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1、_8A Unit 5一单词:野生的adj./n.储存,节省自由的,不受拘束的一会儿,一段时间一道菜捉住,捕捉同情厚的,密的死v.失去,被夺去 v.大熊猫(词组)生存,生计意思是,意味着杀死开始,期初人令人遗憾地,不行地难过的,遗憾的面临,面对遗憾,可惜 n.严重的 adj卖,出售主要地,大部分 adv.行动,表演v.然而疾病结果因为,由于(词组)危险 n.接受,收受行动,行为 n.报告法律,法规尾巴没有一个(人或物)活动,移动关闭的缓慢地迷路的,迷失的白天海豚*保护区*特性,才能*昆虫*狼*否则*松鼠*蝙蝠*斑马*蜜蜂*猎人*条纹*你的真诚的*二、短语: 1、no way 不可能,决不 2、t

2、ake/have pity on sb. 同情某人3、the kings of the animal world 动物世界的国王 4、be born 出生 at birth 在出生时5、weigh just 100 grams 仅仅重100克 6、look like a white mouse 看起来像一个小白鼠7、at four months old= when he is four months old= at the age of four months在四个月大时8、start to go outside 开始出去 9、for the first time 第一次10、not any

3、more= no more= notany longer= no longer不再11、in the beginning 在开始的时候at the beginning of 在的开始in the middle of 在的中间at the end of在的末尾in the end最后12、drink her mothers milk 喝母乳 13、look after oneself= take care of oneself 照顾某人自己14、face serious problems 面对严重的问题15、for example + 句子 一个例子 ,such as(介词) + 短语 多个例子

4、16、live on a special kind of bamboo 靠一种特殊的竹子为主食 17、as a result 结果18、have a place to live有地方居住 19、be in danger/ out of danger处于危险中/脱离危险(反义词)dangersafety dangerous- safe20、take action to do sth. 采取行动做某事21、right away= at once = right now 立刻、马上22、build more panda reserves 建造更多的大熊猫保护区23、make laws to prot

5、ect pandas 制定法律去保护大熊猫24、do something for giant pandas 为大熊猫做些事情25、at birth= when he was born 在出生时 26、go towards the water 往水边走27、go near the lions and tigers 靠近狮子和老虎 28、jump around 在四周跳29、stand with its eyes closed闭着眼睛站着30、work out maths problems 解答出数学题31、fly the right way with the help of their mout

6、h and ears 在他们的嘴和耳朵的帮助下飞到正确的地方去32、get lost = lose ones way迷路33、remember to come back the same way as they went 记得按照他们出去的路回来34、save some food before winter comes 冬天到来前储藏食物35、run for a short while 跑一会儿36、catch tigers for their fur or other parts of the body为了皮毛和身体的其他部分抓老虎37、see, hear and smell things

7、far away看到、听到、闻到远处的东西38、run for hours without stopping跑几小时而不停39、work as a team以团队形式工作live as a family以家庭形式生活live in family groups (以家族以式)过群居生活40、kill for fun为了取乐而杀戮 41、lose living areas失去生存地42、be dangerous to humans对人类有危险43、Its a great pity! 真遗憾44、lose their lives 失去他们的生命45、What a shame! 真遗憾、太不像话了!4

8、6、members of the Wild Animals Club 野生动物俱乐部的成员47、because of hunting由于猎取48、need our protection需要我们的保护49、wonderful paintings of animals漂亮的动物画50、have feelings of happiness and sadness 有快乐和悲伤的感觉51、accept our invitation 接受我们的邀请52、Thank you for your kindness.谢谢你的爱心。53、move around slowly in the daytime 在白天慢

9、慢四处移动54、sleep through the winter冬眠三、句型:1. 没有他们我会死的。I may die without them. die v. _(现在分词) _ adj. _n. a. He _last month. His _ made us sad. b. The doctor did what he could to save the _boy. die of 死于疾病、饥饿等内部原因,die from 死于地震、事故等外部原因2. 当希望出生时,她只有100克重。When Xi Wang was born, she weighed just 100 grams.

10、Weigh v. _n. 提问体重? _is the weight of the panda? _does the panda weigh? _is the panda?4. 在四个月大时,它重大约八千克,并且第一次走到户外。At four months old, she weighed about eight kilograms and started to go outside for the first time. a. at four months old = _ b. start to do sth. =begin to do sth. c. for the first time 第

11、一次5. 可悲的是,大熊猫子野外面临严峻的问题。Sadly, giant pandas face serious problems in the wild. Sadly 副词,令人遗憾地,不幸地,放在句首修饰整个句子。 形容词是 _, 名词是_. e.g a. _(luck), he had an accident but he wasnt badly hurt. b. _, we could build a better world on the mars.(hope) c. We can share our happiness and _with our friends.(sad)6. 结

12、果,熊猫可能是没有地方居住或没有吃的食物。As a result, pandas may not have a place to live or food to eat. e.g. 我没有钢笔写字。 I have no pen _.我无处可坐。 There is nowhere for me _.7. 我们应当立刻采取行动。We should take action right away. 采取行动干某事 _right away 立即,马上,语气弱于at once 8. 他们随时可能成为桌上的菜肴。They may become dishes at the table any time.9.

13、我们再也不应该购买皮外套。We shouldnt buy fur coats any more.10. Could/Would you please (not)_? 请你(不)做某事好吗?11、Would you like to live in the wild, Eddie? 埃迪,你愿意住在野外吗?13、Eight months later, she was not a small baby any more. 八个月后,她再也不是个小宝宝了。14、It is very difficult for pandas to have babies.对熊猫来说,生宝宝是非常困难的。15Howeve

14、r, the bamboo forests are becoming smaller and smaller. 然而,这种竹林变得越来小。16If we do nothing, soon there may be none left!如果我们什么都不做也许很快就一只也不剩了19、However, we do believe that where there is Xi Wang, there is hope.然而,我们坚信熊猫在,希望就在。20、Sometimes they forget where to find the food.有时他们忘记到哪里找到食物。21、I think every

15、body should act to protect wild animals. 我认为每个人都应当行动起来保护野生动物。22、We should not kill them for any reason 有任何理由,我们都不应该捕杀他们。四、语法:1. 用may 表示可能。 情态动词 may表示猜测某件事发生的可能性时,意为“也许,可能” You may be right. Your mother may not know the truth. 注意:may 表示“可能”时,通常只用于肯定句和否定句中,相当于possibly,perhaps, maybe.2. 用动词不定式做宾语。 A.在英

16、语中,有些动词后可以跟动词不定式,即“ to+动词原形”,在句中做宾语。常用这种结构的动词有:agree, choose, decide, hope, learn, plan, prepare, promise, refuse, wish 等。 e.g. They decide _(go) on a trip next week. The boy hopes _(meet ) you at once. We promise _(not ) make any noise in the museum.B. 有些动词,如like , start , begin 后面既可以跟动词不定式做宾语,也可以跟

17、动名词-ing 做宾语,且含义基本相同。C. “疑问词+动词不定式”也可以跟在一些动词后做宾语。 我不知道该怎么办。 I dont know _ to do and _to do it. Some dogs dont know how _(have ) fun. Have you decided where _(plant) trees?D. Wearing red can make it easier to take action. 在该句子中,动词不定式为真正的宾语,由于较长用了it 做形式宾语,而将它放在句子后面。 I found _ difficult to make a lanter

18、n. A. one B. that C. its D. it E. 注意一些动词后既可以用动词不定式做宾语,也可以用动名词做宾语,但意思截然不同。 Forget to do sth. / doing sth. remember to do sth/ doing sth. stop to do sth/doing sth.3. 动词或形容词转化为名词,词尾加ing,-ness,-ionA.discuss_collect_celebrate_educate_ donate_invite_act_ B. dark _ ill _ kind_ sick_ busy_ happy_C. feel _ b

19、egin _ swim_ jog_ meet _ 8Unit 6一、单词精品资料观鸟市场是的口母鸡美味的口鹤麻雀羽毛天鹅鹰宽的,宽大的翅膀种类稀有的,罕见的大自然自然的,天然的湿地提供庇护所/ 覆盖,包括野生动物极好的,完美的周围,绕一圈一年到头然而停留、逗留(n.)容易地(adv)分,分币百分之以便,为的是空间领导,带领导致越来越少此外渔民(单,复)捕鱼,钓鱼政府防止,预防协会,社会记录改变,变化(n.) 旅游者,观光者计算,数数描述理解,明白重要性写下,记下覆盖,包括丹顶鹤望远镜清晰地说话人,演讲者旅行申请表格,形式地址主席介绍二、短语1. 去集市观鸟 go birdwatching at

20、 the market 3. 一年到头 all year round=the whole year 5. 过冬 spend the winter7. 出生日期 date of birth9. 有更多的空间 have more me at /call me on11. 参加活动 take part in activities12. 欣赏自然世界 enjoy the natural world2 在鸟展上at bird shows4. 给鸟儿拍照 take photos of the birds6. 发出漂亮的声音make beautiful sounds8. 制定法律

21、来阻止make laws to prevent10. 为提供食物和庇护所 provide food and cover for 12 研究他们数目上的变化 study the changes in their numbers13.褐灰相间的羽毛brownandgreyfeathers 14.在白天inthedaytime15.扎龙自然保护区ZhalongNatureReserve 16.在中国东北inNorth-eastChina17.在黑龙江省inHeilongjiangProvince 18.容易的观察它们easilywatchthem19.最重要的湿地之一oneofthemostimpo

22、rtantwetlands20.理解湿地的重要性understandtheimportanceofthewetlands21.记录种类和数量上的变化recordthetypesandchangesinthenumbers22在那短暂停留staythereforashorttime23.导致越来越少的空间leadtolessandlessspace24.没有许多鹤幸存下来Therearenotmanycranesleft25.有更多空间给农场和大楼havemorespaceforfarmsandbuildings26.随身携带笔记本 takeanotebookwithyou28.要求人们不要为任

23、何原因捕捉鸟askpeoplenottocatchbirdsforanyreason29.同意让我加入他们的学校旅行agreetoletmejointheirschooltrip30.看见某人做某事/正在做某事seesomebodydo/doing something31.听见某人做某事/正在做某事hearsomebodydo/doing something32.告诉我们认真的观鸟tellustowatchthebirdscarefully33.鼓励我们描述鸟 encourageustodescribethebirds34.建议我们不要喊叫 adviseusnottoshout35.使鸟飞到南

24、方过冬 makebirdsflysouthforthewinter36.占地面积 coveranareaof37.许多植物和稀有鸟的家园hometoalotofplantsandrarebirds38.对人们的健康重要 beimportanttothehealthofpeople39.最好戴副望远镜 hadbettertakeapairofbinoculars40.申请表 anapplicationform41.兴趣和爱好 interestsandhobbies42.让我自我介绍 letmeintroducemyself43.对做某事感兴趣 be interestedin(doing)some

25、thing41.参加活动 takepartinactivities三、重点句型1. The area provides food and cover for a lot of wildlife. 这个地区为许多野生动物提供了食物和庇护所。 provide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth. 注意: offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 2. It is one of the worlds most important wetlands. 它是世界上最重要的湿地之一。 one of the +最高级+名词复数3. Many b

26、irds live in Zhalong all year round, while some go there only for a short stay.A while 意为“却,但是,而“的意思 That area has lots of natural resources, while this one has none. 那个地区自然资源丰富,而这个地区却一点儿也没有。while 作连词时,表示为“当时候“,引导时间状语从句,while所引导的从句中要用延续性动词。He often falls asleep while he is watching TV.B. go for a sh

27、ort stay 做短暂停留 stay n. stay in a quiet town 呆在一个安静的小镇 stay v. The cold weather will not stay long. 寒冷的天气不会持续很长时间 stay link.v. 在这样的环境中大熊猫很难生存。 It is very difficult for giant pandas _alive in such a situation.4. Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and bu

28、ildings. have space /room for 为留出空间5. This will lead to less and less space for wildlife.A. lead to 导致.,通向. lead to success lead sb. to .引导某人到某地. 注意: lead led led B. less and less +不可数名词 fewer and fewer +可数名词 越来越少 more and more +可数/不可数名词 越来越多.6. I am very interested in learning about different kinds

29、 of plants, birds and animals.7. Take a notebook with you to write down what you see. 随身带本笔记本以便记下你的所见。8. The reserve covers an area of over 4,530 square kilometer. = The reserve is over 4,530 square kilometers in area. 9. This will help people to understand the importance of the wetlands. 这将会帮助人们理解湿

30、地的重要性。 湿地对我们很重要。 The wetlands are _ _ to us.10. in North-east China= in the north-east of Chinain范围内 to 范围外 on 接壤Taiwan is_ the south-east of China.Beijing is _the norh of China.Anhui is_ the west of Jiangsu.Japan is _the east of China.11 . cover n.(v) 庇护所provide food and cover for a lot of wildlife

31、. n.(c) 盖子,封面 the cover of the magazinestick(stuck) sth on the cover v. 覆盖The reserve covers/has an area of over 4530 square kilometres.=The reserve is 4530 square kilometres in area.=The area of the reserve is 4530 square kilometres.v.包括=include The book includes/covers 3 parts.cover A with B The s

32、hy boy often covers his face with his covered with sthThe ground is covered with snow.The hill will be covered with trees in a few years.12. cent n.分 (pl.)cents one hundred cents =one dollar percent = per cent 百分之Forty per cent of the students in my class_ girls.75 per cent of the informati

33、on on the Internet _(be)in English.13. the Chinese/English /American government 政府 (作主谓 谓v.用单数)14. This pair of binoculars is / looks good. Can I use them?15. take sth with sb (bring / carry) 随身带If you come here. Please bring a book with you.I took some money with me . Take a notebook with you to wr

34、ite down what you see.16. address n.(c) 地址 an address / different addresses Whats your address?17. the chairperson of the Students / Workers Union 学生会主席/工会主席 四、语法1. 动词不定式做目的状语, 表示莫伊动作或状态的目的He stopped to ask the way. = He stopped in order to ask the way. He stayed at the school to clean the classroom

35、. = He stayed at the school in order to clean the classroom. in order to do sth. 的否定式为 _.表目的的状语既可以置于句尾也可以置于句首。_(get) there in there, they started early.= They started early _ _ there in time.=They started early _ _ they could get there in time.We should do what we can _(protect ) our environment.2.

36、动词不定式做宾语补足语 常跟带to的动词不定式做宾语补足语的动词有: ask, tell, order, invite, get , allow, wish, want, encourage, advise, warn, like等。e.g. The policemen told the boys _(obey) the traffic rules.The policemen warned the boys _(not play) on the roads. 注意: 感官动词hear, feel, see, watch, notice等;使役动词let, make, have. 后面的动词不定

37、式做宾语补足语时省to. I saw her _(open) the door. Jim had his brother _(mend) his bike. Lucy is often heard _(sing) songs in her room. The workers were made _(work) 12 hours a day. 在被动语态中动词不定式省去的to要还原。 help后面的动词不定式可带也可不带to. help sb. (to ) do sth.3.动词或名词词尾加-er,-or 或 ist, 构成名词 Speak _ play_ report _ farm _ win

38、 _ swim _ act _ visit _ direct _ survive _ invent _ tour _ science _ art _ 8A Unit 7一、单词有雨的有雪的阵雨;阵雪在.之上当时;随着温度下降,落下上升;升起云踢发烧咳嗽糟糕的,很坏的暴风雪风大约其余的部分度数少量吹,刮大声地给打电话,响起铃声困倦的;瞌睡的光亮;光泽突然的引起,是发生雪球打仗深的陆地激动人心的扔,投,掷雪人(单,复)冰到处记忆,回忆*收割,收获*庄稼,收成*阳光*光亮的,反光的*结冰的*尖叫,惊呼*小河,溪流*雾*有雾的*蝴蝶*阴凉处*打赌,敢说*堆光亮的,反光的二、短语1.with nothi

39、ng on 什么也不穿 full of /be filled with 充满 3. play among flowers 在花丛中玩 4.fall into piles upon the ground 成堆地落在地上5.harvest crops 收获庄稼 6.from morning till night 从早到晚 7.have a high fever 发高烧 awful day 糟糕的一天9.turn more cloudy 天变得更阴 the thirties 三十几度 11.make them look funny 使他们看上去有趣 12.the sudden heavy rain 突如其来的大雨13.snowball fights雪杖 covered in/ with deep white snow 被覆盖在深深的白雪里15.throw snowball at each other 相互扔雪球16.use carrots for their noses 用胡萝卜作为它们的鼻子 far away飞到远方 18.turn brown变黄19.drop below zero降到零度以下 20.coug


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