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1、Will you wash clothes tomorrow?Yes,I will./No,I wont.Will you play computer tomorrow?Will you fly a kite tomorrow?Yes,I will./No,I wont.Yes,I will./No,I wont.Will you read a book tomorrow?Will you eat a hamburger tomorrow?Will you play football tomorrow?Yes,I will./No,I wont.Yes,I will./No,I wont.Ye

2、s,I will./No,I wont.312made a kite for my sistermakedrew a dragondrawcut the papercutWhat did she draw?She drew a giraffe.She drew a flower.She drew a little tiger.What did Fangfang and Daming do yesterday?They made a Chinese dragon kite.makeWhat did Daming use(使用)?F.paperC.stringsB.scissorsD.brushG

3、.sticks E.bag A.rulerWhat did Daming use?paper strings scissors sticks brushHow did he make the kite?325416Listen and order.听一听,排序。I drew a dragon on a piece of paper.drawI painted it.paintI cut the paper.cutI put sticks on it.putI tied strings to it.tieThen I could fly my kite.canListen and read.He

4、 _a dragon on a piece of yellow paper.He _ it.He _ the paper.He _ sticks on it.He _strings to it.Then,he _fly his kite.drewpaintedcutputcouldtiedWhat did Lingling do?She made a piece of paper-cut.paper-cutShe had a piece of red paper.She cut the paper.She drew a picture on a piece of red paper.She p

5、ut the paper-cut on the window.What did she do?1.She had a piece of red paper.3.She cut the paper.2.She drew a picture on a piece of red paper.4.She put the paper-cut on the window.How did Lingling make the paper-cut?Draw a dragon.Paint itPut sticks on itCut the paperTie strings to it How do you make a dragon kite?15432

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