1、Swimming Pool Rules & Regulations游泳池守则l All guests must register at the reception counter.所有客人需在接待处登记。l Members are requested to present their membership card to the reception counter before using the facilities.会员在登记前需向接待处出示会员卡。l Please have a shower before entering the swimming pool.请先淋浴再进入泳池。l No
2、 foods & drinks or intoxicating liquor are allowed to be brought in.请勿将食物和烈性饮料带入泳池区域。l No diving & beware of steps.请勿跳水,当心台阶。l Proper swim attires are required when using the swimming pool.请穿着游泳服装进入泳池。l Children must be accompanied by adult at all times.儿童必须由成人陪同并全程监护。l Guests uses the swimming pool
3、 facilities at their own risk.客人须注意个人安全,因使用游泳池设施不当而造成的后果自负。l The hotel management, its employees, or any associated persons or companies, will not be held liable or responsible for any injuries, damages, losses, thefts or other misdemeanours occurring whilst in the premises.对于在游泳池内发生的任何物品丢失、偷窃或意外伤害,
4、酒店将不负责。l Please dispose off rubbish, especially metal and glass objects, in the correct manner.请勿乱丢垃圾,尤其是金属和玻璃制品。l No refrain from smoking.禁止吸烟。l Please do not spit into swimming pool.请勿向泳池内吐痰。l The hotel management reserves the right to refuse admission to any member and / or guests at its own disc
5、retion.对违反康体中心守则的客人,酒店有权禁止其入内。l Persons with the below mentioned ailments are advised not to enter the swimming pool.凡有下列疾病者请勿使用游泳池:1. Serious cardiopathy, hypertension;严重心脏病、高血压;2. Infectious acute hepatitis;急性传染性肝炎;3. Serious trachoma; infectious acute conjunctivitis;重症沙眼、急性传染性结膜炎;4. Enteric infec
6、tivity ( including diarrhea; typhoid);急性肠道传染病(包括痢疾、伤寒);5. Fester, effusion, infectious skin diseases;化脓性皮肤病、渗出性皮肤病及接触性传染性皮肤病; 6. Serious lunacy, epilepsy;重症精神病、癫痫;7. Bibulous.酗酒。 Pullmam Guiyang 贵阳铂尔曼大酒店 Gymnasium Rules Regulations健身中心守则l All guests must register at the reception counter.所有客人需在接待处登记
7、。l Members are requested to present their membership card to the reception counter before using the facilities.会员在登记前需向接待处出示会员卡。l Proper sports suit and shoes are required when in Gymnasium.在健身房必须穿着合适的运动装,运动鞋。l Children under 16 years old must be accompanied by adult at all times.16岁以下的儿童在使用康体中心任何设备
8、时,需自始至终由成人陪同。l No food or beverage, including intoxicating liquor, are allowed to be brought in.禁止携带食物、饮料进入康体中心。l Smoking are prohibited except in the lounge area.健身中心除休息室外,禁止吸烟。l Guests must observe the safety rules whilst utilizing the Gymnasium facilities.客人须注意个人安全,因使用健身设备不当而造成的后果自负。l The hotel m
9、anagement, its employees, or any associated persons or companies, will not be held liable or responsible for any injuries, damages, losses, thefts or other misdemeanours occurring whilst in the premises.对于在健身中心内发生的任何物品丢失、偷窃或意外伤害,酒店将不负责。l Do not use the gymnasium and / or the facilities when intoxica
10、ted.醉酒后请勿使用健身房。l The hotel management reserves the right to refuse admission to any member and / or guests at its own discretion.对违反康体中心守则的客人,酒店有权禁止其入内。 Pullmam Guiyang 贵阳铂尔曼大酒店 苗木供应合同书甲方:乙方:周至县哑柏镇绿星苗圃经甲乙双方协商同意, (以下简称甲方)从周至县哑柏镇绿星苗圃(以下简称乙方)购买银杏苗木,(用于渭政办发2010205号文件,渭南市区绿化),并就相关事宜达成以下协议:一、 苗木数量: 二、 苗木规
11、格:胸径15cm以上,主干通直,树头完整,枝条匀称、丰满,无病虫害,树形美观。三、 苗木价格:每株计人民币四、 该价格包括:苗木费、挖掘费、包装费、装车费、拉运费五项。合计人民币( )五、 付款方式:任务完成后,10日内一次付清。六、 有关事项:1、 土球规格:苗木所带土球直径1.2米以上,厚度60cm以上,卸车前完整不破裂。2、 包装规格:土球包装腰带无间隙宽度12cm以上,纵扎草绳间隙在2cm以下。绳杆高度40cm,缠冠高度2米。3、 所有苗木必须是播种培育,均为本苗圃苗木,严禁从外省、外地调动,由此产生的不良后果,由乙方负责。4、 乙方必须按照甲方时间、地点、数量要求按时送苗。(送苗地点,渭南市城区)并保证我县任务完成居全市前三名。5、 苗木结算数量以接收方接收单上的数据为准,因不符合合同条款中苗木规格要求的,接收方拒绝接收的苗木由乙方自行处理。六、本合同未尽事宜,甲乙双方同意协商解决。七、合同条款违约,造成经济损失,由造成损失方全额赔偿。八、本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自签字盖章之日起生效 二0一0年十二月