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1、初一年级教案活页纸 审核人:初一英语组全体老师总 课 题Unit 7 shopping总课时 第 课时课 题Grammar课型New教学目标知识目标1. To learn to use some or any to talk about the amount of something.2. To learn to use there be to show about something exists.能力目标To develop the Ss ability of finding and identifying things natural law.情感目标 none教学重点The usage

2、s of some/any and there be教学难点To learn how to understand and use some/any and there be correctly课前预习Preview some,any and there be教学过程教学环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动备课札记Step1 Lead-inStep 2 PresentationStep 3 PracticeStep 4 PresentationStep 5 PracticeStep 6 ConclusionStep 7 HomeworkThe teacher can take out a book

3、and says: I have a book and then take out some books and says: I have some books. Write I have some books on the blackboard. Next, the teacher can take out a bottle of water and says: I have some water. Write it on the blackboard. Underline some books and some water. Ask students to work out the rul

4、e, that is we can put some before countable nouns and uncountable nouns.The teacher can say: I dont have any pens. I want to buy one but I dont have any money. Do you have any? Write any pens and any money on the blackboard. Ask students to work out the rule, that is we can put any before countable

5、nouns and uncountable nouns.Read Part A on page 85 and answer some questions:Which festival are they getting ready for?What does the girl want to buy?Does she have any money?Let the students find out the rules about some and any. The teacher can conclude that some can be used in positive sentence an

6、d any can be used in question and negative sentence. Besides, the teacher should add that some also can be used in questions. We use it when we are making offers and requests and we expected the answer to be yes.Ask students to plete exercises. First, students work individually. Then students check

7、their answers in pairs. After that, act the dialogue out.Work in pairs to make a dialogue like this:A: My birthday is ing. I want to buy something for my birthday party. Lets go shopping. B: All right. Do you need some fruit?A: Sure. I need some bananas and oranges.B: What about drinks?A: I need som

8、e juice and cola.Show some pictures about countable nouns and uncountable nouns. Let students practice using some and any.Present the two sentences There is a book on the desk. There are some books on the desk. Letstudents tell the differences between the two sentences,Explain the meaning of there i

9、s and there are and the differences between them. We use there be to show that something exists. We use there is before a singular noun or an uncountable noun. We use there are before a plural noun.Show some pictures and make some sentences by using there be:Write them on the blackboard and ask How

10、can I change it into a yes or no questions? Discuss in pairs.Let the students make a conclusion about how to change there be pattern into negative sentence and ask them to read the sentences in Part B on page 86.Ask students to plete Part B and then check the answers as a whole class activity.Read t

11、he passage together.Sum up the using some/any and the using there be.Write a position by using some/any and there be. (50 words)Prepare for the next lessonSs say sentences.Ss look at the table on the small Bb at first , then read. Read and check the answers, and pare.Go through and read.Ss plete and pratice reading.Then make a new dialogue using their own information.Ss learn how to write , and pratice reading.There is some water in the bottle.There are some pens in the box.There is an English book on my desk.调动学生口语表达的热情。培养学生独立自主解决问题的能力。检查学生掌握情况。教学反思教学反思:教学反思:教学反思:


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