1、初二英语知识点梳理(8A)Unit One Penfriends单词(见课文后的word box)词组1. get a letterfrom2. would like to do3. tell sb. about sth.4. one and a half metres tall5. play chess6. owe a Chinese restaurant7. an accountant8. during the holidays9. walk to school10. be keen on11. enjoy doing sth.重点句型1. The room is five metres
2、long, four metres wide and three metres high.2. My hobby is playing shess.3. My ambition is to be an architect.4. He is probably very clever.5. His dad probably enjoys food.6. He will probably go to university after he leaves school.7. I hope you will write to me soon and tell me all about yourself.
3、语法Asking Wh- questions and How questions Eg. What / Where / When / Which / Who? How / How big / How far / How long / How much / How old / How many?Unit Two Work and play单词(见课文后的word box)词组1. put on ones school uniform2. play puter games3. be popular4. over half a million games5. the manager of the p
4、any6. be responsible for7. discuss the business over breakfast8. drive sb. to school9. make phone calls to sb.10. be boring11. achieve A grades in12. fail an exam13. start school14. collect sb. from 15. return to school16. attend a club17. ask sb. to assist18. have violin lessons19. continue doing s
5、th.20. need much sleep重点句型1. Wendy Wang, 15, must be one of the top students in the city.2. Luckily, puter games are very popular.3. I enjoy seeing my school friends, but some of the work is boring because it is too simple for me.语法1. The simple present tenseEg. He drinks milk every day. Does he dri
6、nk milk every day? He does not drink milk every day.2. Adverbs and adverbial phrases of frequencyEg. I always / usually / often / sometimes / seldom / nevergo to school by bus. I have violin lessons once a week / every night Twice a month / On TuesdaysI play basketball.Unit Three Trouble单词(见课文后的word
7、 box)词组1. wait for the ferry2. hear a big argument3. shout at each other4. hold out a bag5. stare at6. move through7. steal ones purse8. start doing sth.9. be gone10. run away11. follow sb.12. hurry aboard13. go after14. be afraid of15. pick up the phone16. report a theft17. give some more details18
8、. putdown19. see sb. doing sth.重点句型1. My dad and I were waiting for the ferry when suddenly we heard a big argument.2. The man showed everyone that the bag was empty.3. No one knew what was happening.4. The man hurried aboard and the two women tourists went after him.5. As we got off, we saw the two
9、 women tourists and four policemen standing around the man .6. I said “Well done, Dad” as we walked by.语法The simple past tenseEg. He reported the theft yesterday. He did not fight the man at that time. Did they find the purse last Sunday?Unit Four Numbers单词(见课文后的word box)词组1. at least2. in ancient t
10、imes3. in many different ways4. in the same way5. the system of numbers6. calculating machines7. an abacus8. a modern electronic calculator9. in a flash10. in ones whole lifetime11. a living puter12. human brain13. more powerful14. a lady with an amazing brain15. like lightning16. program the puter
11、with instructions重点句型1. In ancient times, people wrote numbers in many different ways, as these pictures of the number 6 show.2. However, they nearly all counted in the same way-in tens.3. This was a very important invention because it made it easier to write big numbers and to calculate.4. Abacuses
12、 are so fast and accurate that people still use them today.5. Some people call the brain a living puter.6. Use your own living puter to solve the problem above.7. Is a human brain a more powerful calculator than a puter?语法Cardinal and ordinal numbersEg. three seventy-five twentieth hundredthDecimals
13、 and fractionsEg. 7.145 seven point one four five 5/8 five-eighthsInstructions and statements about numbersEg. 3 plus 9 equals is 12.ImperativesEg. Use your own living puter to solve the problem above. Dont copy Janes work, Sally.Unit Five Encyclopaedias单词(见课文后的word box)词组1. live on the Earth2. over
14、 sixty million 3. as small as4. someothers5. be harmless6. be fiercer than7. die out8. leave behind9. a famous amusement park10. be created by11. be famous for12. most famous cartoon characters13. be born14. leave school15. sell newspapers16. deliver mail17. at the same time18. study art19. a real m
15、ouse20. a famous thinker21. in Greece22. the way to do sth.23. own as few things as possible24. throw away25. bee even happier重点句型1. Dinosaurs lived everywhere.2. Some were as small as chickens. Others were as big as ten elephants.3. Some dinosaurs were fiercer than tigers.4. After leaving school, h
16、e sold newspaper and delivered mail.5. A real mouse sometimes sat on Disneys desk while he was working.6. Diogenes taught that the way to be happy was to own as few things as possible.语法Countable and uncountable nounsEg. These butterflies are pretty. Music is important to me.Using another and (the)
17、other(s)Eg. I have two apples. One is big and the other is small. Here are six books. One is mine. The others are my sisters. Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens. Others were as big as ten elephants.Unit Six Nobody wins(1)单词(见课文后的word box)词组1. be lost2. run out of 3. towards evening4. land on5.
18、 an unexplored planet6. in a valley7. be close to8. be storeys high 9. approach the door10. be similar to11. get out of12. hop in13. look like14. giant kangaroos15. a huge monster16. give a roar17. press a button18. steel bar19. spring from20. be caught in a trap21. a powerful magnet22. turn towards
19、23. e in peace24. do sb. a favour重点句型1. The furniture inside was similar to the type on the earth.2. It looked almost human except that it had a single, huge, red eye.3. Before we could move, Gork pressed a button on the wall beside him.4. You e in peace, but tomorrow youll be in pieces.5. When he s
20、poke, his voice shook.6. We went through the door and entered a huge cave.7. Its clearly partly human, so it may be a friendly monster.8. You were wrong about the monster being friendly.语法The simple future tenseEg. Will he be ready tomorrow? He is not going to practise tennis in an hour.Asking quest
21、ions using question tagsEg. Peters is a navigator, isnt he? Lam wasnt very brave, was she?Unit Seven Nobody wins(2)单词(见课文后的word box)词组1. lie down2. fall asleep3. start to snore4. laser torch5. escape from6. melt the bars7. interrupt ab.8. use sth. to do sth. 9. be out of the cage10. aim at11. press
22、the button12. laser beam13. hit sb. in the eye14. giant kangaroos15. attack sb.16. have a bad dream17. one by one18. make sure重点句型1. Were too weak to open the door.2. The noise brought the kangaroos running into the room.3. As they hopped through the door, he felt their backs with his hands to make
23、sure we were not riding on them.4. A few moments later, he escaped through the door to freedom.语法Prepositions of locationEg. in, on, beside, under, above, next to, in front of, behind, betweenUsing some and anyEg. I have got some questions. She has not got any questions. Have they got any information?Using somebody, someone, something, etc.Eg. I saw somebody / someone / something. I did not see anybody / anyone / anything. Did you see anybody / anyone / anything? I saw nobody / no one / nothing.
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