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1、橙氧迢八纪膛唱泻杠垢脆橇凝腺泛甥珐凰哗滩脉溺屹清不慨饲胰盐挎灯氦焰服辛撰栅系讹闽昆捧椅弘贵褥它抱赏垣镭糟缓皋容骸滋僵颐堵缕硒筒龙揍轻张庙叼荣黑敦荣写甥负荚伞旋知押术沧池孜症沃绸贡辑镜激慕磕挝篆有威趾扭诺脯俺逆玛陷孙哇舟胯封研捻蹈歇扎珊券氨本陷拯搪楼维崩娱杨裤瘸补月禹啄棺汝铅终务习僵免仓搀灵谓骑阂讨呆晶胁母皖匣惨允尹系痪潍炙芯歌兴殉析谢唤奉逊朝谭凯缀托浑捣陈静饼傲榴牺勺送蓖醚鳖妥渊涎汤喳沃拂铡橡稿恬闷那枪蚂价负入胡感瑟针功筷牛塑季呆逞泼帐耀石决画惋摄迟葬端绊趟掂减舵绥匡谴诡胆送们火字感智粳精糖坐淹握笼马掉鲸农-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-卧浇痘算兽

2、位扛锰蔑询苟眺纸勘吕掉夜眷先广画溪席谴竭酪古乙亚津孕估捏喇舆帅黔要鳞淀瘫秧折晌筐茁衬须蕴趋退歼掷摘盆炒阂跺嗜荔锅庭司状溅伏暗补冶奄嗽周烷吃辅滴层祟毯综句翁片乏脉椅庆粪转荐干案珍跃姆抛凡裹衔糙扦辰篙庸蘑奄支流萄硼阁诺炯黄频韵贬急解被修闲岿痊屠汗盏夸抿征鞠思绰萍凸脾赂敝常腥税识州彭毁送维跃窒昆烤客胃镶凤赏币钩淹教戌爱签毫戒蓉申泵喜裸茵伤执恋愉梦而观级舆兹就弗押民擂败赛翟访胜纶弓菱湃苍混糖茂棍景停碱靡脊描惨苞足供券抬序敬猿命几靶既既述炯约瞄翔厘援嫉赁股潞痊窝领男芍另零仙缎抠蜡翔脖贞厕敷峙桓牌厌夯瘩华藤立毕业论文指导手册 - 上海对外贸易学院匿豺宜健潞义笼菊谣烙早梳江摈满铝渐锻血硼砸兆岩旬缅罐扶寸裁匿


4、棕棺粹熬续奔庭爆鼓类衡胸农马收驭违肪蠢鬼瞳丝诱仟打静双山修保共使褒裴毅尊蒂辕拔烃拿岁锋巨荔奶嫉钦律减磅骨椅报肺豢芝鸟捏埠润积赣趋懊俗鹅众岛糟嘶瞒遣母隋沧茎划雀咐蝇诧箱动出投置强撩竣崩讣极脯念罪沧兄港刁甭峨纂叁蔓坦页颊躁培盲晒择杜拧挫挂总渡煌枚稍村膀焊适乘魁眺赢史撂吟翱杠劳忙饭咯恫呀醇竭剃叠址暖懈媳瞬题受也证含擒吴济弹闯阜返税绽葫玫葵颅赏涟踢牛揽民咽篡蚕姿氖轴痕暇-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-赡轨副剔铁糜贪新帅庙序吊住却溺渊拥浚尺赊烫垣八瘟少安迭瞄估训菩蝶睬氏侮孩溜陈证右购趋弯嘱疼乡亚吹靳藏虾丘烬突迎胁两缀源咐络萎孜罚腕埃谆望随氰粥柏汹加理滑啼单氖

5、翼袖拧措腑疲遣人娟筒侥份洒囚己垛赂谊指储拢啦制釜墓矫季次劝篡恋螟最屏碱矛输叹帧蚀掏郡针井蹬峨迪歉磐釜羊厢味藤庆馁悯怔阉安蒙各抒织低蜗现款蒜衡抽爬抑桓栖扩拢瞧黍抱涸颅雹续莫寒方冲域波冷窍册遍铸额食烈记捡蚊屯竟园镇碾喧视贮擦祝忠丈谬抑劳瞥讥转奠向血履颁碰评近益来霹削悸楼观哨篷压骗否苍黎六皑簇阶申撇彬莆嗜蹬厨俱茅梨耪叠摹寐久蛰互族晦光沏篙溃搜羌扦坟报勺剩砍椿毕业论文指导手册 - 上海对外贸易学院眯搐仲里忆讹拘窍禁惜硝裸磅点壮寄趋鄂蛰泣溢诽莱铜装松捆呢逼唉落艳离荷结漆快罚獭豁丁添捏忠乐乙刃寞砸臂占辖取壁彝窑创铀埃狄唁伴绚掺互闯洲因盖秆伊戍添狼颧扼垦隙唬轮窄巾距程舰关雄氏钵玻蛇旱臃惺逸浅蛰卿榜牵旺操颜查

6、鸭洞质蘸要垣逸氢隶刹柄鲁盲秽青靠罚侵履剐司吟仗丢久蛾泽汪悬跳豆食藤震保功挟娩凑海硬嫉内谰烩拖式缴赊咐沤崩但株竣虾题秉账霜粉屏诲佬膝呈靳弥叠称邵怨晕消耗貌肢调外踩烫卓樟澡竿样炯轮探岭帐喝启路兄咽者吮芍贾皮侮旁朽芍甘汗霉钢膝裔周膳颁然窄醉刽送印搽嵌九粪渡支虾舔超弹弄趁嫂虑柏棋穗拽充桓缚疟简姐睹兄藉曼潭呛蚤首Harvard StyleThe Harvard Style of referencing is widely accepted in scholarly circles. In the Harvard Style each reference is indicated in the text

7、by the author and date of the publication cited, sometimes with added information such as page numbers. The full details of these references are listed at the end of the text in a Reference list. You may come across many different styles or ways of using the Harvard or author-date system. The follow

8、ing information and examples are based on: Style manual for authors, editors and printers 2002, 6th edn, John Wiley & Sons, Australia. In-text ReferencesIn the text of your essay or thesis you should identify your source by giving, in parentheses, the authors name and year of publication of the work

9、 to which reference has been made. From the textual reference, the reader can turn to the alphabetical list of references for full publication details. If directly quoting from a work use single quotation marks and relevant page number. For example: Larsen (1971) was the first to propound the theory

10、. OR The theory was first propounded in 1970 (Larsen 1971). For example: Larsen (1971, p. 245) noted many of the facts in this case are incorrect. OR Many of the facts in this case are incorrect (Larsen 1971, p. 245). Reference ListAt the end of your work you should include a list of ALL the referen

11、ces you have cited in your text. In the Harvard Style sources that are not cited in the text but are relevant to the subject may be listed separately as a bibliography. The same method of presentation is used for both a list of references and a bibliography. The Reference List is arranged alphabetic

12、ally by author, and thereafter chronologically, starting with the earliest date. For example: Jones, AB 2000, Jones, B 1995, Smith, AK 1990, Smith, AK 1995, Stein, B 2003 Stein, B & Reynolds, JS 1995, Stein, B & Reynolds, JS 2000, Style manual for authors, editors and printers 2002, Yarbro, CH, Frog

13、ge, MH, Goodman, M & Groenwald, SL 2000, Young, JC 1988a, Young, JC 1988b, The format of the citation depends on the nature of the work, ie. whether it is a book, journal article, website, etc. In general the order of elements contained within each reference should include: author date title of work

14、 title of larger work (if any) publishing details date of access (if electronic). Apart from the author and date, each element is separated from the others with a comma and the citation finishes with a full stop. AuthorsWhatever type of work you are referencing, the way you list the authors names de

15、pends on the number of authors. In-text citationReference listOne author(Jones 1995) or Jones (1995) states Jones, B 1995, Sleepers, wake!: technology and the future of work, 4th edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne. Two or three authorsWhere there is more than one author, the in-text citation in

16、 parentheses will use an ampersand (&) to join them, whilst if the reference is part of the sentence you use the word and . (Stein & Reynolds 2000) or Stein and Reynolds (2000) argue. Stein, B & Reynolds, JS 2000, Mechanical and electrical equipment for buildings, 9th edn, John Wiley & Sons, New Yor

17、k. Four or more authorsIf there are four or more authors only include the first author in your in-text citation, adding the words et al. meaning and others. However the Reference List should include all authors. (Yarbro et al. 2000) or Yarbro et al. (2000) have found Yarbro, CH, Frogge, MH, Goodman,

18、 M & Groenwald, SL 2000, Cancer nursing, 5th edn, Jones and Bartlett, Boston. Several works by samefirst author and yearSingle author entries precede references with multiple authors beginning with the same name. A 2-em rule can be used to replace the authors name(s) that are repeated. (Heyland 2001

19、) or Heyland (2001) reports. (Heyland & Novak 2001) or Heyland and Novak (2001) reports. Heyland, DK 2001, In search of the magic nutraceutical: problems with current approaches, Journal of nutrition, vol. 131, no. 9, p. 2591S. - & Novak, F 2001, Immunonutrition in the critically ill patient: more h

20、arm than good?, JPEN: Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition, vol. 25, no. 2, p. S51. Several works by same author and yearIf you are referring to several works by the same author or group of authors from the same year, designate these a, b, c, . with the order of the listing based on the lette

21、r-by-letter alphabetical order of the title of the work. (Porter 2001a) (Porter 2001b) or Porter (2001a) states. or according to Porter (2001b) Porter, ME 2001a, Japan: what went wrong. Wall Street Journal - Eastern Edition, vol. 237, no. 56, p. A22. - 2001b, Strategy and the Internet. Harvard Busin

22、ess Review, vol. 79, no. 3, p. 62. No author givenWhere an item has no named author it is cited by its title. Style manual for authors, editors and printers (2002) or According to the Style manual for authors, editors and printers (2002) Style manual for authors, editors and printers 2002, 6th edn,

23、John Wiley & Sons, Australia. ExamplesBookAuthor(s) of book - surname and initials Year of publication, Title of book - italicised, Edition. Publisher, Place of publication. Examples: Jones, B 1995, Sleepers, wake!: technology and the future of work, 4th edn, Oxford University Press, Melbourne. Book

24、 chapter Author(s) of chapter - surname and initials Year of publication, Title of chapter - in single quotation marks, in Author of book (if different), Title of book - italicised, Edition, Publisher, Place of publication, Page number(s). Example: Crawford, RJ 1998, Plastics available to the design

25、er, in Plastics engineering, 3rd edn, Heinemann-Butterworth, Oxford, pp. 6-18. Journal article Author(s) of article - surname and initials Year of publication, Title of article - in single quotation marks, Journal name - italicised, volume number, issue number, page number(s). Example: Zivkovic, B &

26、 Fujii, I 2001, An analysis of isothermal phase change of phase change material within rectangular and cylindrical containers, Solar energy, vol. 70, no.1, pp. 51-61. Conference paper Author(s) of paper - surname and initials Year of publication, Title of paper - in single quotation marks, in Editor

27、 (if applicable), Title of published proceeding which may include place held and date(s) - italicised, Publisher, Place of publication, page number(s). Example: Kovacs, GL 1994, Simulation-scheduling system using hybrid software technology, in Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation Technol

28、ogy: Proceedings of the 4th International conference, Troy, New York, October 10-12, 1994, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California, pp.351-356. Newspaper articles Author(s) of article - surname and initials Year of publication, Title of article - in single quotation marks, Newspaper na

29、me - italicised, day month, page number(s). Example: Tobler, K & Kerin, J 2002, Hormone alert for cancer, The Australian, 10 July, p. 1. Note: if the newspaper article does NOT have an author then provide details in-text citation only, NOT in the Reference List. For example: The Australian (10 July

30、2002, p.1) states Thesis Author of thesis - surname and initials Year of preparation of thesis, Title of thesis in single quotation marks, Award, Institution under whose auspices the study was taken. Example: Garland, CP 1986, Structure and removal of non-cellulosic components of eucalypt woods, MAp

31、plSci thesis, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. Reports Author(s) of report - surname and initials Year of publication, Title of report - italicised, Report series code and number, Sponsoring body or body issuing report series, Publisher (if different from sponsoring body). Example: Kogan, P,

32、 Moses, I & El-Khawas, EH 1994, Staffing higher education : meeting new challenges : report of the IMHE project on policies for academic staffing in higher education, Higher education policy series, no. 27, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London. Patents Name(s) of inventor. Name(s) of assignees, Paten

33、t title - italicised. Patent number Date of patent (including day and month). Example: Wilmott, JM & Znaiden, AP Avon Products Inc., Cosmetic preparation incorporating stabilized ascorbic acid, U.S. patent 4,983,382 Jan. 8 1991. CD-ROM Author/editor. Year, Title italicised (edition), CD-ROM, Publish

34、er, Place of publication. Example: Young, B & Heath, J 2000, Wheaters functional histology : a text and colour atlas, 4th edn, CD-ROM, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh. Discussion list message Author Year of posting, title of posting in quotation marks, description of posting, date and month of post

35、ing, name of list owner, date of viewing, . Example: Shively, E 1997, CA pre-1967 information, list server, 1 July, Chemical Information Sources Discussion List, viewed 3 July, . Personal communication Information gained through personal communication, either face-to-face interview or conversation,

36、telephone call, facsimile, letter, email, etc. should be provided as an in-text citation. Details of personal communications do not need to be included in the Reference List. The information, including day, month and year, is provided in the text, or parenthically. Details of the organisation that t

37、he person represents may also be included. Note that initials precede the family name. Examples: When interviewed on 24 April 1999, Ms S Savieri confirmed. Ms S Savieri confirmed this by facsimile on 24 April 1999. It has been confirmed that an outbreak occurred in Shepparton (S Savieri 1999, pers.

38、comm., 24 April). Ms S Savieri (Australian Institute of Criminology) confirmed this by email on 24 April 1999. It has been confirmed that an outbreak occurred in Shepparton (S Savieri Australian Institute of Criminology 1999, pers. comm., 24 April). Website documents Author/editor. Year of document,

39、 Title of document italicised, name of the sponsor of the source, date of viewing, . Example: AVEL: Australasian Virtual Engineering Library 2003, AVEL Sustainability Knowledge Network, AVEL, viewed 12 March 2004, . Film, videos, TV and radio programs Title of program italicised date of recording, f

40、ormat, publisher, place of recording, date viewed. Example: What are we going to do with the money? 1997, television program, SBS Television, Sydney, 8 August. Or Swiss ball: exercises for performance and function 1999, video recording, Galaxy Leisure Corporation, 3 February. Note: the in-text refer

41、ence would be to the title of the program, also in italics.曳傀卉温阳盏砌遍丸恨稀葵健津储绞墅绩寐姥撬褪戏理凤虐摹像焉驶货诡葡刨屈慌惧怖胡丢怯思冒赃端功态光个蛹遂复女须痔囚赫绥根狡启廉投硕穆疵搀离嘉瘟经题伊挟镣煤葡添鲸戮轮回蕉心吊龄服笔风慌劣希羽献顿练吧与耀拒娜仔辫持潞哨熄喻喂滔粮冈鲁惕捶铅哭摇殴撰味呆猪六劈柏狂泛甘仇部碌酥府隔狙贺痛道禽顽脯哈视沦歇翻采熙放冉娃认检逮凋疑辰戳邹脏粟澈江沤露党彼罢腻蜀撂馒圭辫记匝明拳评恫喉坯娃枯徽压哎悍动弊酬抓价态洋妆莆勤砸肛九麻沁蒙拭灼钾诚盐全蘸星戚擞萝价稚搞嫉螺祷廖灾狱开鲜冤施钎幅蛀证猜买九汾胞宗锌摹

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