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1、Unit2Healthyeatingreading2021/5/241What do you think of them?Too fatWhy?2021/5/242What do you think of them?Too thin Why?2021/5/243Do you like to be any of them,be too fat or too thin?2021/5/244Menu one:mutton kebabs,hamburgers,roast pork,fried rice,instant noodles,cola and ice cream.Menu two:raw ve

2、getables,watermelons,cucumbers,apples,water.2021/5/245 Look at the title and the pictures.Predict what the passage is about.Yong HuiWang Pengmanagers of restaurants _ _ _ _ Reading2021/5/246Read the passage very quickly and find out:Fast ReadingWhat different places did Wang Peng go in the text?2021

3、/5/247Wang Pengs restaurantYong Huis restaurantAt the library Para 1Para(2-3)Para(4)part1part1part2part2part3part32021/5/248Part 1 (para1)emptyHe sat in his restaurant_ very _._,_and _.Something _ must have happened if he was not coming to _ as he always did.feelingfrustrated mutton kebabs roast por

4、k fried rice terribleFeelings:Menu:Li Chang:eatin his restaurantHurried by.stir-fried vegetablesCareful Reading 2021/5/249When Wang Peng thought“Nothing could be better”,he meant_.A.His food and drinks were the best.B.His food and drinks were the worst.C.His food should have been improved.D.He could

5、 do nothing with his food and drinks.2021/5/2410fullHer name is _,She promise to help cutomers to_and _in two weeks if they eat here every day.Yong HuiThere were only _ of foodand drink on it:_,_ vegetables,_ and _.prices:a lady:food:It costs _ a good meal in _ restaurant.few choices raw fruit water

6、 more thanWang Pengsricelose weight be fitPart 2 (para2-3)2021/5/2411 What is Wang Pengs impression(印象)印象)on Yong Huis restaurant?A.All the customers in it were very thin.B.It was too small and too noisy.C.The food in it was very nice and better D.There was so little food but the price was much high

7、er.2021/5/2412Part 3(para4)What did he find at the library?Wangs restaurant Yongs restaurantserve far too much fatserve far too little fatno energy-giving food2021/5/2413Wang Pengs menuYong Huis menuFood_ _ _ _Drink_Price_ Food_ _ _ Drink_Price_ barbecued mutton kebabs roast pork stir-fried vegetabl

8、es fried ricecola;ice creamcheapriceraw vegetables fruitwaterexpensiveComparison 对对比比Post reading2021/5/2414 Wang Peng felt _ in an empty restaurant because no _ have come to his restaurant today.he hurried out and _Li Chang into a newly-opened restaurant._ drove Wang Peng inside.It was _ people.He

9、was_ at the menu and especially at the prices there.It _ more than a good meal in his own restaurant.He hurried outside and went to the _to do some_.After a lot of reading,he realized that Yong Huis food made people become _quickly.Arriving home,Wang Peng wrote his new sign and he was sure he could

10、_his customers_.The_ between the two restaurants was on!frustratedfollowedamazedlibraryresearchtiredcompetitioncustomersCuriosityfull ofcostwinbackRetelling2021/5/2415 Each group is to open a restaurant together.Discuss with your partner and decide what food to serve.Discussion2021/5/2416First wealth is health.健康是人生的第一财富健康是人生的第一财富2021/5/2417An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一个苹果,医生不来找我一天一个苹果,医生不来找我 2021/5/2418Homework:Design a balanced Design a balanced menu for yourselvesmenu for yourselves2021/5/2419Thank you!2021/5/2420

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