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1、I.指出下列各句中斜体词的词性,并将句子译成汉语。1. The driver backed the car out of the garage.2. The man was fined 20 dollars for smoking in the theatre.3. Youve done a pretty good job.4. The boy asked the actors present to sign their names in his notebook.5. In the darkness we inched against the wall.6. We walked about

2、the school campus during the break.7. There was a burst of laughter in the classroom.8. The climber bought a lot of canned food.9. These medicines will be shipped to an African country.10. The lady put the fish dish at the window to cool it.11. Harris learned how to milk a cow.12. The crops are grow

3、ing badly in such dry weather.13. The wastebasket has been emptied.14. Too much fat is bad for ones health.15. A new plan has formed in his mind.16. The girl has a gift for language learning.17. The rain saved us the trouble to water the flowers.18. They had a good laugh over the story.19. The owner

4、 named his coffee shop Dream.20. The hall can seat about one thousand people.21. The robber was sentenced to death.22. His debt totaled 20,000.23. They sat still, with their eyes fixed on the teacher.24. We looked at the eagle flying high in the sky.25. Is he home already?26. The old man likes to wa

5、lk his dog after breakfast.27. She has longed to have a room of her own.28. Some road signs were set up along the highway.29. Nancy stopped to have a smoke.30. I booked two tickets beforehand.II. 指出下列各句的基本结构。1. Mr Black is English.2. The teacher taught us some grammar rules.3. The farmer dug up the

6、soil.4. She found her ring lost.5. She left her job unfinished.6. The great poet lived in the 18th century.7. She introduced her friends to us. 8. The tape-recorder is on the desk.9. The guests have just arrived. 10. She laid the baby on the bed.III.将下列各句所给的词或词组连成句子。1. we, in the garden, some, in sp

7、ring, flowers, grow, often2. a hundred thousand, a most exciting, last Sunday, college students, boxing match, watched3. this term, in my class, in order to, are working hard, all the students, pass, the college, entrance examinations4. soft, feels, the silk, on the table5. in October, a three-ton r

8、obot, at Ohio University, was made, 19856. the cars top speed, an hour, 100 miles, will be7. a small town, in 1893, near Richford, on a farm, was born, Rocky, in the western part of the state New York8. was made of, the White House, grey stone, called, and, the Presidents Palace, white stone9. beaut

9、iful, something, could feel, the blind musician, in music 10. the, careless, left, the house, the gate, open, of, visitorIV.将下列各句括号内的词填入句子中适当的位置。1. He opened the door and walked in. (just)2. When the order was given, he jumped to his feet, (immediately)3. I wrote to him about a month ago. (last)4. I

10、 missed my train that morning, (nearly)5. He can sing American songs, (perfectly)6. He has heard what we think about his short play, (already)7. Richard does his work badly, (usually)8. Charles is sleeping; he has not woken up. (still, yet)9. What George said was wrong, (completely)10. They have had

11、 their lunch at eleven. (always)11. I regretted having said these words, (deeply)12. We* know about the country. (hardly)13. She wrote to me while she was in Australia, (seldom)14. The bed isnt long for the tall player, (enough)15. There were still a few tickets left when I got to the cinema, (lucki

12、ly)V选择填空。1. Tom and his friends climbed down a_.A. cave one hundred feet deep B. one-hundred-feet-deep caveC. cave one-hundred-foot-deep D. one hundred foot deep cave2. The teacher t6ok down the names of_ from class.A. all absent students B. the all absent studentsC. all students absent D. all the s

13、tudents absent3. Bily was happy to be the owner of a(n) _ car.A. Japanese expensive sports B. expensive sports JapaneseC. sports expensive Japanese D. expensive Japanese sports4. The journalist interviewed the_ about the_.A. guests present, present situation B. present guests, present situationC. gu

14、ests present, situation present D. present guests, situation present5. He threw the_ shirt into the washing machine.A. dirty old brown B. old dirty brownC. brown old dirty D. old brown dirty6. I tried to find a suitable present _ for my mother.A. nice something B. something nice C. some thing nice D

15、. some nice thing 7. The director asked whether there was _for the part among us.A. suitable anyone B. any suitable one C. anyone suitable D. one suitable8. To find out the murderer, the policeman questioned the_A. involved people B. people involvedC. involving people D. people involving9. Sorry, th

16、ere are_ in your size.A. no shoes available B. not available shoes C. shoes not available D. not shoes available10.The schoolmaster tried to explain_ to their full satisfaction. A. the parents the matter B. the matter to the parents C. for the parents the matter D. the matter for the parents11. The

17、river is well protected as it is_ of their drinking water.A. only the source B. the only sourceC. the source only D. an only source12. This computer is_ in design as that one.A. the exactly same B. exact the sameC. the same exactly D. exactly the same13. He drove_ through the busy street.A. carefull

18、y extremely B. extremely carefullyC. extreme carefully D. extremely careful14. She said that she could have cooked the dinner_ if she had had_ for preparation.A. enough well, time enough B. enough well, enough timeC. well enough, enough time D. good enough, enough time15. Robins room is_ than yours,

19、 isnt it?A. slight large B. slightly largerC. larger slightly D. slight larger16. Which do you prefer, Italian food or Russian food? Italian food is_.A. definite better B. better definiteC. better definitely D. definitely better17. I should say your translation is_. Thank you.A. amazingly satisfacto

20、ry B. amazing satisfactorilyC. amazing satisfactory D. satisfactory amazingly18. To her joy, Maria got_ in the gym competition.A. perfectly a score B. a perfectly scoreC. a score perfectly D. a perfect score19. The girl tore the_ package and found a lovely toy bear.A. beautifully wrapped B. beautifu

21、l wrappedC. wrapped beautiful D. wrapped beautifully20. In England, you cant drive on the right._ against the traffic regulations.A. Strict, it is B. It strictly isC. It is strict D. It is strictly21. Can you park your car near the shops here? Yes, _.A. so can I B. so I canC. I usually can D. I can

22、usually22. My uncle is in his sixties; _.A. he is still teaching, though B. he, though, is still teachingC. though he is still teaching D. he is, though, still teaching23. Have you ever ridden a camel? No,_.A. I have never B. I never haveC. never I have D. I have never been24. I _when I remembered t

23、hat I hadnt stuck a stamp on.A. just had posted the letter B. had posted the letter justC. had just posted the letter D. had posted just the letter25. That is a_ written story.A. truly, beautifully B. true, beautifullyC. true beautiful D. truly beautiful26. We will do_ to reduce the costs.A. possibl

24、y everything B. everything possiblyC. possible everything D. everything possible27. _can have more chances to succeed, but not every intelligent person really succeeds.A. Anyone intelligent B. Intelligent anyoneC. Any intelligent one D. One intelligent28. Bruce can speak Chinese_ .A. fair quickly B.

25、 fair quickC. quick fairly D. fairly quickly29. This new machine will certainly save_.A. you a lot of time and labor B. a lot of time and labor for youC. a lot of time and labor to you D. for you a lot of time and labor30. It was nailed to the wall and I couldnt_.A. get away B. get away itC. get it

26、away D. have got it awayVI汉译英,注意形容词或副词在句中的正确位置。1. 这是一个很难解决的问题。2. 你应该抓住每一个可以得到的机会练习英语口语。(available)3. 这个电炉有毛病吗?4. 任何对这门学科有兴趣的人都能出席这个讲座。5. 他的背被一个鸡蛋大的石头击中。6. 李英证明是一个名副其实的优等生。(worthy)7. 他梦想被录取进中国这所有名的医学院。8. 这个小岛的消失似乎很奇怪。9. 记者采访了每个在场的顾客。10. 我们尚未得到进一步的情况。11. 珊迪学习情况怎么样? 他学习极其出色。12. 那些足够用功的人该获得成功。13. 警方努力找到

27、卷入这起交通事故的人。(involved)14. 这是一个中学生可以进入的公共图书馆。(accessible)15. 任何乐意帮助他人的人自己也是最幸福的。16. 达尔文只相信那些经过科学地证明了的事实。17. 没有其他人想在这样的大雨中加入我们一起爬山。18. 他们强烈反对这个建议。19. 幸好,交通警察几分钟内到达现场。20. 只有那些喜欢孩子的人才能成为老师。(fond)答案:I1、司机把汽车倒出车库。2、那人因为在剧场内抽烟被罚款20美元。3、你工作干得很好。4、孩子请在场的演员在他的笔记本上签名。5、黑暗中我们倚墙慢慢移动。6、休息时我们在校园散步。7、教室里爆发出一阵哄笑声。8、登


29、。28、公路沿线竖起了一些路牌。29、南希停下来抽烟。30、我事先预定了两张票。II.1.SVC 2.SVOO 3. SVO 4.SVOC 5.SVOC6.SVA 7.SVOO 8.SVC 9.SV 10.SVOAIII.1. We often grow some flowers in the garden in spring:2. A hundred thousand college students watched a most exciting boxing match last Sunday.3. This term all the students in my class are w

30、orking hard in order to pass the college entrance examinations.4. The silk on the table feels soft.5. A three-ton robot was made at Ohio University, iri October, 1985.6. The cars top speed will be 100 miles an hour.7. Rocky was born on a farm near Richfotd, a small town in the western part of the st

31、ate New York, in 1893.8. The Presidents Palace, called the White House, was made of grey stone and white stone.9. The blind musician could feel something beautiful inmosie. 10. The careless visitor left the gate of the house open. IV.1. He just opened the door and walked in. 2. When the order was gi

32、ven, he jumped to his feet immediately.3. I last wrote to him about a month ago.4. I nearly missed my train that morning.5. He can sing American songs perfectly.6. He has already heard what we think about his short play.7. Richard usually does his work badly.8. Charles is still sleeping; he has not

33、woken up yet.9. What George said was completely wrong.10. They have always had their lunch at eleven.11. I deeply regretted having said these words.12. We hardly know about the country.13. She seldom wrote to me while she was in Australia.14. The bed isnt long enough for the tall player.15. Luckily,

34、 there were still a few tickets left when I got to the cinema. V.1. A 2. D 3. D 4.A 5.A6. B 7: C 8. B 9.A 10.B11. B 12. D 13. B 14.C 15.B16. D 17. A 18. D 19.A 20.D21. C 22. A 23. B 24.C 25.B26. D 27. A 28. D 29.A 30. CVI.1. This is a problem very difficult to solve.2. You should seize every ehance

35、available to practise your spoken English.3. Is there anything wrong with this electric stove?4. Anyone interested in this subject can attend the lecture.5. He was hit on the back by a stone as big as an egg.6. Li Ying has proved to be a top student really worthy of the name.7. He dreamt of being ad

36、mitted into the famous Chinese medical college.8. The disappearance of the small island seemed really strange.9. The journalist interviewed every customer present.10. We havent yet got any further information.11. How is Sandy getting along with his studies?He is doing extremely well in his studies.1

37、2. Those who work hard enough deserve to succeed,13. The police tried to find out the people involved in the road accident.14. This is a public library accessible to high school students.15. Anyone ready to help others is also happiest himself.16. Darwin believed only those scientifically proved facts.17. Nobody else wanted to join us in climbing the mountain in such a heavy rain;18. They strongly objected to the proposal.19. Fortunately, the traffic policemen arrivedon the scene within a few minutes.20. Only those fond of children can be teachers.


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