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1、2018年辽宁省盘锦市中考英语试卷参考答案与试题解析一、第卷选择题(共45分).单项选择(每小題1分.共10分)从各越的四个选项中选出个嫩佳答案.并将其代衣宇母涂在答睡卡的相应位置1(1分)I like taking a walk_the river after dinner()AaboveBonCunderDalong【考点】其他介词菁优网版权所有【分析】晚饭后我喜欢沿河散步【解答】above在上面、超过;on 在之上、在时候;under 在之下;along 沿着、顺着,四者都是介词由题干晚饭后我喜欢沿河散步可知,空格是沿着,用along;所以答案是along故选:D【点评】本题考查介词的用

2、法,在熟知所供词的含义基础上,根据句意,从而判断出正确答案2(1分)Trust_ You can do much better than you think()AyouByourCyourselfDyours【考点】反身代词菁优网版权所有【分析】相信你自己你能做得比你想象的好得多【解答】you你、你们是人称代词主格或宾格; your你的、你们的是形容词性的物主代词; yourself 你自己是反身代词;yours你的、你们的是名词性的物主代词由题干相信你自己你能做得比你想象的好得多可知,空格是你自己,用yourself ,因此答案应是yourself故选:C【点评】本题考查反身代词的用法,在熟

3、知所供词的含义基础上,根据句意,从而判断出正确答案3(1分)We usually have a seven_holiday every National Day()AdaysBdayCdaysDdays【考点】名词所有格菁优网版权所有【分析】每个国庆节我们通常有七天的假期【解答】根据句意,这里表示的应该是七天的假期,七天的来做假期的定语七天是seven days,表示时间的名词或短语可以用s的形式表示所属关系,seven days是复数形式,所有格不能再加s,只需加故选:D【点评】简单记忆题,平时加强记忆,多积累,然能做到熟能生巧4(1分)I am terribly sorry,_I cant

4、 go shopping with you this afternoonIts OK We can go next time()ASoBbutCandDor【考点】连词辨析菁优网版权所有【分析】非常抱歉,今天下午我不能和你一起去购物没关系,我们下次可以去【解答】so因此,but但是;and并且;or还是,或者;此题根据语境:非常抱歉,今天下午我不能和你一起去购物没关系,我们下次可以去表示转折故用but故选:B【点评】此题考查连词辨析,在熟知连词意思用法基础上,结合语境,仔细分析,便可得出正确答案5(1分)He is afraid of high places,so he_travels by

5、air()AseldomBsometimesCalwaysDoften【考点】频度副词菁优网版权所有【分析】他恐高,所以他很少乘飞机【解答】根据句意:他恐高,所以他很少乘飞机 结合选项,A几乎不 B有时 C 总是 D经常,选项S符合题意故选:A【点评】熟悉频度副词的基本用法,结合题意,给出答案6(1分)Have you made a plan for this summer vacation?Well, not yet I_ go to Thailand with my family()AmayBcanCmustDneed【考点】情态动词菁优网版权所有【分析】你为这个暑假做了计划吗?嗯,还没有

6、我可能和家人去泰国【解答】may可能;can能,会;must一定;need需要从Well, not yet,判断后面说的是可能去,可能性不大,用may故选:A【点评】情态动词无人称和数的变化;不能单独使用,必须与其后的动词原形构成谓语否定形式通常在后面加not要注意情态动词的不同用法7(1分)Evans had a sore throatHis friend advised him_some hot water()AdrinkingBto drinkCdrinkDdrank【考点】动词的固定搭配菁优网版权所有【分析】埃文斯喉咙痛他的朋友劝他喝些热水【解答】考查动词固定搭配advise doin

7、g sth 建议做某事,advise sb to do sth建议某人做某事,结合句子:advised him to drink故选:B【点评】学生需要熟记动词的固定搭配和用法,结合语境做出正确答案8(1分)_the theme park_in Shanghai two years ago?Yes its about Chinese traditional culture()ADoes; buildBDid; buildCIs; builtDWas;built【考点】一般过去时的被动语态菁优网版权所有【分析】主题公园是两年前在上海建成的吗?是的它是关于中国传统文化的【解答】根据句意主题公园是两

8、年前在上海建成的吗?是的它是关于中国传统文化的和时间状语可知,要用一般过去时的被动语态,其构成为was/ were done,主语是单数,用was,一般疑问句要把was提前放在句首故选:D【点评】对时态的考查,要求牢记各种时态的构成形式,结合时间状语和上下文的关系,找出正确答案9(1分)A true friend is a person_reaches for your hand and touches your heart()AwhomBwhoseCwhoDwhich【考点】关系代词菁优网版权所有【分析】真正的朋友是一个可以援手帮助并触动你心扉的人【解答】whom谁是who的宾格;whose

9、谁的; who谁是主格;which 哪一个,四者既可作疑问代词又可作关系代词由题干真正的朋友是一个可以援手帮助并触动你心扉的人可知,此句含有定语从句因先行词是人,因此关系代词是who(在句中作主语),因此答案应是who故选:C。【点评】本题考查关系代词的用法,在熟知所供词的含义基础上,根据句意,从而判断出正确答案10(1分)Which of the following sentences is correct?()AMany people wonder where has time goneBAlice asked me what I do for waste sorting (垃圾分类)CC

10、ould you tell me how far was it from here to your school?DI dont know whether he will be back in a week【考点】宾语从句菁优网版权所有【分析】以下哪句话是正确的?【解答】本题是考查宾语从句的词序问题根据语法规则,宾语从句应该用陈述语序选项AC是疑问句语序,错误;选项B中主句是一般过去时,从句也应该用过去时,这里时态不对故选:D【点评】记住用法规则,还要得练习,多朗读培养语感,就能做到熟能生巧.补全对话(每小题5分.共5分)从方框内所给句子中选抒恰当的句了完成下面对话.并将其代表字母涂在答题卡的

11、相应位置(方框中有两个选项是多余的)11(5分)A:Delivery Man(快递员)B:Mary MillerA:Hello,is that MsMiller?B:(1)CA:Im from the package delivery company SFI have your packageAre you home?B:(2)AA:No,I cantThis package needs your signature(签名)(3)DB:Im quite busy at work nowI dont have time to leave my deskA:(4)EB:YesThat would

12、be betterCould you bring it to my home at 6 pm tomorrow?A:(5)GB:GreatSee you thenASorry,I am at work right nowCan you leave my package at my door?BHow much should I pay?CYes,this is Mai Miller speakingDCan I bring it to your office instead?EI seeWell,can I bring the package tomorrow?FCan we make it

13、earlier?GSure,that is fineIll see you tomorrow at 6 pm【考点】补全对话菁优网版权所有【分析】A:你好,是Miller女士吗?B:是的,我是Mary MillerA:我是SF快递公司的我这儿有你的快递,你在家吗?B:抱歉,我现在在工作你能把快递放在我家门口吗?A:不,不能这份快递需要你签字要不我送到你的办公室去可以吗?B:我现在工作很忙,没有时间离开办公桌A:我知道了,那我能明天再来送吗?B:可以,这样最好了你能不能明天六点送到我家?A:可以,没问题那明天下午六点见B:好的,到时见【解答】(1)C 结合上下文 is that MsMiller

14、?是电话用语,询问是否是Miller女士,答句一般为Yes,this is speaking故选C(2)A Are you home?这句询问对方是否在家,回答有Yes或者No,也可用Sorry来表示委婉的否定,又由下文可知对方并不在家,故选A(3)D 结合上下文This package needs your signature快递需要签字,又知下文Im quite busy at work nowI dont have time to leave my desk她在办公室也很忙,猜测可能是拒绝离开办公室,因此推断快递员想将快递送去办公室由此D符合文意(4)E 首先由Yes是对一般疑问句的回答

15、,可知上文是一个一般疑问句,又结合下文Could you bring it to my home at 6 pm tomorrow?明天六点再送,可推断快递员提出明天再来送快递(5)G Could you bring it to my home at 6 pm tomorrow?明天六点再送,因此顺理成章下文回答明天约定6点见面【点评】结合语境,判断上下文的紧密关系,熟悉电话用语的常用表达.完形填空(每小题10分.共10分)根据短文内容.从各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案.并将其代表字母涂在答题卡的相应位置12(10分)My name is Mike I did shrink(缩小)mysel

16、f ! Yes, it is true It happened last night while I was working on my (1)D experiment I thought it would be (2)A to make a shrinking ray to bring in the school on Monday I never knew that I would shrink myself(3)B ! I had just completed the shrinking ray and was going to test it when it went off my h

17、ands You see, the phone rang and it scared(惊吓)me, so I pushed the button(按钮)The ray bounced off (反弹)a mirror and (4)C me Now I am (5)D than a flyIn fact, I saw a fly only a moment agoIt seemed like a plane to me The sound of its wings was so loud to my(6)BPieces of dust (灰尘)are big enough to fit my

18、hand My sports shoes are like skyscrapers(摩天大楼)and my desk is as tall as a mountain (7)B is difficult now Right away I knew I needed help I found a piece of paper on my floor Then I began(8)C a way to write a letter on it Finally I found a tiny pencil on the floor, It feels very heavy to me and it h

19、as (9)C me more than an hour to write this message Please help I am in the corner of the room Aim the ray at me and help return me to my proper (10)A !(1)A mathB musicC historyD science(2)A coolB warmC hotD cold(3)A on timeBby mistakeC in a rowD on purpose(4)A beatB knockedC hitD covered(5)A biggerB

20、 tallerC shorterD smaller(6)A eyesB earsC mouthD nose(7)A AnythingB EverythingC SomethingD Nothing(8)A looking outB looking upC looking forD looking through(9)A costB spentC takenD paid(10)A sizeB lengthC heightD weight【考点】记叙文菁优网版权所有【分析】本文是讲述了作者在做科学实验的时候把自己变小了的奇特的经历【解答】1,D 考查名词与联系语境前文提到作者变小自己,又根据后的e

21、xperiment,可知作者是在做科学science实验math数学,music音乐,history历史故选:D2,A 考查形容词与联系语境联系语境:下周一把缩小射线带到学校是很的事,可推知此处是很酷cool的事warm温暖的,hot炎热的,cold寒冷故选:A3,B 考查介词短语与联系语境 根据下午描述:作者在做实验过程中,缩小射线因镜子反射到作者身上纯属意外,故推知此处用by mistake错误的,由于差错on time准时,in a row连续;成一长行,on purpose故意地故选:B4,C 考查动词与联系语境 结合上文:作者正准备做实验时,因一个突然的电话让作者按下了按钮,光线反射

22、到镜子上,然后自己,可推知此处是作者毫无准备的被hit袭击,碰撞 beat打败,knock敲,cover覆盖故选:C5,D 考查形容词比较级与联系语境 根据后面描述It seed like a plane to me,可知苍蝇都对作者来说是一架飞机,可知作者变小smallerbigger大的,taller高的,shorter矮的、短的故选:D6,B 考查名词与联系语境 根据前面的词语sound声音可知与ear耳朵有关eye眼睛,mouth嘴,nose鼻子故选:B7,B 考查不定代词与联系语境 文中前面提到了灰尘、运动鞋及书桌都非常大,而我非常小; 下文又提到我知道我需要帮助可知一切事情ever

23、ything对我来说都变得非常困难anything任何事,something某事,nothing没有什么故选:B8,C 考查动词短语与联系语境 作者需要帮助,他发现了地上的纸,他应该寻找look for一个方法在上面写字look out当心,look up查(字典),look through浏览故选:C9,C 考查动词与联系语境 it takes sb time to do sth;sb spend +时间/金钱 + on sth / (in) doing sth;sth cost sb + 时间 / 金钱 / 力气;sb pay 金钱 + for + 事物本文的主语是it, 故用take,文

24、中用的过去分词taken表示完成时故选:C10,A 考查名词与联系语境 根据作者与灰尘、运动鞋等的对比,可知作者现在尺寸size缩小了非常多length长度,height身高,weight体重故选:A【点评】本题设计多种词性与固定搭配多个知识点,要求学生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系进行分析推理,从而做出正确答案IV.阅读理解(每小题5分,共20分根据短文内容.从各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案.并将其代表字母涂在答题卡的相应位罝13(5分)You are traveling in England and today you arrive at a small family

25、 hotelWhen you arrive,you read this signSunshine Hotel Welcome to Sunshine Hotel!The best hotel for your holiday Enjoy your stay!Tel:364 34775Address:23 Brown Street,Moontown center of the city,next to stationRules:Check in:after 14:00;check out:before 13:00Please:no petsPlease:no visitors in hotel

26、rooms after 22:00Please:no smoking in the roomChildren are welcomeWe close the front door at 23:00Please dont forget your keysThe red key is for the front doorThe golden key is for your roomSwimming pool:open all summerWiFi:24 hour service in your room(1)Where is Sunshine Hotel? AAIn EnglandBIn Amer

27、icaCIn AustraliaDIn South Africa(2)The sign tells the following information about the hotel EXCEPT CAaddressBtelephone numberCthe hosts nameDthe rules(3)Which family can stay in the hotel? DAThe Greens with their pet dogBThe Whites with a lovely catCThe Smiths with smart birds catDThe Blacks with th

28、ree children(4)Your friend Grace wants to visit youShe had better NOT come BAbefore 23:00Bafter 22:00Cat 8:00 oclock in the morningDafter 14:00(5)Why do you need the red key? BABecause it is the key for your roomBBecause you cant get into the hotel without it when you come back lateCBecause the addr

29、ess is on the keyDBecause the door man wont let you in unless you have the red key【考点】广告布告类阅读菁优网版权所有【分析】短文讲了你在英国旅行,可以去阳光酒店,详细的介绍了它的地址,联系方式,规定和注意事项【解答】1A 细节理解题根据You are traveling in England and today you arrive at a small family hotelWhen you arrive,you read this signSunshine Hotel,Welcome to Sunshin

30、e Hotel!你在英国旅行,今天你到达一家小家庭旅馆当你到达时,你看到了这个标志阳光酒店欢迎来到阳光酒店!可知在英国故选A2C 细节理解题根据Tel:364 34775;Address:23 Brown Street,Moontown center of the city,next to station;Rules:可知没有说主人的名字故选C3D 细节理解题根据Please:no pets不要带宠物可知布莱克和三个孩子故选D4B 细节理解题根据Please:no visitors in hotel rooms after 22:00可知你的朋友格雷斯要来看你她最好不要在晚上10点后来故选B5

31、B 细节理解题根据We close the front door at 23:00Please dont forget your keysThe red key is for the front doorThe golden key is for your room我们23点关门,请不要忘记带钥匙红色钥匙是前门的,金色钥匙是你房间的可知因为如果你回来晚了,没有它你就进不了旅馆故选B【点评】在通读全文的基础上,根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,瞻前顾后,认真观察选项,仔细推敲,确定最佳答案14(5分)A bird went to seek(寻找) its happiness in the distan

32、ce(远方) It flew and flew when it suddenly saw a little wilting(枯萎的) flower, whose face was full of smileNot knowing why, the bird asked the little flower You are going to die Why are you still so happy? I am going to bear fruit and my dream will come true said the little flower Then the little bird s

33、aw it: happiness is a hope in the heart The little bird kept flying; it flew and flew when it suddenly saw a lame(瘸的)duck,which was singing a song Not knowing why, it asked the duckYou are so unlucky Why are you still so happy? Because I saw a little duck fall And I helped it stand up again! Then th

34、e little bird saw it: happiness is a love in the heart The bird kept flying; it flew and flew it suddenly saw a spider climbing a slippery wall It fell off the wall for several time but it went on climbing over and over againNot knowing why, the little bird asked the spider,You failed again and agai

35、nWhy dont you have pain but happiness on your face? I am sure to climb up the wall if I try my best Because of this, I am so happy The little bird saw it:happiness is a faith(信念)in the heart The little bird didnt seek happiness any longer because it had truth:happiness is not in the distance but in

36、your own heart(1)Where did the bird go to seek its happiness at first?AA In a far placeB In the forestC On the top of a wallD Near a river(2)What was the little flowers dream?DA To become beautifulBTo bear forestCTo become strongD To bear fruit(3)Which word can best describe the lame duck?BA CleverB

37、 HelpfulC HopefulD Faithful(4)Who was happy because of having faith in the heart?DA The birdB The little flowerC The lame duckD The spider(5)What do you think is the best title for the passage?AAHappiness is in the heartBLearn from the birdCHow to be happyD Happiness is in the distance【考点】人生感悟类阅读菁优网

38、版权所有【分析】本文主要讲有一只小鸟去远方寻找幸福,旅途当中见到了许多别的都动物所经历的事情,最后明白幸福不是在远方而是在你自己的心中【解答】(1)A细节理解题根据A bird went to seek(寻找) its happiness in the distance(远方)一只鸟去寻找它在远处的幸福故选A(2)D细节理解题根据 I am going lo bear fruit and my dream will come true said the little flower我将结出果实,我的梦想将成真 小花说故选D(3)B细节理解题根据 Because I saw a little du

39、ck fall And I helped it stand up again!因为我看到一只小鸭子跌倒了我帮助它再次起立!可知是乐于助人的故选B(4)D细节理解题根据 The bird kept flying; it flew and flew it suddenly saw a spider climbing a slippery wallThe little bird saw it:happiness is a faith(信念)in the heart这只小鸟一直在飞;它飞了起来,突然看到一只蜘蛛爬上一堵滑墙小鸟看到了它:幸福是心中的信念故选D(5)A主旨大意题根据The little

40、bird didnt seek happiness any longer because it had truth:happiness is not in the distance but in your own heart这只小鸟不再寻求幸福,因为它有真理:幸福不是在远方而是在你自己的心中故选A【点评】先通读全文,把握中心大意后开始答题,对暂时确定不了的答案,可再次回读文章的有关内容并对其进行分析、推敲后再确定15(5分)On March 14, 2018 Stephen Hawking, the worldfamous British scientist, died at 76 in Ca

41、mbridge,UK Hawking is considered by many to be the greatest scientist in history since Albert Einstein He came up with the theory(理论) that the universe(宇宙) began with the big bang(大爆炸) and will end in black holes His theories became the base for a lot of later researchHe also wrote books to help com

42、mon people understand the universeHis most famous book is A brief History of Time(时间简史),which has sold more than 10 million copies around the world Besides his scientific achievements Hawking was also someone that had a strong will and optimistic attitude(乐观心态) When Hawking was 21, he was diagnosed(

43、诊断)with a serious illness that stopped him from walking and talking Later in life, he had to sit in a wheelchair and speak using a computer But this didnt stop him from living a meaningful and colorful life He traveled around the world for science meetings, visiting every continent(大洲), including An

44、tarctic(南极洲) In 1985, he took a train trip around China He was also a fan of pop culture and appeared on TV shows such as Star Trek(星际迷航)and the Bin Bang Theory(生活大爆炸)He celebrated his 60th birthday by going up in a hotair balloon He hoped to travel into space one day Hawking left our universe forev

45、er One of sciences brightest stars went dark(1)What was Stephen Hawking?CA A movie starBA teacherCA scientistDA musician(2)Which is the name of Hawkings most famous book?BA Star TrekB A Brief History of TimeC The Big Bang TheoryD Bin Bang(3)What does the underlined word will in paragraph 3 probably mean?DA将来B遗嘱C心愿D 意志(4)How did Hawking celebra


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