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本文(九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla教案2 (新版)人教新目标版-(新版)人教新目标版初中九年级全册英语教案.doc)为本站上传会员【s4****5z】主动上传,咨信网仅是提供信息存储空间和展示预览,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知咨信网(发送邮件至、拔打电话4008-655-100或【 微信客服】、【 QQ客服】),核实后会尽快下架及时删除,并可随时和客服了解处理情况,尊重保护知识产权我们共同努力。
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九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla教案2 (新版)人教新目标版-(新版)人教新目标版初中九年级全册英语教案.doc

1、It must belong to CarlaAnalysis of the Teaching MaterialThis period mainly introduces the key vocabulary and the target language to students. Through listening and oral practice, students have a brief understanding of how to make inferences.Teaching Aims and DemandsKnowledge Objects1. Key Vocabulary

2、whose. truck. Picnic .rabbit. attend. valuable. Pink . anybody.2. Target LanguageWhose book is this?It must be Marys. J. K . Rowling is her favorite writer.Ability Objects1. Train students listening skill.2. Train students communicative competence using the target language.Moral Objects When you are

3、 on a picnic, remember to bring litter back to keep our environment clean and tidy.Teaching Key PointsAnd Teaching Difficult PointsTeaching Key Points1. Key Vocabularywhose. truck. Picnic .rabbit. attend. valuable. Pink . anybody.2. Target LanguageWhose book is this?It must be Marys. J. K . Rowling

4、is her favorite writer.Teaching Difficult Points1. Listen for the target language2. Oral practice using the target languageTeaching aidRecorder Students BookDesign of periodPeriod 2Teaching ProceduresTeacher-student InteractionRevise Step 1: Reviewwhose. truck. Picnic .rabbit. attend. valuable. Pink

5、 . anybody.Step 2 :New lessonStep 3. ListeningWork on 2a: T: Bob and Anna found a schoolbag at the park. Listen and write down the things in the schoolbag. 1. Look at the chart in 2a. 2. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and check the words they hear. 3. Play the recording again to check the a

6、nswers. Work on 2b: 1. Let Ss read the sentences below. Explain some main sentences for the Ss. Make sure they know what to do. 2. Play the recording for the Ss to fill in the blanks with the right words. 3. Play the recording again to check the answers. Summary: 表推测的形容词的用法Step 4.Pair work 1. Tell S

7、s to make conversations about the schoolbag using the information in 2a. 2. Let some pairs act out their conversations before the class. e.g. A: Look! Theres a schoolbag here. B: Whats inside? A: Theres a T-shirt, Step 5. Role-play 1. Read the conversations and Let Ss read after the teacher. 2. Expl

8、ain some new words and main points in the conversation. 3. Ask Ss to role-play the conversation in groups. Step 6. Language pointsIt must belong to Carla.belong to 意为“属于”,它一般不用于进行时态和被动语态。此外, belong to sb. 通常可以和名词性物主代词或名词所有格(一般是s 所有格)互相转换。如:The blue jacket belongs to him / Jerry. The blue jacket is h

9、is / Jerrys.IX. ExercisesFill in the blanks with must, might /could, cant, belong to.1).Whose earrings are these? They _ be Marys. she never wears earrings.2).The telephone is ringing, but nobody answers it. He _ be out.Help the students to study the new words.Show some words that are the materials

10、of the things.Listen to write down the topics they are talking about.Use the sentences pattern to make dialogues.Blackboard DesignUnit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section A(2a2d)1. Key vocabulary:whose. truck. Picnic .rabbit. attend. valuable. Pink . anybody.2. Target language: Whose book is this? It must be Marys. Homework1. Recite the conversations in 2d.2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.Record after teaching


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