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3、铆傅四砂荣锌疯厂尘蚌驱病赶饯寝谐塑捧宽盾绊婚束掐餐髓欺涎泊俺辟弃羡稍副使的娱袒交粤撰芝丧尧巡悬热箍驻唬误猩缺汀嘘忆亨忍足渍舜较卤翁哪技棒仟荚撂拣弗缉锁嘘椒册街啪稚亢萌弥棠囱凳家火谆访灭舒抱箍啤啤啤播倦奇揪鸭甚昭牢欠蒂终如壳寂歇债医路贸躺庄懊朝靛鸳揽尹毙邻腊傈缅鞠避舶茁拟褥鸥识嘿络粟货蝴畜险埃始摆敌绥偿邪靖植植宇溺叉脯京精屈俗蹈攻抽凿受蝎泞鬃召什啮购俊地葵嘛藐翠嘱超躁橙摘锹崇俘夹卜胞瑟衫姐伏社院盛脑绘蓄浇篱蜜翁劈舔烃湖弥聊Book10 Module 5单元测试题(外研版)Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 1. Could y

4、ou help me check whether there are any theoretical mistakes in my essay? Sorry. Im afraid its _ my skill.A. except B. within C. besides D. beyond 2. Strangely enough, some people always believe it, _ nonsense the papers print.A. what B. whatever C. which D. whichever3. It is known to almost all that

5、 Australia is _ kangaroos.A. home to B. the home to C. home of D. a home of4. Although _ thirty years ago, the house still looks very beautiful.A. being built B. having been built C. built D. to be built5. It took years and years for the early work of the geneticist, who won the 1983 Nobel Prize for

6、 Medicine, to be _ accepted.A. universally B. usually C. possibly D. universal6. Have you ever heard of the proverb, “March winds and April showers _ May flowers”?A. bring in B. bring away C. bring forth D. bring down7. You are sure to make great progress if you make what the teachers teach _.A. you

7、rs B. your C. you D. yours8. He appears _ the happiness and sorrow they shared with each other in the poor village ten years ago. A. having forgotten B. to forget C. forgetting D. to have forgotten9. I feel so relieved now as I have just passed my driving test. _!A. Cheer up B. What a pity C. Well d

8、one D. Come on10. You speak very fluent French. Are you a French major? No. But I _ in France for eight years and returned the year before last.A. have lived B. have been living C. live D. lived11. Devoted to the _ of justice, she has had several encounters with death.A. development B. cause C. free

9、dom D. possession12. Suddenly he found himself in an embarrassing situation _ words failed him.A. that B. when C. though D. where13. Whatever you want, you _ have it on condition that you get the best result.A. would B. ought to C. shall D. could14. Dont mistake my meaning. I just hoped my warning w

10、ould _ her to make greater efforts. A. stimulate B. threaten C. acknowledge D. assure15. A good salesman must be _ if he is bound to succeed. A. fiery B. aggressive C. critical D. superficial二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)“Wholl give a hundred dollar bill? Ten dollars. Seventy-five. Now eighty. eighty-f

11、ive.”The auctioneers(拍卖商) voice rang out loudly as a crowd 16 around a wagon filled with handmade wooden items and 17 . He was auctioning my grandmothers old wooden picnic basket. The crowd watched as a 18 basket collector struggled to outbid a team of three grandchildren. He was bidding for a picni

12、c basket. My cousins and I were bidding for a piece of family 19 we hadnt seen since our childhood days. This picnic basket was an 20 treasure with some very special 21 . A contest of wills raged on until the old picnic basket was 22 back in our family. The sale price was not 23 , but Grandmothers p

13、icnic basket, with the 24 and love that remained inside it, was priceless.Grandmother often 25 the basket with sandwiches and homemade pie and took my cousins and me to a special apple tree in Grand- fathers orchard. We would picnic and have long 26 under its shady branches.Grandmother told stories

14、about her childhood yearsthe 27 of coming to a new country, establishing(成立) a home, and how she and Grandfather had 28 this special picnic tree.In April, blossom petals(花瓣) sometimes fell into the picnic basket. One day, Grandmother 29 one of the blossom petals. She told us that apple trees need to

15、 30 before they blossom. She explained why each blossom is important for another apple to grow. She also told us that one tiny apple 31 could produce a new tree that would grow, blossom, and 32 many apples in its lifetime.Grandmother gently tossed into our minds the 33 that people also need to grow

16、before they blossom. In ways we could 34 , she explained that we are also seeds with great 35 , and if we grew up strong in faith, we would blossom just like the apple tree.16. A. passedB. gatheredC. moved D. looked17. A. antiquesB. souvenirs C. remains D. instruments18. A. pleasedB. learnedC. skill

17、ed D. determined19. A. tradition B. possessionC. history D. background20. A. unarguable B. unconditionalC. untouchable D. unforgettable 21. A. contentsB. designsC. contributionsD. causes22. A. eagerlyB. controversially C. safely D. effortlessly23. A. reasonableB. importantC. highD. low24. A. lessons

18、B. memoriesC. experiences D. stories25. A. wrappedB. loaded C. coveredD. packed26. A. walksB. chatsC. parties D. games27. A. strugglesB. chancesC. adjustments D. challenges28. A. wateredB. boughtC. plantedD. found29. A. compared withB. referred toC. checked out D. picked up30. A. expandB. growC. bur

19、st D. wait31. A. seedB. branch C. blossomD. root32. A. holdB. produceC. bareD. support33. A. decisionB. truth C. dream D. idea34. A. graspB. understandC. accept D. interpret35. A. purposeB. expectationC. energy D. potential三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AA good dictionary is an invaluable tool for anyone

20、who uses the written word and would like to do so more effectively and correctly. Are you familiar with the different kinds of dictionariesand the services that they offer? There are three basic types of dictionary. They are the compact, historical and general purpose dictionary. The compact diction

21、ary is, naturally, a small pocket sized variety that is somewhat limited in the range of its content. The historical dictionary, on the other hand, is an exhaustive(详尽的) volume that specializes in the history of words. The general purpose dictionary lies somewhere between these two extremes. This is

22、 the most common version that people would have in their home and is the best for everyday use. The functions of the general purpose dictionary are to provide definitions, proper pronunciation, correct spelling and derivations as well as any restrictive labels attached to a word. Lets consider these

23、 individually. Definitions: Many words have more than one meaning. By using a dictionary you can determine which meaning applies to the sentence you are considering. Some dictionaries help you out further by giving sample phrases of correct word usages. Pronunciation: Pronunciation of a particular w

24、ord may vary from region to region, so a dictionary will give the generally accepted pronunciation. Spelling: In the English language, words are often spelt quite differently to how they sound. Thank goodness for the spelling function of your dictionary. Derivations: The study of word origin is a fe

25、ature of your dictionary. This can bring words to life, and expand your knowledge base in a fascinating way. Restrictive Labels: If a word is marked “colloquial” or “slang” it shouldnt be used in formal settings. These labels, then, signal caution in their use. Becoming more familiar with, and regul

26、arly consulting, your dictionary will open up the English language to you. As a result, your speech will be richer and your written communications more fluent. What a fine reward for a little time invested in your dictionary.36. The “colloquial” or “slang” labels remind you that the words _. A. may

27、be borrowed from other languages B. have strange pronunciations C. are used in an informal wayD. have some special meanings 37. You may get disappointed if you want to find _ in a general purpose dictionary. A. the origin of a new wordB. the spelling of a word C. examples of word usages D. the rules

28、 of grammar 38. Which function of the general purpose dictionary is similar to the main character of a historical dictionary? A. Pronunciation.B. Restrictive Labels. C. Spelling. D. Derivations. 39. It can be inferred from the text that a compact dictionary is designed for _. A. teachers B. language

29、 learners C. beginners D. dictionary collectors 40. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means that _. A. its worthwhile to spend some time consulting the dictionary B. the more you use a dictionary, the more knowledge you will get C. a proper dictionary is your good teacherD. you will make

30、 fortune if you spend enough money on dictionary BDespite his death at the age of 25, Keats is one of the greatest English poets and a key figure in the Romantic Movement. He has become the epitome(化身) of the young, beautiful, doomed poet. John Keats was born on 31 October 1795 in London. His father

31、 worked at a horse stable (马棚), but died in 1804. His mother re-married, but died of a severe disease in 1810. Keats was educated at a school in Enfield. When he left at 16, he was apprenticed to a surgeon. He wrote his first poems in 1814. In 1816, he abandoned medicine to concentrate on poetry. Hi

32、s first volume of poetry was published the following year.In 1818, Keats nursed his brother Tom through the final stages of tuberculosis(肺结核), the disease that had killed their mother. Tom died in December and Keats moved to his friend Charles Browns house in Hampstead. There he met and fell deeply

33、in love with a neighbor, the 18-year old Fanny Brawne. This was the beginning of Keats most creative period. He wrote, among others, The Eve of St Agnes, La Belle Dame Sans Merci, Ode to a Nightingale and To Autumn. The group of five odes(颂诗), which include Ode to a Nightingale, are ranked among the

34、 greatest short poems in the English language.From September 1819, Keats produced little more poetry. His financial difficulties were now severe. He became engaged to Fanny Brawne, but with no money there was little possibility of their marrying.Early in 1820, Keats began to display symptoms of tube

35、rculosis. His second volume of poetry was published in July, but he was by now very ill. In September, Keats and his friend Joseph Severn left for the warmer weather of Italy, in the hope that this would improve Keats health. When they reached Rome, Keats was confined to bed. Severn took care of him

36、 devotedly, but Keats died in Rome on 23 February 1821. He was buried in the Protestant Cemetery in Rome.41. Keats got his first volume of poetry published in _.A. 1817 B. 1814 C. 1818 D. 1819 42. It can be inferred from this passage that _. A. Keats girlfriend was a gifted poetess B. Keats girlfrie

37、nd helped him a lot in writing the famous poems C. Keats got great inspiration from love D. Keats was infected with tuberculosis from his girlfriend 43. Which is the right order of events that happened in this passage? a. Keats published his first volume of poetry. b. Keats went to Italy. c. Keats m

38、oved to Hampstead. d. Keats studied in a medical school. e. Keats fell in love with Fanny Brawne. A. b-e-d-c-a B. d-e-a-c-b C. d-a-c-e-b D. b-a-e-d-c 44. It was a great pity that _. A. Keats died too young to write more excellent poemsB. Keats family all died of the same diseaseC. Keats had never se

39、en his poems publishedD. Keats died abroad without a friend around him 45. We can learn the fact from this passage that _. A. Keats lived a miserable childhood B. Keats wrote poets while he was still learning medicineC. hard working is the cause of Keats deathD. Keats could not get married due to hi

40、s bad health CWASHINGTON From the towering Great Dane to the feisty little Chihuahua, all dogs are brothers under the skin. Now, researchers have uncovered a clue to why the animals wearing that skin vary so much in size.Dogs have the largest variation in body size of any land animal, so researchers

41、 led by Elaine A. Ostrander of the National Human Genome Research Institute decided to look into the reasons why.Their finding of a section of genes that controls small size in dogs is reported in Fridays issue of the journal Science.Learning how growth is controlled can improve the understanding of

42、 cancer and other diseases caused by growth gone awry, Ostrander explained in a telephone interview.And the research adds to the basic study of variations, perhaps improving knowledge of the differences between people, she added.K. Gordon Lark of the University of Utah, a co-author of the report, po

43、inted out that dogs have 200 to 300 diseases in common with people, including high blood pressure, autoimmune diseases and cancer.“They also share our environment, so if there is an environmental influence that can trigger disease, dogs will be going through the same process,” he said in a telephone

44、 interview.“So, if we can solve this in dogs, thats a fantastic jump ahead,” Lark said.Keith E. Murphy, principal investigator at the Canine Genetics Laboratory of Texas A&M University, called the research “an incredible piece of work.”It was suspected that there might be a few major genes controlli

45、ng significant differences in body type, said Murphy.46. Great Dane and Chihuahua may be _.A. the names of two cities in AmericaB. the names of two kinds of dogsC. the names of two animal scientistsD. the names of two labs47. What makes a little dog not a big dog?A. Its the gene.B. Its the feeding w

46、ay.C. Its the birthplace.D. Its the environment. 48. Why does Keith E. Murphy call the research “an incredible piece of work.”?A. Dogs are the best friends of human kind.B. Dogs are the main pets human kind keep. C. Dogs are similar in the genes to human kind.D. Dogs can be used as a clue to treat human kind.49. What would dogs in the same area do if people in a cert


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