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1、金融担保合同协议书范本模板金融担保合同协议书甲方:(担保人)住所:法定代表人:注册资本:统一社会信用代码:乙方:(债权人)住所:法定代表人:统一社会信用代码:丙方:(借款人)住所:法定代表人:统一社会信用代码:鉴于:1. 丙方借款需保证金的提供,丙方无法提供抵押或担保的情况下,甲方同意担保债权人对丙方的债务。2. 甲方为保护自身权益,需要签订担保合同协议书。特此协议如下:第一条 担保内容1.1 甲方保证承担对乙方的债务担保责任,包括但不限于本合同项下的借款本金、利息、滞纳金、损害赔偿金等一切应付款项。1.2 保证期限:自本协议生效之日起至乙方债权全部清偿之日止。第二条 担保方式2.1 本次担保

2、以连带保证方式履行,即甲方与乙方债务人承担相同的债务责任。担保范围涵盖本合同项下的债权及其产生的利息、违约金、承担的债务等一切款项。2.2 为保证本担保的实现,甲方同意向乙方提供相应的保证金。第三条 保证期限3.1 保证期限为自本协议签订之日起至乙方债权全部清偿之日止。3.2 若债务履行期限顺延,甲方同意在乙方通知下,延长担保期限。第四条 担保范围4.1 本担保范围包括本合同项下的一切应付款项,包括但不限于本金、利息、罚息、违约金、损害赔偿金等。4.2 乙方无须提前通知甲方,直接向甲方追偿。4.3 甲方应在乙方提出要求后,及时履行担保责任。第五条 担保条件5.1 乙方借款人出现未按约定还款、提

3、前给甲方借款、违约等情况时,甲方应承担担保责任。5.2 乙方应向甲方提供关于债务人的相关信息,包括但不限于财务状况、履约能力、风险评估等。5.3 乙方应定期向甲方提供债务人的还款情况,及时告知甲方债务人的还款状态。第六条 担保费用6.1 本担保协议生效后,甲方应按照约定的担保费用向乙方支付费用,费用标准为借款本金的百分比。6.2 若乙方在规定时间内未收到担保费用,甲方应承担一切由此而产生的后果。第七条 知情权7.1 乙方和丙方同意,甲方有权了解借款人还款情况及履约能力,乙方应积极配合提供相关信息。7.2 乙方应密切关注债务人的还款情况,并及时向甲方汇报。第八条 违约责任8.1 若甲方未履行担保

4、责任,乙方可单方解除本合同并追究甲方的违约责任。8.2 甲方提供的担保信息不真实、不完整,导致乙方无法及时收回款项的,应承担相应的违约责任。第九条 争议解决9.1 本担保协议因履行发生争议时,可由甲、乙、丙三方协商解决;协商不成的,提交有管辖权的仲裁机构解决。9.2 仲裁裁决是终局的,对各方均有约束力。第十条 其他事项10.1 其他未尽事宜,由甲、乙、丙三方协商解决。10.2 本协议一式两份,甲、乙、丙三方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。甲方(担保人):_ 乙方(债权人):_丙方(借款人):_ 日期:_Financial Guarantee Contract AgreementParty A: (

5、Guarantor)Address:Legal Representative:Registered Capital:Unified Social Credit Code:Party B: (Creditor)Address:Legal Representative:Unified Social Credit Code:Party C: (Borrower)Address:Legal Representative:Unified Social Credit Code:Whereas:1. The borrower, Party C, requires a guarantee for the lo

6、an and is unable to provide collateral or guarantee. Party A agrees to guarantee the creditors rights against Party Cs debts.2. In order to protect their own interests, Party A needs to sign a guarantee contract agreement.The agreement is as follows:Article 1 Guarantee Content1.1 Party A guarantees

7、to assume responsibility for Party Bs debts, including but not limited to the principal, interest, late fees, damages, etc., under this agreement.1.2 Guarantee Period: From the effective date of this agreement until the full repayment of Party Bs debt.Article 2 Guarantee Method2.1 The guarantee in t

8、his agreement is in the form of joint and several liability, meaning Party A and the debtor (Party C) bear the same debt responsibility. The guarantee covers all the debts and related amounts under this agreement.2.2 To ensure the realization of this guarantee, Party A agrees to provide the correspo

9、nding security deposit to Party B.Article 3 Guarantee Period3.1 The guarantee period is from the date of signing this agreement until the full repayment of Party Bs debt.3.2 If the debt repayment period is extended, Party A agrees to extend the guarantee period upon the notice from Party B.Article 4

10、 Guarantee Scope4.1 The scope of this guarantee includes all payable amounts under this agreement, including but not limited to principal, interest, penalty interest, default fines, damages, etc.4.2 Party B is not required to notify Party A in advance and can directly claim reimbursement from Party

11、A.4.3 Party A should timely fulfill the guarantee responsibility upon Party Bs request.Article 5 Guarantee Conditions5.1 Party A should assume the guarantee responsibility if Party C fails to repay as agreed, provides advance loans to Party A, or breaches other terms.5.2 Party B should provide Party

12、 A with relevant information about the borrower, including financial condition, performance capability, risk assessment, etc.5.3 Party B should regularly update Party A on the borrowers repayment status and inform Party A of any changes.Article 6 Guarantee Fee6.1 After this guarantee agreement takes

13、 effect, Party A should pay the agreed guarantee fee to Party B, based on a percentage of the loan principal.6.2 If Party B does not receive the guarantee fee within the specified time, Party A should bear all consequences arising from this delay.Article 7 Right to Information7.1 Party B and Party C

14、 agree that Party A has the right to access information regarding the borrowers repayment status and performance capability, and Party B should cooperate actively in providing relevant information.7.2 Party B should closely monitor the borrowers repayment status and report to Party A in a timely man

15、ner.Article 8 Breach of Contract Liability8.1 If Party A fails to fulfill the guarantee responsibility, Party B may unilaterally terminate this agreement and hold Party A accountable for breach of contract.8.2 If the guarantee information provided by Party A is untrue or incomplete, leading to Party

16、 Bs inability to recover the funds in time, Party A should bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract.Article 9 Dispute Resolution9.1 In case of disputes arising from the performance of this guarantee agreement, the three parties (Party A, Party B, Party C) can negotiate to settle the d

17、isputes. If a settlement cannot be reached, the dispute shall be submitted to an arbitration institution with jurisdiction.9.2 The arbitration award is final and binding on all parties.Article 10 Other Matters10.1 Any other matters not covered in this agreement shall be resolved through mutual consultation among Party A, Party B, and Party C.10.2 This agreement is made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy, and carries equal legal effect.Party A (Guarantor):_ Party B (Creditor):_Party C (Borrower):_ Date:_

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