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1、,Best Presentation,Best Presentation,GO LIVE FOR THE HEALTHY SEAS INITIATIVE!,If you wish to follow step by step our growing initiative for the sea, now you have every possible connection!Blog: www.12345678.orgTwitter: PPTSTORE_orgFacebook: PptstoreWe will share every step of our initiative with all

2、 communities and we will discuss interesting news on marine conservation, ghost fishing, recycling and sustainable brands.,Best Presentation,80%,Find out about the endless applications of the bulk continuous filaments (BCF) and nylon textile filaments (NTF) we produce.,Best Presentation,Best Present

3、ation,80%,LATEST PRIZE TO CELEBRATE END OF 2014,uxaquas expertise makes it a major player in this sector, and the ideal partner for project management teams during the detailed design and engineering study phases: treatment of LSS water, waterproofing of major works, PMMA glazing, underwater scenery

4、 and lighting.,Best Presentation,80%,60%,40%,uxaquas expertise makes it a major player in this sector, and the ideal partner for project management teams during the detailed design and engineering study phases: treatment of LSS water, waterproofing of major works, PMMA glazing, underwater scenery an

5、d lighting.,uxaquas expertise makes it a major player in this sector, and the ideal partner for project management teams during the detailed design and engineering study phases: treatment of LSS water, waterproofing of major works, PMMA glazing, underwater scenery and lighting.,uxaquas expertise mak

6、es it a major player in this sector, and the ideal partner for project management teams during the detailed design and engineering study phases: treatment of LSS water, waterproofing of major works, PMMA glazing, underwater scenery and lighting.,Best Presentation,Best Presentation,Best Presentation,

7、100,200,300,0,100,200,Best Presentation,400,Best Presentation,Best Presentation,Best Presentation,REMOTE AND CENTRALIZED DATA VISUALIZATION,Machine-based algorithms and data analysis,Each device is a connected deviceEach device is a cache - device loss/recreation is a non-eventDevice state (apps & u

8、sers) is stored in a cloud (default is SkyDrive)App & User state is transparently accessible from any deviceA device does not have to have a user interface or even users (sensors, etc.),Best Presentation,Extraction and storage of proprietary machine data stream,Intelligence flows back into machines,

9、INDUSTRIAL DATA SYSTEMS,PHYSICAL AND HUMAN NETWORKS,356$,Extraction and storage of proprietary machine data stream,Intelligence flows back into machines,INDUSTRIAL DATA SYSTEMS,PHYSICAL AND HUMAN NETWORKS,356$,Extraction and storage of proprietary machine data stream,Intelligence flows back into mac

10、hines,INDUSTRIAL DATA SYSTEMS,PHYSICAL AND HUMAN NETWORKS,356$,Best Presentation,Best Presentation,Machine-based algorithms and data analysis,Services are designed with a “Cloud First” mindset with a failsafe implementation,RESTful APIs are designed using best practices,Services default to deliverin

11、g data using a standard protocol (OData),People-centric or social-enabled services utilize open protocols (Open Graph),Services are data-centric and/or insight-enabled,Best Presentation,Private Cloud,Community,Public Cloud,Hybrid Cloud,YOUR TEXT,Best Presentation,Lyon - Duba - WorldwideFor a top of the range, made-to-measure aquarium.Whatever your location.7, rue Robert Reynier - 69190 Saint Fons, France+33 (0)123 456 789/ +33 (0)123 456 789,THANK YOU,

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