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1、期货交易协议书范本三篇*期货交易协议书范本*Sample of Futures Trading Agreement*-*一、协议双方*甲方:(投资者姓名/单位名称)乙方:(期货经纪公司名称)*1. 协议内容及对象*甲、乙双方为明确期货交易的权利与义务,特订立本协议。甲方委托乙方依约进行期货交易。本协议内容包括但不限于以下内容:双方的义务、权利及责任、期货交易服务的收费标准等。*2. 甲方的基本资料*姓名/单位名称:证件类型及号码:联系地址:联系电话:*3. 乙方的基本资料*公司名称:经纪资格证书编号:联系地址:联系电话:*二、甲方基本交易情况*1. 甲方已阅读并理解相关法律法规及风险提示,自愿

2、参与期货交易。2. 甲方资金来源合法,具备独立担保能力,有充足的风险认识和承受能力。3. 甲方保证提供的资料真实、准确,因提供虚假信息导致的一切后果由甲方承担。4. 甲方承诺遵守期货交易相关规定,不进行违法行为,不从事操纵市场、内幕交易等违法活动。*三、乙方权利与义务*1. 乙方应按照甲方的委托,及时、准确地执行期货交易指令。2. 乙方应当保护甲方的交易信息和隐私,不得泄露给第三方。3. 乙方应向甲方提供必要的风险提示和投资建议,引导甲方进行合理的投资决策。*四、期货交易流程*1. 甲方通过乙方下单进行期货交易,包括开仓、平仓、止损等操作。2. 乙方应及时向甲方提供交易信息、账户结算情况等相关

3、信息。3. 双方应按照期货市场的交易规定和风险控制要求进行交易操作。*五、风险提示*1. 期货交易存在风险,甲方应认真评估自身风险承受能力,谨慎决策。2. 市场行情波动较大,可能导致投资损失,甲方应做好风险控制,不盲目跟进交易。*六、其他事项*1. 本协议的任何变更应经双方书面同意,方为有效。2. 双方因履行本协议发生争议,应协商解决,协商不成的,可向有管辖权的仲裁机构申请仲裁。*七、协议生效*本协议自双方签字或盖章之日起生效,有效期为:(具体日期)。*Signature/签字:*甲方(Investor):乙方(Futures Broker):日期(Date):-*二、期货交易合同样本*Sam

4、ple of Futures Trading Contract*-*Contract No.:* *Party A:* (Investors Name/Company Name)*Party B:* (Futures Brokerage Company)*1. Subject Matter*Party A and Party B hereby enter into this contract to clarify the rights and obligations of futures trading. Party A entrusts Party B to conduct futures

5、trading in accordance with the agreement. The content of this contract includes but is not limited to: the obligations, rights, and responsibilities of both parties, the fee standards for futures trading services, etc.*2. Basic Information of Party A*Name/Company Name:ID Type and Number:Address:Cont

6、act Number:*3. Basic Information of Party B*Company Name:Broker Qualification Certificate Number:Address:Contact Number:*I. Basic Trading Information of Party A*1. Party A has read and understood relevant laws, regulations, and risk warnings, and voluntarily participates in futures trading.2. Party

7、As funds come from legal sources, has independent guarantee ability, and has sufficient risk awareness and tolerance.3. Party A guarantees that the information provided is true and accurate. Party A shall bear all consequences arising from providing false information.4. Party A shall abide by the re

8、levant regulations of futures trading and shall not engage in illegal activities such as market manipulation or insider trading.*II. Rights and Obligations of Party B*1. Party B shall execute futures trading instructions from Party A in a timely and accurate manner.2. Party B shall protect Party As

9、trading information and privacy, and shall not disclose it to third parties.3. Party B shall provide necessary risk warnings and investment advice to Party A, guiding Party A to make reasonable investment decisions.*III. Futures Trading Process*1. Party A conducts futures trading through Party B, in

10、cluding opening positions, closing positions, stop-loss, and other operations.2. Party B shall provide Party A with timely information on trading, account settlement, and other relevant information.3. Both parties shall conduct trading operations in accordance with the trading regulations and risk c

11、ontrol requirements of the futures market.*IV. Risk Warning*1. Futures trading carries risks. Party A should carefully assess its risk tolerance and make decisions cautiously.2. Market fluctuations may lead to investment losses. Party A should practice risk control and not blindly follow trading tre

12、nds.*V. Other Matters*1. Any changes to this contract shall require the written consent of both parties to become valid.2. In case of disputes arising from the performance of this contract, the parties shall resolve them through negotiation. If negotiation is unsuccessful, arbitration may be sought

13、from a competent arbitration institution.*VI. Effective Date*This contract shall come into effect from the date of signing or sealing by both parties, and the valid period is: (specific date).*Signature:*Party A:Party B:*Date:*-*三、期货合同范本*Template of Futures Contract*-*合同编号:*甲方:*(投资者姓名/单位名称)*乙方:*(期货经

14、纪公司名称)*一、对象*甲、乙双方在共同遵守法律法规的基础上,签订本合同规定期货交易的具体事项。*二、基本信息*甲方基本信息*姓名/单位名称:证件类型及号码:联系地址:联系电话:*乙方基本信息*公司名称:经纪资格证书编号:联系地址:联系电话:*三、交易流程*1. 甲方委托乙方进行期货交易,下单方式:(如电话下单、在线下单等)。2. 交易品种:(具体期货品种)。3. 交易数量:(具体数量)。*四、交易服务*1. 乙方应按照甲方的指令,及时、准确地进行期货交易。2. 乙方应根据市场情况提供交易建议及风险提示。*五、费用*1. 甲方应按照乙方规定的费用标准支付相应的服务费用。2. 具体费用标准:(详

15、细说明)。*六、风险提示*1. 甲方应认真评估自身的风险承受能力,谨慎决策。2. 期货交易存在较大风险,甲方应做好风险控制,不盲目参与交易。*七、其他事项*1. 本合同的任何修改应经双方书面同意,方为有效。2. 双方因合同履行发生争议,应协商解决,协商不成的,可向有管辖权的仲裁机构申请仲裁。*八、生效及终止*1. 本合同自双方签字或盖章之日起生效,有效期至合同约定的终止日期。*签字:*甲方:乙方:*日期:*-*End of Contracts/合同结束*By following the templates provided above, you can draft comprehensive and detailed futures trading agreements. It is essential to ensure that all terms and conditions are agreed upon by both parties before signing the contract. Remember to seek legal advice if needed to protect the interests of both parties.

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