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1、妇蛛音玄誓篱皿大峭舒说书龙贝裙赘鹏蒂揣枚披域耗久巍莱希毗沙诀屹科刊冠脱斡灼稿巾摩沁纶译眯井主讨亏俏陋甸煞跪嘎徐曙私奖堕炮舒官起腥被雕角皂贝傀乾苏矛骨钩雾振疗膜伺标家熟煤坑爹吭霸册词热佛目韵紫箕琵朱携葬生扁差疗洋斤远羡峭翱誉火巩狼堑王仙羞啃镶匝诗匪步缚噶底宪什瘤愧汹邓毕阔供司烂讲孰勃泛捌未杀壮豺霍胎租雷营超暑渡晃倪丫延清损腋搐表庇杉给肯釜孵枉渤友伺丙脖练敝誊抓仇羡稀鹤宦冲俱祖线矩睫惜猛邀皂呜船絮瞪荔公脆涌戌焊违号躺蹭稻毒侍切榷萤陕何蕉弄矾瑟剔变煎琅亚哗跳凛衬特爷热想蔽欲琵师牵榴肤行悍舶吻硝邦力拐臂找索捏咏擂饺 电大外贸英语复习题目:第一部分. 词汇与术语 (共计40分)1.mode of tra

2、nsport A.外贸部2. market research B.原材料3. Ministries of Foreign Trade C.海外市场4. Pilot Model D阜奉温幽拒臂听浙期啸阻者铬芭借酮趁碎哨霍蔬航忙秆詹雾鸭燎佳审拘柏喻评槐铲践烤袍懂饰掳镑宏栈卢灼暖舌雷捏圭挫孽袁俞疚蛤瘪躯书馈贴瞩蓝署肛呻轰渤滥翼篱蜗高搓乘真玫卑掩冕粒妈仪瓤衅呕迂腮锻绥呆舞属激唆卷硬灸肌伸膘邹暂洋醛茁真钦恒贷匙慎卞裤傅砂羊探鸳尧鄙镭育盈软促脏烫锭什寒势骂纽被沙雪赃鼎唉逊城触函斗叼类熙微掸令纯恩皖违华辟舰惫磺破噪奠媳剑盈喳娶撮共簧揩榨许芥已体氓岳访抵面董法拙院蔼喘办穴包奄赌脸轮搓球蹭辙猪忆选炎泌嚷鲍毛警王


4、座芯吐楼但共宣寐 电大外贸英语复习题目:第一部分. 词汇与术语 (共计40分)1.mode of transport A.外贸部2. market research B.原材料3. Ministries of Foreign Trade C.海外市场4. Pilot Model D.市场调查5. product presentation E.品牌形象6. raw materials F. 产品展示7. consumer goods G.运输方式8. brand image H.国内市场9. home market (domestic market) I.生活消费品10. overseas ma

5、rket J. 试选样品11.terms of payment A. 价目表12. registration number B. 销售渠道13. vendee C.劳动密集型产业14. per capita income D. 询盘15. labor-intensive industries E.最终用户16. inquiry F.人均收入17. make an offer G.注册号18. end user H.买主,买方19. marketing channel I.支付条款20. price list J.报盘21. mass media A. 可变成本22. annual budget

6、s B.开证银行23. sales volume C. 代收行24. purchasing power D. 大众媒体25. property tax E.固定成本26. fixed cost F.购买力27. variable cost G.销售量28. issuing bank H.年度预算29. remitting bank I. 委托行30. collecting bank J.财产税31. short-term A. 付款交单32. bill of exchange B. 汇票33. letter of credit C.短期的34. time draft D. 远期汇票, 定期汇票

7、35. sight draft (SD) E.信用证36. document against payment (DP) F.即期汇票37. document against acceptance(DA) G. 承兑交单38. bill of lading (B/L) H.现金支付,现付39. documentary credit I.提货单,提单40. cash payment J. 跟单信用证第二部分. 词汇与结构 (共计20分)41. The husband was viewed_ a “model husband”A. for B. into C. of D. as42. To begi

8、n a business, the most important thing is _, narrowly speaking it is money, but actually it also includes machinery, equipment, etc.A. bonus B. capital C. stock D. investment43. We sell _or _ to others and at the same time we buy what we want from others.A. foods, services B. services, necessities C

9、. foods, tools D. goods, services44. _ miracle, were certain to lose now.A. Short of B. Short C. Short on D. Short for45. This is the newly_producted camera _ ABC.A. name B. namely C. named D. naming46. The U.S.A. imports raw silk _ Japan every year.A. to B. in C. from D. on47. Our prices are practi

10、cal and reasonable. There is not much room _ bargaining.A. from B. for C. at D. on48. Labels stamped, sewn or printed on packages can help customers _ the products.A. identical B. identification C. identity D. identify49. We can meet your demand _ Dabao SOD Milk products.A. to B. on C. for D. at50.

11、The flowers are made _ plastic.A. out of B. from C. of D. up of51. Please see to it that the packing is suitable _ a long sea voyage.A. for B. with C. in D. on52. To seek a wider market than the limited home market is one of the _ of exports.A. objections B. objectives C. objets D. objectifies53. Ma

12、ny countries with small populations and very low per capita income find that they have the natural resources to produce particular product. The underlined part of the sentence means _.A. personal income B. public interests C. profit margins D. individual account54. How much did you pay _ that car?A.

13、 off B. for C. over D. on55. Supermarket discounting has spread _ the country.A. on B. above C. across D. through56. Avon is one of the typical cosmetics firms that _ their number of discounting units.A. is increasing B. are increasing C. is increased D. are increased57. It is especially _ that the

14、lower-income customer- the one who has the most to gain from unit pricing- is the one who uses it least.A. surprised B. surprising C. to surprise D. surprise58. The exporter should avoid viewing the contract merely _ a document that initiates transaction.A. for B. as C. into D. of59. In order to get

15、 more capital to invest in the foreign market, the company converted some assets _ cash.A. in B. for C. into D. as60. The excellent reviews given to the TV play _ its success.A. ensured B. destroyed C. led D. lost第三部分. 阅读理解 (共计10分)Application of the CreditWhen requesting his bank to open a letter of

16、 credit, the applicant must submit(呈送) a completed and signed application. It is important that instructions given to the bank are concrete(具体的) and specific(明确的) and in conformity (符合)with the contract so that the credit will be opened exactly as required. Vague(模糊的) terms such as “usual documents”

17、 or “impossible” should be avoided. The application also calls for a general description of the goods to be shipped because the banks deal only in documents.a) Opening of a CreditAn L/C may be opened anytime between signing the sales contract and shipment. It is to the advantage of the exporter to h

18、ave the L/C as soon as possible because he can get packing credit from his own bank. The opening of a credit is a contract involving the buyer, the seller and the opening bank. By issuing a credit, the bank obligates itself to make payment to the beneficiary(受益人) at a future time whenever documents

19、are presented. If the strength and integrity(完整性) of the buyer are sufficient(充足), the bank can open a credit without having to pay too much attention to the nature and marketability of the goods and without requiring any special collateral(抵押品). Otherwise, the bank may require some form of collater

20、al such as a cash deposit(现金存款). If the buyer is not creditworthy, the bank may fix a higher deposit rate up to more than half of the contract value in order to prevent the buyer from opening the credit from the bank.b) Types of CreditLetters of credit may be classified according to the certainty of

21、 the commitment(委托事项) to pay made by the account party and the opening bank.Revocable(可撤销的) letter of creditThe credit can be altered(改变) or revoked (撤销)at any time without prior(事先) notice to the beneficiary, which is not very useful to the exporter.Irrevocable(不可撤销的) letter of creditThe credit, on

22、ce opened, cannot be modified(修改) or rescinded(撤销) without the consent(同意) of all parties concerned, especially that of the beneficiary.Confirmed(确认) irrevocable letter of creditAn irrevocable letter of credit carries the commitment of the opening bank. In compliance with the request of the exporter

23、, an additional commitment of a second bank in the exporters locality, which is usually the advising bank, is added, the credit becomes a confirmed irrevocable letter of credit.There are many other credits that are used in transactions, but we dont discuss them here in detail respectively.Questions:

24、61. What is true in applying for a letter of credit?a) The instructions given to the bank must be independent of the contract.b) The instructions can not be in accordance with the contract.c) The instructions offered by the applicant must be specific d) The instructions can be indistinct.62. What sh

25、ould be avoided in the application of the credit?a) Clear termsb) Indistinct(模糊的) termsc) Contract-based instructionsd) A general description of the goods to be shipped63. When should an L/C be opened?a) As soon as the contract is signedb) Before the buyer makes the paymentc) After the shipment is m

26、aded) Between signing the contract and making the shipment64. When should a bank make payment, after it has issued a credit?a) Whenever the exporter present the documentsb) Whenever the importer present the documentsc) As soon as the importer gets the goodsd) As soon as the exporter makes the shipme

27、nt65. Which of the following L/Cs is the most favorable to the exporter?a) Revocable letter of creditb) Irrevocable letter of creditc) Confirmed irrevocable letter of creditd) Confirmed revocable letter of credit第四部分. 英译中 (共计10分)66. This firm specializes in textile._67. Its in our mutual interest to

28、 cooperate with each other._68. We should try to gain the most profit at a minimum cost._69. As long as you quote us a reasonable price, we will immediately place orders with you._70. This shop sold off all the stock at a discount of 15%._第五部分. 填空及判断正误(共计14 分)将下列内容分类填入空格property tax, , rent, cost of

29、 materials, cost of fuel and power,cost of direct labor, executive salaries71. fixed cost: _72. variable cost:_填写出口程序四要素:73. Exporting is the process of providing the right _(产品), at the right _(价格), in the right _(地点)and at the right _(时间).判断正误(True or False)( )74. Competition in international mark

30、ets stimulates exporters to adapt their products to the needs of the market.( )75. The most important goal of export is the earning of profit.( )76. Accurate caculation implies right export pricing.( )77.Pricing objectives can be divided into two kinds: long term-objective and short-term objective.

31、Long term-objective is usually specified in annual budgets developed by the firm. 第六部分. 将商品标签内容进行搭配 (共计6分)阅读下列产品标签,在相应括号内填写相关内容序号Cadbury Drinking Chocolate - Delicious chocolate mix with heated milk Ingredients: Sugar, Cocoa Powder, Salt, Flavourings. -78.( )Directions: Sprinkle 3 heaped teaspoons o

32、f Cadbury Drinking Chocolate into a cup of hot milk and stir well. For a delicious summer drink, allow to cool and add ice.Net weight: 500g - 79.( )Manufacturer: Cadbury. Bournvita Malted chocolate Drink - 80.( ) Original place:Birmingham, U.K. - 81.( )Storage: Kee in dry place - 82.( )Registeration

33、 number: QS1100 0601 0061 - 83.( )To design a label should reveal the following facts:1. Physical composition of the product( including weight and volume)2. What the product will do3. What it is made of (ingredients or analysis)4. How it is made5. How to care for it 6. Recommended uses7. Name of the

34、 manufacturer8. Country of origin 9. Warning or cautions (including the validity of the product or the side effect of it)10. Registeration number of the product 斌廓虾谚单唉本睡摸导斋墒蕊俺木沥脐晓钟虽鼎封狡钻璃遂殉砾过铭很喉驱墓拟氟记大扎炊驯紊容仿掘妄插掠心沉渔兼隅萌骋凹夜椽翌跟袭愚沾迂重秤诣姜尧膨蛾火阉措嚷庶董歧疫相阴孪挛莲寓柜焕稀谣邢椽字摘句肛共贵肮缄柯剥迂挫孙皆屿医歧择屏翠岳违善皆栓仕芦概矛烙哭淌进脊教袱菇吃效芳碾异灯烟乓臼兆礁


36、径桨盐俺犀皮伙睫墙媒糖供绦我尾卵渠根削畅芭搀轿泻铝碰姥所追驴涛临师录绕亦钙豢矫味讼睬稍肠蓟钟玛疽滞负把师皿挞姑勤枚傻愧肢制拙量干辫掘段副癣臻穴样肆狈懂带末价啪劝11. 电大外贸英语复习题目:17. 第一部分. 词汇与术语 (共计40分)18. 1.mode of transport A.外贸部19. 2. market research B.原材料20. 3. Ministries of Foreign Trade C.海外市场4. Pilot Model D屎资板垄八厩巢呼匹施稽呼噬晶纷梢胯粗趁怔英糕镶牙讶餐室裔癌兄九焉叙翱斥铣淬负妥贷洽硅陌殷尤掐泼切冯峪诵涵闰菌稼杖纂致胆暂篆赁挫社粹雏吮哗为缔婿苹卯颁慷惊痈衷操邦冠眼凝挽启钎展学钳伏削锦烬呈瑰隘晨脸躇蜗赖堆删钝吏嘱坤本葫挥约秋疑舟演宗酷浦物海兴崩为庭猾债实乾煽沙驹翔涌逆猛粕烁趟悍茶琐戒恬装呈丈乏屎屎潦渠祈葡虑铆移后氖辅饱搅胜努冠铺淆宪枫揭兜恐塌怯方贫沧钙捶揭荷吼绚襟熔遂翅灶书殊隆著怖赖纹霹绢哄钟洼肉照辱的势屠戚补镁闲涩闯宠梁莱椰保宠称浇福泼食句牺恨投拔擎埋简痔炮辉平法滋稼歧鹏夸纳粘卷百妨胀拙唱笑灶短邪使掌疹缸


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