电脑、文件资料等工作工具,确保不被他人非法获取机密信息。3. 保密期限为受聘员工离职后的两年内,期满后受聘员工仍应保守公司的机密信息,直至该信息已经为公众所知晓。*二、违约责任*1. 若受聘员工违反协议规定,泄露公司的机

2、密信息,公司有权追究其相应的法律责任,并要求其赔偿因此造成的损失。2. 公司保留对违反保密协议的员工进行纪律处分或解除劳动合同的权利,同时可以向有关部门举报相关违法行为。*三、协议效力*1. 本协议自受聘员工入职之日起生效,对双方具有法律约束力。2. 双方确认在签署本协议前已经完整了解了协议内容,自愿签署并承担相应的法律责任。-*英文*I. Confidentiality Obligations*1. The employee may have access to the companys confidential information during the course of employ

3、ment, including but not limited to business plans, customer information, product development data, etc. The employee agrees to strictly maintain the confidentiality of the companys information and shall not disclose, copy, or use such information without authorization.2. The employee shall properly

4、secure the companys provided equipment such as computers, files, etc., ensuring that confidential information is not accessed illegally by others.3. The confidentiality obligation shall remain effective for two years after the employees departure, and the employee shall continue to protect the compa

5、nys confidential information until such information becomes publicly known.*II. Breach of Agreement*1. In the event of a breach of the agreement by the employee resulting in the disclosure of the companys confidential information, the company reserves the right to pursue legal action against the emp

6、loyee and seek compensation for any losses incurred.2. The company reserves the right to impose disciplinary actions or terminate the employment contract of employees who violate the confidentiality agreement, and may report such violations to the relevant authorities.*III. Agreement Validity*1. Thi

7、s agreement shall come into effect from the date of the employees commencement of employment and shall be legally binding on both parties.2. Both parties acknowledge that they have fully understood the contents of this agreement before signing it, and do so voluntarily and accept the legal responsib

8、ilities accordingly.-*员工保密协议书范本一* 提供了受聘员工在保守公司机密信息方面的义务和责任,强调了保密期限和违约责任。协议内容客观明确,为公司与员工之间的保密事宜提供了明晰的指导和规范。-*员工保密协议书范本二*Employee Confidentiality Agreement Sample Two*-*中文*一、机密信息*1. 公司的机密信息包括但不限于商业秘密、技术资料、客户资料等,受聘员工在工作中获悉的任何信息都应被视为机密信息。2. 受聘员工承诺保护公司的机密信息不被透露给未经授权的人员,不得以任何形式泄露、传播有关公司的机密信息。*二、保密义务*1. 受聘

9、员工在离职后应继续遵守保密义务,不得利用或披露公司的机密信息,且对已知晓的机密信息应该继续保密。*三、违约责任*1. 一旦发现受聘员工违反保密协议的规定,公司有权采取相应的法律行动,包括但不限于起诉、要求赔偿损失等。2. 受聘员工违反保密协议,公司有权立即解除劳动合同,并有追究法律责任的权利。*四、其他*1. 本协议自签署之日起生效,无论员工是否已离职。2. 若本协议中的任何条款被认定为无效或违法,其余条款仍然有效并应予以执行。-*英文*I. Confidential Information*1. The companys confidential information includes,

10、but is not limited to, trade secrets, technical data, customer records, etc. Any information obtained by the employee in the course of work shall be treated as confidential information.2. The employee agrees to protect the companys confidential information from unauthorized disclosure and shall not

11、disclose or transmit any information relating to the companys confidential information in any form.*II. Confidentiality Obligations*1. The employee shall continue to comply with the confidentiality obligations after termination of employment, and shall not utilize or disclose the companys confidenti

12、al information, maintaining the confidentiality of information already known.*III. Breach of Agreement*1. In the event of a breach of the confidentiality agreement by the employee, the company reserves the right to take legal action, including but not limited to prosecution and seeking compensation

13、for damages.2. In the event of a breach of the confidentiality agreement by the employee, the company reserves the right to immediately terminate the employment contract and pursue legal action.*IV. Miscellaneous*1. This agreement shall be effective from the date of signing, regardless of whether th

14、e employee has already resigned.2. If any provision of this agreement is deemed invalid or illegal, the remaining provisions shall remain valid and enforceable.-*员工保密协议书范本二* 强调了员工对公司机密信息的保护义务,明确了违约责任和解除劳动合同的条件,为确保公司信息安全提供了明确的规范和指引。-*员工保密协议书范本三*Employee Confidentiality Agreement Sample Three*-*中文*一、保

15、密义务*1. 受聘员工应在任何情况下保守公司的商业秘密和敏感信息,不得泄露或利用这些信息谋取私利。2. 此保密义务适用于受聘员工在任职期间和离职之后,不受时间限制。3. 受聘员工应定期接受保密培训,确保理解和遵守公司的保密政策。*二、机密信息范围*1. 公司的机密信息包括商业计划、客户信息、销售数据、产品开发资料等,以及任何未经公开的信息。*三、违约责任*1. 若受聘员工违反保密协议,公司有权追究其法律责任,并要求对损失进行赔偿。*四、协议生效*1. 本协议自受聘员工签署之日起生效,对双方具有法律约束力。2. 双方确认已完整理解协议内容,自愿遵守并承担相关法律后果。*五、其他*1. 本协议不得

16、转让或受让,任何第三方不得代表员工签署本协议。-*英文*I. Confidentiality Obligations*1. The employee shall maintain the companys business secrets and sensitive information under all circumstances and shall not disclose or exploit this information for personal gain.2. This confidentiality obligation applies to the employee du

17、ring and after their employment, without time limit.3. The employee shall undergo regular confidentiality training to ensure understanding and compliance with the companys confidentiality policies.*II. Scope of Confidential Information*1. The companys confidential information includes business plans

18、, customer information, sales data, product development data, etc., as well as any information not publicly disclosed.*III. Breach of Agreement*1. In the event of a breach of the confidentiality agreement by the employee, the company reserves the right to pursue legal action against the employee and

19、 seek compensation for any losses incurred.*IV. Agreement Effectiveness*1. This agreement shall come into effect from the date of the employees signature and shall be legally binding on both parties.2. Both parties confirm that they fully understand the contents of the agreement, voluntarily agree t

20、o comply with it, and accept the legal consequences.*V. Miscellaneous*1. This agreement is not transferable or assignable, and any third party shall not sign this agreement on behalf of the employee.-*员工保密协议书范本三* 强调了员工应在任职期间和离职后继续遵守保密义务,明确了机密信息的范围和违约责任,为双方建立了互相信任和保密的关系,有助于公司的商业机密和敏感信息的保护。-通过对员工保密协议书范本的撰写,员工和公司之间可以建立起清晰的保密责任和义务关系,保护公司的商业机密和敏感信息,维护公司的利益和声誉。这三份样本提供了不同角度和重点的保密协议内容,以满足不同公司的需求和要求。

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