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1、新目标九年级英语Unit 8 It must belong to Carla课前检测一.根据汉语写出单词。1.宝贵的_ 价值(n.)_2.出席_ 3.实验室_4.困倦的_ 睡觉(v.)_5.着陆;降落_ 6.阻止;阻挠_7.位置;地方_8.敌人_9.精力_ 10.目的;目标 _11.胜利_ 12.狼_ (复数形式)_重点短语1. (sth) belong to (sb) 属于某人2. (sth) be ones 是某人的3. at the picnic 野餐4. attend a concert/meeting 参加音乐会/会议5. the rest of .剩余部分6. pick up 拾起

2、,采摘,开车接某人7. at first 起初8. run away 逃跑9. feel uneasy 感到不安 10. There be sb/sth doing sth11. in the neighborhood 街坊,街区12. have no idea 不知道13. have fun (in) doing sth.14. feel sleepy 昏昏欲睡的15. run after 追逐16. wear a suit 穿西装17. catch a bus 赶公交车18. one of + the+最高级+名词复数19. one of Britains most famous hist

3、orical places英国最有名的历史遗迹之一20. one of its greatest mysteries 最大的秘密之一21. communicate with sb 交流22. point out 指出23. in a certain way 以某种方式24. on midsummers morning 在仲夏的早晨25. have a medical purpose 医学目的26. prevent illness 防御疾病27. a burial place 一个供埋葬的地方28. a place to honor ancestors 纪念祖先的地方29. celebrate

4、a victory over an enemy 庆祝打败敌人的胜利30. a long period of time 很长一段时间31. a group of volunteers 一群志愿者32. stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事33. go to the concert 参加音乐会34. talkon the phone 打电话35. at work 在工作36. right now 现在二.词组翻译。1.belong to 2.pick up 3.in a certain way 4.feel uneasy 5. run after 6.the rest of

5、7.something valuable 8.prevent sb from doing sth9.next-door neighbor 10. have fun doing三.根据汉语补全句子。1.It _ _Marys. 它一定是Mary 的。2.Do you know _ this book_ _? 你知道这本书是谁的吗?3.I think my schoolbag _ _ _.我想我的书包肯定不会被偷的。4.My friends and I think it must be teenagers_ _. 我和我的朋友们都认为肯定是孩子们在玩。5.The man _ _ _for exer

6、cise. 那个男的可能是在跑步锻炼。6.People think the stones can_ _and _ people _ .人们认为这些石头能阻止疾病并且保证人们的健康。10.Most agree that _ _of the stones must be for a _ _.大部分人都同意这些石头的摆放位置一定有特殊的目的。知识梳理一. 重点词汇1.belong 不及物动词,汉意“属于”,常和介词to搭配,后接名词或代词宾格作宾语,不能用所有格和名词性物主代词。如:这只钢笔是我的。The pen belongs to me. belong 还属于“三无产品”。(1)无宾语,必须和介

7、词to搭配,才能跟宾语。(2)无进行时;(3)无被动语态。 2.the rest of +名词作主语时,其谓语动词的单复数由名词来确定。如:The rest of students are doing their homework except Sam and Tom.Dont eat that bread,the rest of it has gone bad.3.prevent sb from doing sth= stop sb from doing sth =keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事如:The storm prevented/stopped/kept

8、 us from playing football on the playground.4.hard-working ,hard work 与work hard 的区别(1)hard-working 是复合形容词,意为努力的,辛勤的,如:a hard-working girl(2) hard work 是个名词词组,意为艰辛的工作,如:Its hard work.(3) work hard 是个动词词组,意为努力工作,如:My father always works hard.5. sleep , oversleep ,sleepy 与asleep 的区别sleep 动词,睡觉。go to s

9、leep 去睡觉oversleep 动词,睡过头 sleepy 形容词,困倦的,发困的asleep 形容词,睡着的 fall asleep 入睡注意:He is very sleepy but he cant still fall asleep.6.noise, voice 与sound(1) noise 名词, 指噪音 noisy 形容词 noisily 副词(2)voice 名词,指声音,嗓音 如:a sweet voice(3) sound 名词,指自然界各种声音。动词,意为听起来,后跟形容词做表语。如:The idea sounds good. 短语sound like+名词,如:Th

10、at sounds like a good plan.二.重点句子1. The police think it might be the wind. 警察认为那可能是风。2.There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood. 一定有什么东西闯入了我们小区的住宅。3.The noise-maker is having too much fun creating fear in the neighborhood.这个闹动静的家伙正在小区开心地制造恐怖气氛呢。4.It cant be stolen. 它不可能被偷。5.Sto

11、nehenge is not only one of Britains most famous historical places but also one of its greatest mysteries.巨石阵不仅是英国最著名的历史古迹,而且还是英国最大的谜团之一。6.As you walk there,you can feel the energy from your feet move up your body.当你走在其间的时候,你会感到有一股能量从你的脚底蔓延至全身。7.But we do know they must have been hard-woking.但是我们确实知道

12、他们当时一定很辛苦。巩固练习一单项选择1.-_toy car is that? - Its Peters.A.whose B.What C.Who D.Which2. The book on the desk is_ not _.A.your ;Mine B yours;Mine C.your;My D,yours ;my3.The boy singing in the next room_be Tom. He has gone to Paris.A mustn;t B may not C cant D couldnt4.The hair band _be Meimeis or Lindas.

13、They both have long hair.A must B might C can D have to5.-Must I return the book this morning? -No,you _. A mustnt B cant C may not D neednt6.That new car belong to _.A he B his C him D himself7._does the sun give us light,_give us heat.A Either; or B Neither; nor C Too; to D Not only; but also8.Gre

14、at lyrics of songs can _our thoughts and feelings.A express B discuss C expect D imagine9.The boy didnt sleep well last night because of the_from the factory.A voice B sound C noise D music10.Look at the tail,there must be a cat _behand the tree.A to play B playing C is playing D plays二、首字母填空1. Why

15、are you drawing so many c_?They are so round.2. V_belongs to the brave man.3. Young people are full of e_.They are active.4. You can find our p_ on the map.5. Last month he r_more than 10 e-mails every day.6. Mr Wang is the l_of the company.7. The plane l_in Shanghai safely in the end.8. We need a m

16、_team to go to the earthquake area and help the people there.9. Linda didnt a_the concert last night because of her illness.10. Do you have anything v_ in your wallet?三单词变式1.The _(wolf) like to live together.2.Carla stayed up late last night,so today she feels very _.(sleep)3.Linda cant find her sch

17、oolbag.so she is really _(worry)4Its too _(noise)outside,Please close the window.Tom.5.We should treat everyone with kindness and _(warm).6.I will try my best to stop my son from_(make) the same mistake.7.The man might be running _(catch) a bus to work.8.Stonehenge is also one of Britains greatest _

18、(mystery).9.For many years,_(history) believed Stonehenge was a temple where ancient leaders tried to communicate with the gods.10.People want to see the sun_on the longest day of the year.四、短文填空Stonehenge-Can Anyone Explain Why It Is ThereEvery year Stonehenge r_ more than 750,000 visitors who want

19、 to see the sun r_ on the longest day of the year. Its one of Britains _(famous) historical places. For many years, historians believed Stonehenge was a temple. However, Paul Stoker thinks this _(be) true because it _(build) so many centuries ago. Another popular idea is that it _(be) a kind of calendar. Other people think the stones have medical p_, which can p_ illness and keep people _(health). Some think it might be a burial place or a place_(honor) ancestors. Others think it was a v_ over an enemy.4

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