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3、对较大小型企业经过资本市场或从商业银行贷款难度仍然很大,且取得贷款实际负担利率水平也显著更高。以浙江为例,经过银行和农信社等传统金融机构融到资只占21%,而49%小企业主经过亲友和民间借贷融资,经过小额贷款企业和典当行融资占7%和1%(其它22%无借贷行为)。而这些企业中63%企业贷款利率高于基准利率,远高于大型、中型企业,且需支付较多额外费用。长江三角洲地域,不少小微企业融资成本在15%到25%之间。贷款难、贷款贵问题成为制约小微企业发展瓶颈。较高融资成本大于了企业利润率,造成了企业生存危机,甚至温州出现“老板跑路”现象。二、小微企业融资难社会根源1. 小微企业经营特点和银行机构以“做大做强



6、加了成本,所以商业银行对小微企业信贷主动性偏弱。3. 小微企业信用体系建设滞后,信用担保机制不健全。造成和银行和担保机构信息不对称,即使信用情况好企业也极难经过银行及资本市场融到足够资金。同时,现在担保机构相对于小微企业崛起,数量还是偏少且运作不够规范,造成在协作银行方面还有不少困难。4.小微企业银行信贷以外融资渠道较窄。相比大企业能够发行股票、债券及融资租赁、信托等多个方法融资来讲,小微企业信贷不能满足。三、缓解小微企业贷款难提议和思索1.加紧信用平台建设,改善投融资环境。加紧小微企业信用体系建设现有利于金融机构和其它企业了解企业信用情况,改善融资环境,又能为信用统计良好企业发明更多发展机会

7、,降低交易成本,为企业连续健康发展打下坚实基础。建立小微企业信用档案时小微企业信用体系建设关键步骤。提议借鉴发达国家经验,明确给予人民银行采集企业信用信息法律地位,细化各级政府相关职能部门配合信息采集和更新义务,激励小微企业定时上报真实财务信息,同时保护这些信息安全,提升查询使用标准;加强部门间协调,促进银行系统和各政府职能部门信息整合,在加强行业内部管理基础上建立和完善信息库,统一信用信息服务平台,规范小微企业信用披露、征集、比对、共享和利用等活动;加大信息推介和使用,培养小微企业信用意识,发挥信用信息在小微企业金融服务中支撑作用 。 2.拓宽融资服务市场,规范发展小额贷款企业。在法律规范健




11、议设置中小型银行等金融机构”,这对于中国也来说是含有里程碑意义,民营企业创建银行主动性空前高涨,因为民营资本和小微企业先天同质性,这对于小微企业是重大利好。同时民营企业兴办银行业将推进中国银行业差异化、特色化经营,有利于银行更多地发展市场化和商业化经营。5. 发展互联网金融,用好网贷平台优化资源配置。互联网金融就是将传统金融行业支付、投融资、风险管理等业务模式搬到网上,由互联网提供银行之外新通道。多年来网贷平台就是经典模式之一,它在帮助小微企业贷款方面发挥着越来越关键作用。网贷平台本质是线上金融信息中介。 以“陆金所”、“河北信投在线”为例,这个网贷平台线下完成项目帅选、调研、审核、风控、担保



14、资担保风险赔偿,为担保企业降低后顾之忧;同时金融部门、银行监管部门应引导大型银行建立服务小微企业金融服务专营机构,引导中小型银行将改善为小微企业服务和战略转型相结合,科学调整信贷结构;对达成一定标准小微企业(比如吸纳就业能力大劳动密集型企业)提升贷款额度,对增加小微企业信贷投放有突出业绩金融机构给奖励等。30 years of reform and opening up, the rapid development of Chinas small and micro enterprises, in the economic and social development plays a more

15、 and more important role, the development of small and micro enterprises to promote the employment, enrich the supply of goods, promote the balance of trade at home and abroad. According to statistics, at the end of , Chinas SMEs accounted for more than 99%, the contribution rate of more than 50% GD

16、P, and provides 80% of urban jobs.However, these are all in all walks of life, a large number of different types of financing, different needs of small and micro enterprises, has long been faced with the problem of financing. Affected by the international financial crisis, in recent years, the domes

17、tic economic situation downward pressure on the larger, small and micro enterprises financing difficult problem is particularly prominent, and even some enterprises in the face of financial crisis due to the collapse of the plight of. What causes small and micro enterprises financing difficulties? T

18、o alleviate this social problem, what do we need to do? Worthy of our deep thinking.One, small and micro enterprises financing difficulties have become a social issue of concern to the community1 countries have started related measures to ease the financing difficulties of small and micro enterprise

19、s.In recent years, the State Council, the ministries have issued a series of relevant documents, to take effective measures to help the development of corporate finance. Under the supervision of the regulatory authorities, small and micro enterprises loan growth picked up. Until the end of , the maj

20、or financial institutions and small rural financial institutions, foreign banks RMB small micro enterprise loan balance of 15.46 trillion yuan, an increase of 15.5%, increasing ratio last year end of 1.3 percentage points higher, small micro enterprise loan balance accounted for 30.4% of business lo

21、ans, accounting for Bibi last year at the end of a percentage point higher. Annual small and micro enterprise loans increased by more than two billion yuan, accounting for 41.9% of incremental corporate loans, accounting for 1.6 percentage points lower than the previous year.2 small and micro enterp

22、rises loan demand is still not satisfied.Although the central and relevant departments attach great importance to, financial institutions also increased the support, but along with the continuous increase of economic development and demand for loans, small and micro enterprises even scale relatively

23、 larger small businesses through the capital market or from the difficulty of commercial bank loans is still large, and obtain loans bear the actual interest rates significantly higher. Taking Zhejiang as an example, through the traditional banks and rural credit cooperatives and other financial ins

24、titutions to finance capital accounted for only 21% and 49% of small business owners by friends and family and private loan financing, by small loan companies and pawn financing accounted for 7% and 1% (22% of lending behavior) .com And these enterprises in 63% of corporate lending rates higher than

25、 the benchmark interest rate, much higher than large and medium-sized enterprises, and the need to pay more of the additional costs. Yangtze River Delta region, a lot of small and micro enterprises financing costs between 15% to 25%. Difficult loans, loans to become a bottleneck restricting the deve

26、lopment of small and micro enterprises. Higher financing costs than the profit margins of the enterprise, leading to the survival of the enterprise crisis, and even Wenzhou boss on foot phenomenon.Two, small and micro enterprises financing difficult social roots1 small and micro enterprises operatin

27、g characteristics and banking institutions to bigger and stronger as the goal of the business strategy does not match. Although in recent years the stock market have a certain development, the bond market began to promote, but the financing structure of our country is still in the inter-bank loan fi

28、nancing, and Bank of China from the economic composition and ownership structure see to state-owned advocate. The vast majority of small and micro enterprises are private enterprises, state-owned banks in the credit risk of small and micro enterprises are particularly cautious. one side。 Banking ind

29、ustry in recent years in the development process to bigger and stronger as the primary strategic objectives, a number of medium-sized banks, small banks also from this trend, and even the integration set up local city commercial banks, but they did not adhere to doing fine and stronger in the region

30、, but still preferred choice and large and medium-sized enterprises docking, cause of regional financial vacancy. On the other hand, small and micro enterprises are small, weak capacity, once the tightening of monetary policy, small and micro enterprises feel the pressure is more obvious. Banks in t

31、he credit crunch, reduce funds available, from their own profit maximization, risk minimization principle of priority to support large, high-quality customers, set up barriers to small and micro enterprise lending, harsh conditions, time-consuming, high implicit costs, exacerbated by the small micro

32、 enterprise loans difficult.2 small and micro enterprises themselves to some extent is not conducive to the characteristics of credit financing. Mainly reflected in three aspects: first, small and micro enterprises financial system is not standardized, the lack of credibility of the financial statem

33、ents. Small and micro enterprises because of the lack of professionals, resulting in financial accounting system is not standard, .com not perfect, lack of systematic, continuous and comprehensive financial report, the financial institutions of the operating conditions and the future development pro

34、spect is not easy to accurately judge, increased the difficulty of the loan. Two is small and micro enterprises, small size, limited collateral. Lending institutions to ensure that the use of loan guarantees security, small and micro enterprises because of the lack of adequate physical assets as col

35、lateral, commercial banks to lend more cautious than large and medium enterprises. Third, small and micro enterprise loan demand for funds in the short, frequency, fast and urgent, each enterprise is different, an increase of the complexity of the procedure, increase the cost, so the commercial bank

36、 credit to small and micro enterprises positive weak.3 small and micro enterprises credit system construction is lagging behind, the credit guarantee mechanism is not perfect. Lead to asymmetric information between banks and guarantee agencies, even if the credit status of the enterprise is also ver

37、y difficult to finance through banks and capital markets. At the same time, the present guarantee institutions relative to the rise of small and micro enterprises, the volume is still too few and the operation is not standardized, resulting in cooperative banks there are still quite a few difficulties.


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