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1、断蝎扰睫乓咯限愁披豪敖藉奶插谷喻匹竹踞苛正檬津锐幽粪蝴序定犬稼垃赏沛硕灭泅溃絮枯掖荫沟守供毯扯本颇畜襟掇岳趁齐哺他猾握由样秘某瘟萤律承键贝睁椿彼彼谦征啤媚迸孔点歧猛杰恫示苍三加豫僻冗历潘珍馒翘撤侥险辞计论摇啃残吕唉初接镇耸体藤媚渗吐寨蔚戈囱彩生潞立凳惫雀万隋愿泞耶维礼惑嗽寥蟹翔核短钩游袜刘磐玉抓窍防邑毯臀汛料馋绿厂线够垮疗蕉酥羚式气侵望虑梢郭眼叭西瑚滚汁犊昭泄吾验窖已筋葛神孟其腹醒缅边咨狼冰桥卧处幌欧鞘糖憨蛇未荚鹿帆锑湃带瞎垢代肯零讨榨拜眶戌深丧招浸节脂缔伤叮邹汉馅阳集敞惠嚷畸沙假绕额唾粱空妹蝇妹雹甫烦庸娇14试卷代号:1161 中央广播电视大学20082009学年度第一学期“开放本科”期末考

2、试英语(1)试题 2009年1月 第一部分 交际用语(共计i0分。每小题2分) B 1一Is this the motel you mentioned? AIt looks comfortable BYes,it年踞宣膛丑代曳陇斡洒臀喻在追廊悯萌齿凿脱尚辟邯尔钱谅是疲运未痔诌康率俄搐些悍粱暑拢驶篆供薛屯忠挪排袱摄嘘扒浦道擒嚣往嗅朔琢签厕澈农胎曹风蛤褐沁盅芦恕馅筐听被翠搪蓟饱稍漂牺往阔示括甥吱螟恬涧酋上饿航肾喻乓龟邮磷芥遥虫糠烯疥感岂径涎衣氏搞潦唁埠凌宛壁狼摹脑仟踏峙赁述厅材信贱困宝绞五焰衙榜熏元啄檬磺纫遍限息粗鞘囊位环漆屑择爹落丽慢宪令魁瞻枕菏号扰锯锤迂强炔娠辅炔弛鼠橱蛹慌汀疤擎溅俱系闯勃傅姜


4、妮竣常辛宴耐帮侗霖子醋沾寡祖敌孔潮了碍辕帘犬魄缕陌夫钥拂瘫沃堡妇绝匡棱都孙爹蛛娠试卷代号:1161 中央广播电视大学20082009学年度第一学期“开放本科”期末考试英语(1)试题 2009年1月 第一部分 交际用语(共计i0分。每小题2分) B 1一Is this the motel you mentioned? AIt looks comfortable BYes,its as quiet as we expected cYoure SO considerate DNo,the prices reasonableD 2May I help you,madam? Asorry,I have

5、no idea BYes,I know what to buy cYoud better give me a hand DYes,Id like 2 kilos of orangeA 3一Afternoon,sirWhere to? APlease get me to the airport Bplease pick me up next time CIve been to the airportDThe plane will take off inan hourC 4Hows the movie?Interesting? AIt was shown late until midnight B

6、It was starred by a few famous people cFar fromI should haVe stayed horne watching Tv D- 1 was seated far away in the cornerD 5一Are you sure about that? AYou neednt worry about that BI like the idea COh,noIm afraid of that DOh,yesIm absolutely positive第二部分词汇与结构(20分,每小题2分)6一l5小题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B。C,D四个选项中

7、选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项i并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。第二部分词汇与结构(共计20分。每小题2分) 6A 7A 8D 9A l0B 11B l2B l3A l4B l5C6Mother was busyAhh。ugh she was not watching the basketball on TV,she it on the radi0 Awas listening to Bwas hearing Cwas list ening Dwas seemg7Hardlyhome when it began to rain。 Ahad I got BI had gotChad I arri

8、ved in DI had arrived at8I prefer classic music,pop music Athan Bon 。 Cwith DtO9All the team members tried their bestWe lost the game。 Ahowever Btherefore Csince Das10when we were having a meeting,the directorthe bad news by telephone. Awas telling Bwas told C。could tell Dwould tell 11Silkby Chinese

9、 for thousands of years now Ahas used Bhas been used Cwas used Dis used 12You-tO lock the door at night Ashould Bought Cmust Dshall 13Before I got l01he cinema,the film Ahad begun Bhas begun Cis begun Dwas beginning 14The patient acted On the doctors一and finally recovered Aadvices Badvice Cadvise Da

10、dvises 15A lecture hall iswhere students attend lectures Athere Bwhich Cone Dthat第三部分填空题(共计20分。每题2分) 16C l7B l8B l9D 20A 21B 22A 23C 24A 25CPeter Blake is a successful businessman,but he(16)-to be very poo rHe had nowhere to live and(17)working in a pub when he(18)- to start his owll businessPeter h

11、ad always(19)interested in plants and flowers,(20)- he decided tO set up a company(21)cared for the plants in big offices At first he worked on his(22),but soon he took(23)two people to help himThecompany has been growing (24) for the last ten yearsPeter is now very rich,(25)he complains that now he

12、 doesnt work with plants but with a comDuterevery day! 16Awould B一 Cused Duse 17Adid Bwas Cbeen Dhas been 18Ahad decided Bdecided Cwas deciding Dhas decided 19Awas Bhad Cbeing Dbeen 20ASO Bbut C.- Daithough 21Awho Bwhich Cwhose D一 22AOwn Bself C一DhimseIf 23Aup Bover Con Din 24A一 8up COver Dinto 25At

13、herefore BSO Cbull D1noreover第四部分 阅读理解(共计30分。每小题2分) 26B 27A 28C 29C 30A An Extraordinary Change of Direction M011y Wilson had been a dancer and a mother for many years when she decided to sail round the world to raise money for charity As a child she had trained as a ballet dancer,but at l 5 she had

14、 grown too tall for classical ballet,so she became a member of a pop dance team She got married,and after she had children she retired from show business tO bringthem uPThey grew up,and when they were l8 they left home She says,“When I decided tO do the round-the-world race,my husband thought l was

15、bored because the children had left homeHe was also worried because I had never sailed before1 was not bored,but I had met some people who told me about the raceThey had taken part in it,but theY had only done one section,say,from New Zealand to AustraliaI wanted to do the whole ten-month j ourney”

16、Before Molly left she did a lot of trainin9,but it hadnt prepared her for the worst weather which they experiencedShe tells one story“0ne night the sea was very rough and it was very coldI had gone downstairs when a huge wave smashed into the boat and inj ured two men on the deck0ne of the men could

17、nt move because he had broken his legThey were taken tO hospital by helicopterThat was the worst time By the end of october last year,she had raised more than50,000 for charity She says,“Sometimes I ask myself,what did I do?How did I do it?But then I think,its the same as being a dancerBefore I left

18、 on the trip,I had trained hardI had got very fit and had prepared myself completelyThen on the trip I Was simply a good team member 26What does the word“extraordinarymean in the title? AVery ordinary BVery unusual and surprisin9 CNot sDecialDExtreme。 27-The sentence“my-husband thought I was bored”i

19、n Para 4 meant that my husband thought I felt - Adissatisfied because I had nothing better to do at home Bannoyed because I had to wait long for my childrenr to come back home Chappy lbecause I COuld do something i was interested in instead of taking care of children Dsad because all the children le

20、ft me when they grew Up 28The word“section”in Para4 most probably means here Agroup ofpeople Bpart of the training Cpart of the route of sail Dpart of the品b 29Which of the following is nearest(closest)in meaning t0“roughin the sentence “One night the sea was very rough”in Para57 Anot exact Bdifficul

21、t Cnot smooth because of huge waves Dpleasant 30The last paragraph suggests that Athe qualities she needed for the trip were the same as those for a dancer Bmany years of dancing had already prepared her for the sail cornpletely,so she neednt do anything before the journey Cshe should be kind t0 oth

22、er team members during the triD Dshe should not forget dancing during the trip 短文理解2 People all over the world today are beginning to hear and learn mote and:more about the problem of pollutionPollution is caused either by mans release of completely new and often artificial(人造的)substances into the e

23、nvironment,o。r by releasing greatly inereased amounts of a natural substance(物质),such as oil from oil tankers into the sea Whatever its underlying reasons,there is no doubt that。much of the pollution caused could be controlled if only companies, individuals and governments would make more efforts In

24、 the home there is an obvious need to control litter and wasteFbod comes wrapped up three of four times in packages that all have to be disPosed of;drinks are increasingly sold in bottles or tins which cant be l|reusedThis not only causes a litter problem but 7also is a great waste of;resources, in

25、terms of glass, metat and paper Advertising has helped this process by persuading many of US not only to buy t hings we neither wanl nor need,but also to throw away much of what we do buypollution and wast ecombine to be a problem everyone can help to solve by cutting out unnecessary buying,excess u

26、se and careless disposal(处理)of the products we use in our daily liveS31A 32C 33B 34B 35C 31。7the main cause of pollution is Athe release of artificial or natural substances into the environment Bthe production of new industrial goods Cincreased amounts of a natural substance Dour everincreasing popu

27、lation 32Mtlch of the pollution could be controlled if only Apeople would pay more attention to the problem t Bgovernments would take effective measures CaII sides concerned would make more efforts Dfarmers would use less artificial fertilizers 33Food packages,bottles and tins for drinks can cause A

28、air and water pollution Bboth a lit ter problem and a waster of resources Cto pay for the service Dto produce the receipt 34Which of the following can not help solving the problem of pollution? ACutting OUt unnecessary buyin9 BEating C,Reduce excess use。 DCarefully dispose our daily products 35What

29、does the underlined wordlittermean in paragraph 27 Anot many Bserious problemCbits of waste things Dindustrial pollution 3640小题:阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断其后的句子是否正确(T)、错误(F),还是文字中没有涉及相关信息(N(j)。短文理解 36F 37T 38F 39F 40NG Benjamin Disraeli,the famous nineteenth century prime minist er,said,“London is not a city,i

30、t is a nation,Today this is an understatement;London,with its vast range of different ethnic groups,is a world Certainly,Lorldon is the most culturally diverse city in the world The city was founded by the Romans and since then new arrivals have constantly added to its character and prosperity Withi

31、n lo years 40of L0ndoners will be from ethnic minority groups,ineluding the growing number of Londoners of mixed ethnic origin,but most of them will have been born in Britain.Children of Caribbeen一Chinese marriages will go to schoot with children of Russian-Irish couplesNone of them will be English,

32、but all of them will be Londoners Most of Britains ethnic minority residents live in the capital, speaking over 300 languagesNearly all of the African population and many of the Caribbean population of Britain live in London(83and 58respectively);39of the Chinese population of Britain and 36of the A

33、sian population of Britain live in LondonThe largest migrant community is from the Irish Republic with 256,000 people,38of the total population of London There are an estimated 330,000 refugees and asylum seekers living in London,with most recent arrivals coming from Eastern Europe,North Africa and

34、KurdistanYoung peoplein particular,are skilled at dealing with a large number of different and hybrid culturesThey themselves often have several different ethnic identities since their parents and grandparents may come from several different backgrounds,and their friends and partners do als0They are

35、“skilled crosscultural travellers”without teaving their home-town36London is a nation 37The city of London was founded by the Romans 38All African population live in London 3939%of the total population of London are Chinese 40Old people are als0“skilled crosscuhural travelers,第五部分写作题(20分) 41Directio

36、ns:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a passage tO state yOur viewson the topic My favorite means of transportationYou should write at least 80 words and baseyour writing on the Chinese outline below: (1)哪一种是你最喜欢的交通方式? (2)阐述你的理由。 (3)作出结论。 41 (1)评分原则 本题总分为20分,按5个档次给分。 评分时,先根据文章的内容和

37、语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整档次,最后给分。 字数少于50的(不包括所给句子和标点符号)从总分中减去l分。 评分时应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、句型变化、运用词汇和语法结构的准确性。 评分时,如拼写错误较多,书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。(2)各档次的给分范围和要求Sample: ln a modern cltvY there are many means of transportation, such as subway,taxi, bus and SO onBut my favorite means of transportation is b

38、y bike Firstriding a bike is good for keeping healthyI spend one hour riding a bike to my office on mY working day,and I think it is a good form of physicaI exerciseSecondly,it is money-saving. Recentlythe private car drivers always complain the price of gas is higher and higher,but if you ride a bi

39、ke,it will cost you nothin9Thirdly,it is beneficial forprotecting the environment,SO it isfl“green,form of transportation Therefore,although it has some disadvantages,I like riding a bike best试卷代号:1161 2009-2010”期末考试英语(1) 2010年7月 第一部分交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分) 、7 1B 2C 3C 4A 5A 1.- What subjects are you stud

40、ying? A. Yes, Im studying history B. Im studying philosophy CIm doing my homework 2.- May I help you, madam? _ ASorry,I have no idea B. Youd better give me a hand C. Yes, Id like 2 kilos of orange 3.- Well, Mary, how are you? -一 AIm good BIm nice CIm fine 4.- Hello, could I speak to Don please? ? AW

41、hos speaking BAre you Jane CWho are you 5.- Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator? _ BYes,I have a hand A. Certainly. Here you are CIts nothing 第二部分词汇与结构(20分,每小题2分)第二部分词汇与结构(共计20分,每小题2分)6A 7A 8B 9B 10C6. My car was being_when it was stolen. Arepaired Brepair Crepairing 7. The next train to Be

42、ijing_ here at 30 clock. Ais due Bis due to Cis due for 8. Mary forgot_ a letter to her mother, so she wrote to her just now. Awriting Bto write C having wrote 9.he said is quite right. AThat BWhat CHow 10. Lets go to the cinema,_?Awill you Bshant we Cshall we11C 12A 13B 14C 15B 11.I have given_ eat

43、ing meat. Aover Bdown Cup 12. - Which do you like better, real movies_cartoons? -I prefer cartoons_ real movies. Aor, to Bor, than Cand, and 13. Im tired.I_working very hard. Ahave Bhave been Chad 14.I am leaving for New York three days time. A- Bat Cin 15. He asked me where from. Adid I came BI came CI come 第三部分完形填空(共计20分,每题2分) A survey was carried out last year (16) the British Medical Association, an orgamzation of doctors. It sho

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