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1、OscarWilde奥奥斯卡斯卡.王尔德王尔德ContentsAesthetic movement1Who is Wilde2His play3The Picture of Dorian Gray45Aesthetic movement The British decadent writers were deeply influenced by the Oxford don Walter Pater and his essays published in 186768,in which he stated that life had to be lived intensely,followin

2、g an ideal of beauty.His Studies in the History of the Renaissance(1873)became a sacred text for art-centric young men of the Victorian era.Decadent writers used the slogan Art for Arts Sake(Lart pour lart),coined by the philosopher Victor Cousin and promoted by Thophile Gautier in France,and assert

3、ed that there was no connection between art and morality.6Who is heWild was a swashbuckling(传奇(传奇的)的)attention-grabber.He was famous as the leader of the late-Victorian decadent aestheticism.His poetry is commonplace as compared with his fellow writers like Dowson and Johnson.His plays are humorous,

4、clever,but lacking in depth.7Wilde was firstly a playwright of comedies.Though he did not live long enough to bring his dramatic powers into full plays,his achievement in the field of comedy is by no means negligible.8His plays Lady Tindermeres Fan(1892),A Woman of No Importance(1893),An Ideal Husba

5、nd(1895),and The Importance of Being Earnest(1895)all enjoyed amazing popularity in his time.It is good to add that Wilde wrote a good number of short stories,one sizeable collection of which is the Happy Prince and Other Tales.91011The one novel he wrote,The Picture of Dorian Gray(1891),is worth me

6、ntioning because it touches upon a typical Victorian subject,the divided self.12The main character of the novel,Dorian Gray,is a handsome young man of means.he visited his artist friend Basil Hallwards studio and is fansinated with the portrait Basil is painting.It is his picture,as young and handso

7、me as he is.13Dorian secures the picture and locks it away in a room upstairs.He wishes that the picture could bear all the burden of his sins and his aging instead of himself.He meets Lord Henry Wotton,who proves to be his mentor of depraved life.14Dorian continues to indulge in dissipation,and the

8、 picture becomes uglier with time.At last Doring loses patience with the increasingly withered,wrinkled face on the picture,and decides to destroy it.He stab it through with a knife,and hears a deathly scream from himself.When his servants come,they find the dead body of their master with a face exa

9、ctly like that on the picture.15The picture of dorian gray has acpuired its own entity and has been seen as an authentic narrative on the notion of the double,the split of nature of the human soul and human existence that characterizes Victorian life in a sense.16Another thing to note about the book

10、 is its preface in which Wilde states in his typical aphoristic manner that art is separate from morality and not to be well or badly written.Thus he manages to make the theory of art for arts sake further clear.He assertion of the importance of form that the preface emphasizes has been gradually digested and accepted by later generations.Wildes novel is in fact a good footnote to the mentality of the aesthetes of the time.171819

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