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本文(八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Friends Period 7教案 (新版)牛津版-(新版)牛津版初中八年级上册英语教案.doc)为本站上传会员【s4****5z】主动上传,咨信网仅是提供信息存储空间和展示预览,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知咨信网(发送邮件至、拔打电话4008-655-100或【 微信客服】、【 QQ客服】),核实后会尽快下架及时删除,并可随时和客服了解处理情况,尊重保护知识产权我们共同努力。
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八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Friends Period 7教案 (新版)牛津版-(新版)牛津版初中八年级上册英语教案.doc

1、Unit 1 FriendsPeriod7Topic:8A Unit 1 Main Task Use date: Knowledge Aims:Vocabulary: smiling dark general fat pleasant wearLanguage focus: live next door have a square face I got to know her ten years ago.I believe she will be a very good teacher.Ability Aims:1.To plan ideas for writing2.To learn the

2、 proper and easy ways to write something;3.To review what they have learnt in this unit;4.To assess their understanding and correct use of adjectives, comparatives and superlatives.Moral Aims: What kind of friends is a friend indeed.Focal point and difficulty:learn the proper and easy ways to write

3、something, Identify keywordsreview what they have learnt in this unit教材分析:通过前几课时大量的知识输入,本课时的任务是利用写作形式将语言知识综合输出。通过本课时的学习,学生要学会写一篇关于朋友的文章。教师要指导学生了解文章的框架,做到主题明确,语言正确,结构清晰。切忌把本课当成阅读材料来处理。Teaching process:教学环节个人复备 Step 1 Revision and PresentationT: In this unit, we have learnt a lot about friends and how

4、 to describe friends. Today, my question is : What can friends do?T: Friends are important to us. We cant live without friends.Step 2 Free Talk -talk about your best friendWhats his/her name?Whats he/she like?Whats his/her quality of a good friend (personality)?What does he/she like doing?What would

5、 he/she like to do in the future?Step 3 Listen and ReadT: Would you like to write an article about your best friend? Now, lets see how Daniel describe his best friend.Questions:1.Who is Daniels best friend? 2.What does she look like? 3.What is she like? 4.What would she like to be when she grows up?

6、 T: Read the article slowly by yourselves.Close your books. Lets think it over1. Introduction. 2. Main body 3.Conclusion Step 4 Write(1) Ask students to write down the key words on the lines in Part B(2) Write a rough draft using their notes in Part B, Daniels article as a model (3) Encourage studen

7、ts to use a variety of adjectives to avoid repetition.(4) In pairs, students read, check and correct their partners drafts. Encourage more able students to comment on their partners drafts.(5) Ask volunteers to read out their articles in class.Step 5. Brainstorming the useful vocabulary about how to

8、 describe the best friend1.tell funny slim as I 3.knock over our books4.make sb do sth5.think of a social worker6.worry me7.straight and 8.shoulder-length hair9.walk past our desk10.have problems with study11.has a sense of humour12.keep secrets13.feel bored / popular with s

9、b15.because of too much puter around the world18.say a bad word about sb19.give advice20.wear a smile on ones faceStep 6.Check out1.What a _ (please) trip we had last week!2.These clothes are their _ (wife).3.Its _ (possible) to finish the work in such a short time.4.He moved out of Ne

10、w York after he got _(marry).5.It is _(polite) to spit(吐痰) here and there.6.The _(题目) of the article is Beijing over the past _(世纪)7.There will be a lot of _(展览) next month.8.Now a lot of tourists are surprised at the Chinas _(发展).9.The changes in our town have brought many _(优势) to us.10.At last th

11、e boy _(意识到)what he did hurt the teachers _(感受).11.Can you find some information about the different forms of _(运输) in Changzhou?12.Can you take a look at your _ (最近的)photos?13.We decided to make an _ (采访) with our principal.14.They often help the children in poor areas, _(尤其)the children in Africa.

12、Homework1.The foreigner _ (know) a lot of Chinese since he_ (come) to China three years ago.2.Sorry, Mr. Liu. I _ (not finish) my report yet.3.He_ (not go) to the market until he _ (finish) their work.4.It is important _ (not feed) your goldfish too much food.5.They _ (come) to our city two years ago. They _ (live) here for two years.1.他长得怎样?2.Jim是一个慷慨大方的人,他总是乐于助人.3.Betty长大后想周游世界.4.Amy很有幽默感.5.我能告诉她任何事,因为她能保守秘密.6. Max 很有幽默感.他讲有趣的笑话,总使我发笑.7.当我读到你的广告时,我想起了我的好朋友May.教后感:


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